Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System


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V. Accomplishments 2000 - 2006Facilities, Exhibits and Trails◊◊◊◊◊◊◊Built and fully equipped the Maine CoastalEcology Center, a 6,000-square-foot facilitythat features a research lab, teaching lab, offices,and geographic information systems center.Designed and built interpretive exhibits in a1,000-square-foot hall in the Maine CoastalEcology Center.Established and opened the Coastal ResourceLibrary, a 700-square-foot space in the barncomplex, which includes books, periodicals,and internet access. Became part of the MaineSchool and Library Network.Built and fully equipped a 4,500-squarefoot,20-bed dormitory called the AlheimCommons.Designed and built the Forest Learning Shelter,a 20-foot by 30-foot structure along the Saw-Whet Owl Trail for educational use by the<strong>Reserve</strong>, schools, and community groups.Designed, built, and installed four new fullcolorinterpretive signs located along the SawwhetOwl, Farley, and Laird-Norton trails thatinform visitors of forest ecology, all as part ofthe Forest Learning Trail.Protected historic buildings on the Laudholmcampus by making significant structural andbuilding envelope repairs, such as re-roofingthe barn complex and painting the VisitorCenter.◊◊◊Upgraded the <strong>Reserve</strong>’s technology, including:rewiring the Visitor Center and Barn Complexwith dedicated fiber optic lines for voice anddata; installing T-1 line, routers, and internetswitches; and installing videoconferencingequipment.Built new boardwalks to facilitate access toforested areas of the <strong>Reserve</strong>.Developed and installed at various locationsnew interpretive signs on topics such as history,land use, functions of salt marshes, andinvasive species.Interpretive Education◊◊◊◊◊◊Developed teacher training programs.Developed and offered guided group programsfor local communities.Increased community outreach through speakingengagements and other presentations.Developed the Water Quality Monitoring FieldStudies and Microscopic Drifters programs formiddle school and high school teachers andstudents.Designed quantifiable evaluations for the<strong>Reserve</strong>’s guided interpretive programs forschool groups.Aligned all guided school programs with theMaine Learning Results, and identified whichFigure V.1 The Maine Coastal Ecology Center, a 6,000-square-foot research and education facility, openedin 2001.34 Wells <strong>National</strong> <strong>Estuarine</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong>

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