Don Field Decommissioning Programme (pdf, 7.8MB) null - BP

Don Field Decommissioning Programme (pdf, 7.8MB) null - BP

Don Field Decommissioning Programme (pdf, 7.8MB) null - BP


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DON-<strong>BP</strong>-001<strong>Don</strong> <strong>Field</strong> <strong>Decommissioning</strong> <strong>Programme</strong>10 Physical Presence10.1 IntroductionDue to the increased vessel requirement associated with decommissioning operations,there is the potential to interfere with other sea users in the area.10.2 Vessel PresenceNormal routes of communications will be used by statutory organisations to notifyshipping of the presence of increased levels of vessel activity, usually through the issueof a Notice to Mariners.In addition to these statutory requirements, <strong>BP</strong> has established lines of communicationto inform other sea users, including fishermen, of their offshore activities. <strong>BP</strong>’s existingfishery liaison process will be used to provide decommissioning activity and scheduleinformation to fishing organisations so that the fishing industry is made aware ofdecommissioning activities at <strong>Don</strong> and along the pipeline routes to the Thistle platform.10.3 Long-term Presence of Decommissioned FacilitiesExcluding the Northern Leg Gas Pipeline (NLGP) crossing, pipelines and umbilicalsbetween the <strong>Don</strong> Manifold and the Thistle platform are trenched and will be left in situ.Note: The pipelines and umbilicals at the NLGP crossing will be left in place until thepermanent decommissioning of the NLGP pipeline.Leaving the pipelines and umbilicals in situ is considered the best environmental option,as the removal of these would result in disturbance to the surface layer of the seabed.Although the lines are not buried below the recommended 0.6m, due to the extremelystable seabed environment in the vicinity of the <strong>Don</strong> <strong>Field</strong>, it is not expected that therewill be any impacts associated with leaving these lines in place.Of the protection and stabilisation features being left in place, there are not expected tobe any significant impacts due to the inert nature of the materials.<strong>BP</strong> proposes to undertake over-trawlability tests to confirm that there will be no negativeimpacts associated with fishing gear interaction, with any remedial activities beingcarried out as necessary. <strong>BP</strong> have undertaken initial consultation with the SFF regardingtheir proposed decommissioning activities and further consultation will be undertaken aspart of the statutory decommissioning programme consultation process.11 ConclusionsDuring the EIA process, the potential impacts of the <strong>Don</strong> <strong>Field</strong> decommissioning projecton the environment were identified and considered. Overall, it is considered that theproject will not have any significant impacts on the environment.Environmental Impact Assessment9-8 May 2011

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