Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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6 - Rarities, Curiosities And Speculations

magnificent lunar observatories and that Paleolithic men could "work out results in

advance that would need the help of a computer today." Thus Neolithic men (4000 to

1800 B.C.) could calculate the place where the moon would come out daily to the very

slightest fraction of a second of arc. Three thousand years later this lost knowledge had

to be rediscovered. These findings coincided with the reports by Professor Dr. Rolf

Muller, who proved that Stone Age men had laid out their megalithic monuments

according to the constellations.

How is our book-learning about Neolithic men, who learnt how to bore through stone in

order to make stone axes, who flaked knives from stone or obsidian, who began to

domesticate animals and practiced agriculture for the first time with a few useful plants,

who had just emerged from caves to build primitive dwellings, how is this book-learning

to be reconciled with the achievements of such a highly developed culture? Did the

torpid cave dwellers have highly intelligent teachers? If so, where did they come from?

One continually comes across similar absurd contradictions. The banana, a delicious

item of food, has been known in every tropical and subtropical region of the earth for

many thousands of years. The Indian saga tells of the "wonderful Kandali" (= banana

bush) which the "Manu," the loftiest spirits and protectors of mankind, brought to our

planet from another star which was much further along the path of evolution than our

earth. But a banana bush or banana tree simply does not exist! The banana is an annual

plant which does not multiply by seeds, which it does not possess, but by suckers.

Looked at in this light, the banana is a problem. It is found on even the most remote

South Sea islands. How did this plant, which is so vital for the nourishment of mankind,

originate? How did it make its way round the world, seeing that it has no seeds? Did the

"Manu," of whom the Indian saga tells, bring it with them from another star-as an

all-round foodstuff?

The Uros, who live on reed islands in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, claim that their people is

older than that of the Incas, indeed, that they already existed before To Ti Tu, the father

of heaven, who created the white men. The Uros swear black and blue that they were not

men, for they had black blood and were alive when the earth still lay in darkness. We are

not as other men, for we came from another planet. The few Uros who are still alive

avoid any contact with the rest of the world. Proudly and stubbornly they defend their

otherness as the heritage they brought with them from another planet.

Dr. Alexander Marshack of Harvard's Peabody Museum of Archaeology examined

several thousand bones, pieces of ivory and stones that all had the same patterns of dots,

zigzags and circles. Up to now it has been said that they were decorations. But Marshack

says: "They seem much more likely to be a form of writing which gives information

about the phases of the moon and the constellations. The objects examined all date to a

period from 10,000 to 30,000 B.C."

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