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warm up<br />

ROW<br />

Grab the weight with your palms facing your body (grip can be shoulder width or wider). Bend at the<br />

knees and slightly lean forward, keeping your back straight. Using your lats, pull the weight up until it<br />

just about touches your ribcage in a controlled manner (envision having your shoulder blades coming<br />

closer together during the motion) and pause briefly at the top of the movement. Then slowly lower<br />

the weight back down to the starting position while feeling your upper back stretch.<br />

SQUAT<br />

Take a stance with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and your feet pointed slightly<br />

outward. With the weight across your upper back resting on the upper portion of your traps and<br />

having a light grip on the bar with your hands, slowly bend at the knees while pushing your glutes<br />

back as if you were going to sit down, making sure your knees stay over your feet (your feet should<br />

stay firmly planted on the floor). Your head should stay straight or slightly up.<br />

When your upper legs are parallel or slightly below parallel, pause and then drive upwards propelling<br />

your hips forward and standing upright. Stop just short of your knees locking out as to not<br />

hyperextend your knees.<br />


Grab the weight with your palms facing your body (grip can be shoulder width or wider just as long<br />

as it’s outside of your quads). Take a stance with your feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider.<br />

Bend your knees slightly and slowly lower the weight following the line of your body. Allow your<br />

glutes to move behind you which will help you maintain balance. Make sure your head follows your<br />

body and keep your spine in a neutral position during the movement.<br />

Allow the bar to stay about two inches from your shins until the bar is in line with the middle or<br />

lower part of your shins. Pause briefly and then using your hamstrings, thrust your hips forward and<br />

bring the weight back up, again following the line of your body. Make sure your hips and shoulders<br />

are moving simultaneously to ensure you are using your hamstrings and not your lower back.<br />



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