Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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5 - On The Trail Of The Indians

enthusiastic laymen. The Austrian Ludwig Schwennhagen was one of them. He

was a teacher of philosophy and history and lived for a long time in Teresina, the

capital of the north Brazilian state of Piaui. Schwennhagen was the first man to

give a detailed description of the mysterious Sete Cidades (Seven Cities) in his

book Antiga Historia do Brasil, published in 1928. When the second edition of his

book came out in 1970, Schwennhagen had long since died a poor schoolmaster.

I first heard the name of Schwennhagen from the lips of Dr. Renato Castelo

Branco, who brought me an invitation to visit Sete Cidades as the guest of the

Government of Piaui.

"Whereabouts are these Sete Cidades?" I asked.

"Only 1,875 miles away as the crow flies," answered Dr. Branco. "North of

Teresina, between the town of Piripiri and the Rio Longe. We can be there the day

after tomorrow."

There were two reasons why we landed at Teresina at government expense. Firstly,

Chariots of the Gods? and Gods from Outer Space have gone into several editions

in South America (especially in Brazil) and open all doors to the author. Secondly,

the Governor of Piaui wants to turn the site of Sete Cidades into a national park and

is grateful for any publicity which will further his plans.

A well-built road covers the hundred miles from Teresina to Piripiri. The landscape

is flat and dark green; the verges of the road are covered with undergrowth that is

bordered by dense jungle. Wild pigs, wild cows and wild horses make the journey

somewhat dangerous. Although the district is almost on the equator, the climate is

bearable. A gentle breeze blows constantly from the coast some 200 miles away.

From Piripiri you travel to Sete Cidades by a rough ten-mile road that can be used

by cross-country vehicles. Suddenly and without warning you are confronted by

the first ruins. (Fig. 54.)

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