Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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1 - The Gold Of The Gods

from the grasp of Pizarro and the Spanish Viceroy. The Great Ocean

lurks at the end of the underground passages of 'Guanape,' so called

after the island that lies off the coast of Peru here, because it is

assumed that these passages once led under the sea to this island. After

the passages have gone uphill and downhill several times in pitch

darkness, a murmur and the strangely hollow sounding noise of surf is

heard. In the light of the searchlight the next downhill slope ends on

the edge of a pitch black flood which is identified as seawater. The

present-day coast also begins here underground. Was this not the case

in former times?"

Scholars think that a search on the island of Guanape would be

pointless, because there is nothing there to indicate that a passage from

the mainland ever emerged on to it. "No one knows where these

subterranean roads of the Incas and their ancestors end or whether they

lead the way to the bursting treasuries of worlds that vanished long


Francisco Pizarro and his rapacious followers had already suspected

that gold treasures existed in-impenetrable Inca hiding places. In 1532

the noble Spaniard promised the Inca ruler Atahualpa his life and

freedom if he filled two-thirds of a room measuring 23 by 16 by 10

feet with gold. Atahualpa believed the word of the ambassador of Her

Christian Majesty Juana the Mad (1479-1555). Day after day the Incas

fetched gold until the room was filled to the required height. Then

Pizarro broke his word and had Atahualpa executed (1533).

In the same year the Spanish Viceroy elevated the Inca Manco Capac

to the rank of shadow king. (He, too, was murdered by the Christian

conquerors in 1544.) His death saw the end of the Inca dynasty, which

had entered history with its legendary founder of the same name.

According to the historians, 13 "Sons of the Sun" are supposed to have

ruled the Inca kingdom between the first and the last Manco Capac. If

we date its historically established beginning to around A.D. 1200 and

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