Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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3 - Traces Of The Gods In China, Too

Fig. 35. Dr. Vyacheslav Saizev found this rock painting near Fergana,

in Uzbekistan. An astronaut holds a disc, similar to those found by the

hundred at Baian Kara Ula. A recording?

Taipeh, the capital of Formosa (or Taiwan) and Nationalist China, has

nearly two million inhabitants, universities, high schools and

exceptionally well-run museums. From its main port of Keelung

products such as sugar, tea, rice, bananas, pineapples (which flourish in

the tropical monsoon climate), wood, camphor and fish are exported.

Since Taiwan, with a population of 13,000,000, became an independent

country in 1949, its industry has grown at a fantastic rate, so that today

textiles, all kinds of engines, agricultural machinery, electrical goods,

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