Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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5 - On The Trail Of The Indians

Fig. 56. The "tortoise" is the special attraction in the wilderness of Sete Cidades.

In the absence of research, nothing positive can be said about it.

Although the origin of the Seven Cities is still unexplained, the rock paintings are

an established fact. You can see them and photograph them. And there can be no

doubt that the paintings are considerably more recent than the rough weather-worn

stone monuments. Sete Cidades has two "pasts": one a dark primordial past that

can probably never be reconstructed, and a "modern" one, although even that dates

to prehistoric times.

Once again not even the cleverest man on earth knows who painted the paintings

on the walls. Yet it very soon becomes clear that the prehistoric artists, with few

exceptions, liked to use the same motifs and symbols as are found in cave and rock

paintings all over the world. Circles, wheels (with spokes), the sun, concentric

circles, squares inside circles and variations on crosses and stars. Just as if all

prehistoric artists, even those in the most remote parts, had visited the same art


In his book Kult Symbol Schrift, Oswald O. Tobisch has shown in tabulated form

that rock drawings in Africa, Europe, Asia and America are related to each other.

At the end of his comparative studies Tobisch asks in amazement:

"Is it possible that once there was a unified concept of God on an international

scale simply inconceivable to our present way of thinking and that mankind in

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