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Ian Donald School Book 09.indb - World Association of Perinatal ...

Ian Donald School Book 09.indb - World Association of Perinatal ...


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Chapter 4. WORLD IAN DONALD SCHOOL BRANCHES Argentinafetal therapy. She has been author or coauthorin over 40 books and scientificpublications, and over 280 scientific papersand articles. She has attended trainingcourses in Argentina and abroad.She has lectured extensively at both localand international meetings and has organizedinnumerable national and internationalcongresses: ISUOG (1999); WAMP(1999), the XXI st Fetus as a Patient Congressheld in Buenos Aires in April 2005.In 1989 pr<strong>of</strong>essor VOTO was fellow andco-investigator at the Department <strong>of</strong> Obstetricsand Gynecology, Queen’s MedicalCentre, University <strong>of</strong> Notting ham, England.From 1992 to 1993 she was coordinatorin Argentina <strong>of</strong> the collaborativeproject «Collaborative Low-Dose AspirinStudy in Pregnancy for the Preventionand Treatment <strong>of</strong> Pre-eclampsia and IntrauterineGrowth Retardation» (CLASP),organized in Oxford, England, by a Committeeincluding Drs. C. REDMAN, M. DESWIET, P. RUBIN, E. M. SYMONDS and M. EL-DER. From 1993 to 1995 she was Director<strong>of</strong> the Argentina-England collaborativeproject «Prevention and promotion <strong>of</strong>maternal and perinatal health in criticallyimpoverished populations», carried outby Miguel Margulies Foundation for <strong>Perinatal</strong>Research, the British Council andthe British Embassy in Argentina. In 1995she became a Clinical Investigator for theNational Council for Research in Scienceand Technology (CONICET).Pr<strong>of</strong>essor VOTO was the Director <strong>of</strong> JuanA. Fernández Hospital, Buenos Aires City,Argentina, the reference centre for highrisk pregnancy and fetal medicine. She isalso the President <strong>of</strong> Miguel MarguliesFoundation for <strong>Perinatal</strong> Studies, and isthe Head <strong>of</strong> the Institute <strong>of</strong> Fetal Medicineand High-Risk Pregnancy (named afterher) in Buenos Aires city. In additionto these positions, she is an active member<strong>of</strong> both national and internationalscientific societies.Apart from the numerous awards pr<strong>of</strong>essorVOTO has received for her invaluablescientific work, she has been presentedwith two special awards for her outstandingperformance as Director <strong>of</strong> Juan A.Fernández Hospital: Award <strong>of</strong> the ArgentineSociety <strong>of</strong> Occupational Medicine toher work as Director <strong>of</strong> Juan A. FernándezHospital during the deep socio-economiccrisis, November 27, 2002, and«Quality Management in Health», grantedby the Secretariat <strong>of</strong> Health, Government<strong>of</strong> the City <strong>of</strong> Buenos Aires, November 19, 2003 and the «Rosa de PlataAward» granted for the Argentine NationalParliament for her actived work inmaternal and fetal health (2007).Recently, she became an Associate Member<strong>of</strong> the International Academy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Perinatal</strong>Medicine (President: Pr<strong>of</strong>essorERICH SALING) at Cornell University, NewYork (2008).56

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