Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System


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◊The York County Audubon Society, whichis affiliated with the Maine and <strong>National</strong>Audubon Societies, fosters understanding,appreciation, and conservation of the naturalworld. The society collaborates broadly withthe Wells <strong>Reserve</strong>, including research, monitoring,and education projects.◊◊Numerous land trusts and conservation commissionscollaborate with the Wells <strong>Reserve</strong>on land conservation, education, and stewardshipprojects in watersheds of coastal zonecommunities.University of Maine Cooperative Extension:Laudholm Trust and the <strong>Reserve</strong> have acooperative agreement with University ofMaine Cooperative Extension (York County)Master Gardner Program. The organizationscollaborate on public education and outreachprograms of mutual interest.NOAA’s Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe NOAA <strong>Estuarine</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong>s Division (ERD)establishes standards for designating and operatingreserves, provides support for reserve operationsand capital (land and buildings) projects. ERDundertakes projects that benefit the reserve system,and integrates information from individual reservesto support decision-making at the national level.As required by Federal regulation, 15 C.F.R. sec.921.40, the ERD periodically evaluates NERRoperations for compliance with federal requirementsand with the individual <strong>Reserve</strong>’s federallyapprovedmanagement plan.The NERRS is a federal/state partnership.<strong>Management</strong> of the <strong>Reserve</strong> is the state partnerresponsibility, but NOAA cooperates and assiststhe states and reviews the progress of programsthrough written semi-annual and reports submittedby the <strong>Reserve</strong>. Pursuant to Section 312 of theCoastal Zone <strong>Management</strong> Act, NOAA conductsthorough, site-based performance evaluations everythree to four years, ensuring the <strong>Reserve</strong> is complyingwith NERR <strong>System</strong> goals and its approvedmanagement plan. If deficiencies are found in theoperation of a reserve, NOAA will work with the<strong>Reserve</strong> to correct them. If the correction does notFigure VI.2. A field trip to the Little River.occur in a reasonable time period, NOAA maywithdraw the <strong>Reserve</strong> designation.ERD staff, in particular the program specialist,communicates regularly with the <strong>Reserve</strong> staff.This communication strengthens the partnershipbetween the <strong>Reserve</strong> and ERD; it familiarizesERD with <strong>Reserve</strong> program accomplishments andchallenges, and solidifies the concept that the individual<strong>Reserve</strong> is part of a national system.Laudholm Trust PartnershipLaudholm Trust is one of the founding organizationsof the Wells <strong>Reserve</strong> and continues to be theprimary partner in raising the funds needed tomeet the non-federal match for NOAA operationsand capital grants. Laudholm Trust/Wells <strong>Reserve</strong>is a private/public partnership, which is unique inthe <strong>National</strong> <strong>Estuarine</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong> <strong>System</strong>.In addition to grants for operations, the Trust providedkey financial support for the construction ofthe Maine Coastal Ecology Center and the AlheimCommons dormitory, the acquisition of conservationlands within the <strong>Reserve</strong>’s boundaries, andimprovements to the <strong>Reserve</strong>’s historic buildings.Members of the Trust’s Board of Directors alsoserve on the <strong>Reserve</strong>’s many advisory committees,providing expertise and input on a range of issues.Over the next five years, the Trust’s ability to raisefunds and build membership in support of the<strong>Reserve</strong>’s core programs, in addition to helpingaddress priority capital and land acquisition needs,<strong>Management</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>: Administration45

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