Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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4 - Temuen, The Island They Call Nan Madol

could fly with these machines!

In the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, which houses the biggest Polynesian collection in the

world, several long passages are full of these flying machines. Large numbers of similar

machines are stored in the Museum in Auckland. These admittedly poor copies of very

early flying machines have been promptly and without exception declared "ritual attributes"

on all sites and in all museums.

The four-winged beings in Assyria were ritual beings. Pottery artifacts with technical

drawings of circular and spherical ornaments were ritual objects.

The technical-looking objects in the hands of the statues of Tula were ritual objects.

The space traveler on the tombstone at Palenque was an Indian in a ritual pose.

The clearly recognizable packs and tubes (supply systems) on the backs of Mayan priests

were ritual accouterments.

And naturally the fiber frames on the Polynesian islands were also turned into ritual masks.

Such stupidity reminds me of the title of a novel by Mosheh Y. Ben-Gavriel, Camels Drink

from Dry Wells, Too.

The Polynesians did not discover the key to the art of flying on their own. They had

teachers, who spent some time on earth in ages unknown to us. Since they came from an

extremely advanced civilization, I assume that technical trifles were a spare-time hobby for

them and that one of their inventions was the rocket-belt. (Fig. 51.) Americans and Russians

use these one-man flying machines, originally constructed for space travel, to take

individual commandos to their destination over hills and rivers. Even one-man helicopters

are no longer a Utopian idea. Rotor blades are mounted on a motor carried on the back, on

the chest is a small box with the controls. If a child was given some wood and straw and

asked to knock up a strange aviator like those that he had seen on television, a "ritual mask"

would certainly result. But the child would consider it as "his" flyer.

Now it would clearly be exceeding the ration of audacity I have allowed myself if I were to

claim that the earliest ancestors of the Polynesians had teachers from an alien

technologically advanced civilization from the cosmos ... if the South Seas peoples' legends

did not do precisely that.

In his Ancient History of the Maori, New Zealand, 1889, John White has assembled South

Sea legends with the scrupulous care of a scholar. When he began his work in 1880, he was

told many prehistoric stories at first hand by the priests. The subjects in the first volume

alone show where the origin of prehistory is to be sought:

"The god's family tree

The story of the creation

War in the universe

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