Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Management Plan - National Estuarine Research Reserve System


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guide site administration. A complete copy of eachMOU is in Appendix A. They include:◊◊◊◊◊◊The RMA and the <strong>National</strong> Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration signed an MOUin 2006 describing the purposes of the Wells<strong>Reserve</strong> and the state and federal agency rolesin its management.The RMA and the U.S. Fish and WildlifeService signed an MOU in 2006 describingrights, responsibilities, and obligations of eachentity within the Wells <strong>Reserve</strong>.The RMA and the Maine Department ofConservation/Bureau of Parks and Landssigned an MOU in 2006 describing rights andresponsibilities regarding submerged landswithin the Wells <strong>Reserve</strong>.The RMA and the Maine Department ofConservation/Bureau of Parks and Landssigned an MOU in 2006 describing rights andresponsibilities regarding 200 acres of landowned by DOC that are within the Wells<strong>Reserve</strong>.The RMA and the Town of Wells signed in2006 an MOU that establishes a frameworkfor coordination and collaboration betweenthe Wells <strong>Reserve</strong> and the Town.The Wells <strong>Reserve</strong> and Laudholm Trust signedan MOU in 2005 that explains and outlinesthe roles and responsibilities of each organizationand the details of their collaboration andpartnership.Other Partner Roles and ResponsibilitiesIn addition to the organizations that are representedon the RMA, Wells <strong>Reserve</strong> collaborates with awide range of local, state, and federal partners onthe development and implementation of research,education, and stewardship programs. Here is anoverview of some key partners and a brief descriptionof their collaborations with the Wells <strong>Reserve</strong>.◊◊The Maine Department of Inland Fisheriesand Wildlife preserves, protects, and enhancesinland fish and wildlife resources. A representativefrom this agency serves on the StewardshipAdvisory Committee.The Maine Department of Marine Resourcesconserves and develops marine and estuarineresources. A representative from this◊◊◊◊◊◊◊agency serves on the Stewardship AdvisoryCommittee.The Maine Department of EnvironmentalProtection protects and restores naturalresources and enforces the state’s environmentallaws. A representative from this agency serveson the Stewardship Advisory Committee.The Natural Resources Conservation Service(U.S. Department of Agriculture) helpspeople conserve, maintain, and improve thenation’s natural resources and environment. Arepresentative from this agency serves on theStewardship Advisory Committee.The University of Maine <strong>System</strong>: The State universitysystem includes two public universitiesthat have active coastal and estuarine researchand education programs – the University ofSouthern Maine (USM) and the University ofMaine (UMaine). Currently, a scientist fromthe UMaine serves on the <strong>Reserve</strong> <strong>Management</strong>Authority governing board, and representativesfrom USM serve on the Education AdvisoryCommittee. Faculty at USM and UMaine alsocollaborate with Wells <strong>Reserve</strong> researchers onprojects.The University of New England (UNE) isan independent, coeducational universitywith numerous degree programs, includingthose with an emphasis on EnvironmentalStudies and Marine Science. A representativefrom UNE serves on the <strong>Research</strong> AdvisoryCommittee. Faculty at UNE collaborate withWells <strong>Reserve</strong> researchers and educators.The Gulf of Maine Council on the MarineEnvironment is a U.S.-Canadian partnershipof government and non-government organizationsworking to maintain and enhance environmentalquality in the Gulf of Maine. Thecouncil facilitates habitat restoration, research,and education projects at the Wells <strong>Reserve</strong>.The Casco Bay Estuary Partnership (CBEP) isa cooperative effort to protect the health andintegrity of Casco Bay. The CBEP collaborateswith the Wells <strong>Reserve</strong> on research, education,and outreach projects.The Southern Maine Regional <strong>Plan</strong>ningCommission is a council of governments thatcoordinates efforts for economic developmentand resource management. A representativefrom this agency serves on the Coastal TrainingProgram Advisory Committee.44 Wells <strong>National</strong> <strong>Estuarine</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong>

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