Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System


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Figure X.1. Jeremy Miller (right) and Martin Junco identify, measure and photograph benthic invertebratesfrom the Gulf of Maine.◊Share information, personnel, equipment andfacilities with partners to facilitate research.Objective 3Promote the development and implementationof regionally coordinated ecological monitoringof coastal habitats, and continue to maintain andexpand the <strong>System</strong> Wide Monitoring Program(SWMP).Strategies◊ Fully implement and expand SWMP, includingbio-monitoring and land-use change analysis.◊◊◊◊◊Collect, maintain and analyze consistentSWMP data for weather, water quality, nutrients,vegetation and land-use change usingstandardized protocols and technologies.Organize, review, document and submit quality-controlledSWMP data to the CentralData <strong>Management</strong> Office.Promote and increase awareness of SWMPdata within the Gulf of Maine scientificcommunity.Link SWMP and other monitoring effortswith the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing<strong>System</strong> and the national Integrated OceanObserving <strong>System</strong>.Contribute to local, regional and Gulf ofMaine initiatives involving restoration scienceand coastal habitat monitoring.NERR <strong>System</strong> <strong>Research</strong> OverviewThe <strong>National</strong> <strong>Estuarine</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong> <strong>System</strong>(NERRS) provides a mechanism for addressingscientific and technical aspects of coastal managementproblems through a comprehensive, interdisciplinaryand coordinated approach. <strong>Research</strong> andmonitoring programs, including the developmentof baseline information, form the basis of thisapproach. <strong>Reserve</strong> research and monitoring activitiesare guided by national plans that identify goals,priorities, and implementation strategies for theseprograms. This approach, when used in combinationwith the education and outreach programs, willhelp ensure the availability of scientific informationthat has long-term, system-wide consistency andutility for managers and members of the public touse in protecting or improving natural processes intheir estuaries.The NERRS research program was re-evaluated in1991, 1994 and 1996. <strong>Research</strong> policy at the Wells<strong>Reserve</strong> is designed to fulfill the NERRS goals asdefined in program regulations. These include:◊◊Address coastal management issues identifiedas significant through coordinated estuarineresearch within the <strong>System</strong>;Promote Federal, state, public and private useof one or more reserves within the <strong>System</strong><strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>: <strong>Research</strong> and Monitoring79

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