Online Papers - Brian Weatherson

Online Papers - Brian Weatherson

Online Papers - Brian Weatherson


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David Lewis 70<br />

Instead of ranking collections of truths by two measures, strength and simplicity,<br />

we will rank them by three, strength, simplicity and fit. A collection of truths that<br />

entails that what does happen has (at earlier times) a higher chance of happening<br />

has better fit than a collection that entails that what happens had a lower chance of<br />

happening. The laws are those generalisations in the collection of truths that do the<br />

best by these three measures of strength, simplicity and fit. The collection will entail<br />

various ‘history-to-chance’ conditionals. These are conditionals of the form If H t then<br />

P t (A) = x, where H t is a proposition about the history of the world to t, and P t is the<br />

function from propositions to their chance at t. The chance of A at t in w is x iff there<br />

is some such conditional If H t then P t (A) = x, where H t is the history of w to t.<br />

The position that I’ve sketched here is the position that Lewis says that he originally<br />

was drawn towards in 1975, and that he endorsed in print in 1994. (The dates are<br />

from his own description of the evolution of his views in (1994a).) But in between, in<br />

both (1980c) and Postscript C to its reprinting in (1986c), he rejected this position because<br />

he thought it conflicted with a non-negotiable conceptual truth about chance.<br />

This truth was what he called the “Principal Principle”.<br />

The Principal Principle says that a rational agent conforms their credences to the<br />

chances. More precisely, it says the following is true. Assume we have a number x,<br />

proposition A, time t, rational agent whose evidence is entirely about times up to and<br />

including t, and a proposition E that (a) is about times up to and including t and (b)<br />

entails that the chance of A at t is x. In any such case, the agent’s credence in A given<br />

E is x.<br />

An agent who knows what happens after t need not be guided by chances at t. If<br />

I’ve seen the coin land heads, that its chance of landing heads was 0.5 at some earlier<br />

time is no reason to have my credence in heads be 0.5. Conversely, if all I know is<br />

that the chance is 0.5, that’s no reason for my conditional credence in heads to be 0.5<br />

conditional on anything at all. Conditional on it landing heads, my credence in heads<br />

is 1, for instance. But given these two restrictions, the Principal Principle seems like<br />

a good constraint. Lewis calls evidence about times after t ‘inadmissible’, which lets<br />

us give a slightly more concise summary of what the Principal Principle says. For<br />

agents with no inadmissible evidence, the rational credence in A, conditional on the<br />

chance of A being x, combined with any admissible evidence, is x.<br />

The problem Lewis faced in the 1980s papers is that the best systems account<br />

of chance makes the Principal Principle either useless or false. Here is a somewhat<br />

stylised example. (I make no claims about the physical plausibility of this setup;<br />

more plausible examples would be more complicated, but would make much the<br />

same point.) Let t be some time before any particle has decayed. Let A be the proposition<br />

that every radioactive particle will decay before it reaches its actual half-life.<br />

At t, A has a positive chance of occurring. Indeed, its chance is 1 in 2 n , where n is<br />

the number of radioactive particles in the world. (Assume, again for the sake of our<br />

stylised example, that n is finite.) But if A occurred, the best system of the world<br />

would be different from how it actually is. It would improve fit, for instance, to say<br />

that the chance of decay within the actual half-life would be 1. So someone who<br />

knows that the chance of A is 1 in 2 n knows that A won’t happen.

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