Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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7 - "IT"

What meaning has this one God decreed for intelligent life?

The molecular biologist Jacques Monod, Director of the Pasteur

Institute, Paris, and Nobel Prize winner in 1965, excited and upset the

world of believers with his book Chance and Necessity, and even the

atheistic left were outraged by Monod's thesis, because they suspected

in it a philosophical inflation of biological facts into an ersatz religion.

In his book Monod names the three stages which made all life


● 1. The formation of the mainly chemical components of living

beings on earth: the nucleotides and the amino-acids.

(Nucleotides are compounds of phosphoric acids, nucleic bases

and carbohydrates which are found especially in the cell nuclei.

Amino-acids are organic acids which are important in the

building up of albumen.)

● 2. The formation, on the basis of these materials, of the first

macro-molecules capable of replication (macro-molecules are

those consisting of 1,000 or more atoms).

● 3. Around these infinitely repeatable structures is formed the

teleonomic apparatus, a system that is complete in itself; it leads

to the original cell.

Monod summarizes the most recent work on molecular biology and

genetics. Billions of years ago certain simple carbon compounds (such

as methane) entered the earth's atmosphere and the earth's crust. Later

water and ammonia formed. From these simple compounds many

substances originated, including nucleotides and amino-acids, which

were finally combined into the first organism, the first cell, and

consequently the first life, in the prebiotic primordial soup. In other

words, that was a time when chemical and physical processes were not

yet dependent on the presence of living beings. (Gods from Outer

Space.) The "short step" to the evolution of homo sapiens ostensibly

comes into the theory of evolution in a peaceful development without

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