Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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2 - The War Of The Gods

the discussion. But I have come to the conclusion that the kind of

speculative ideas for which I am attacked can be found by anyone who

is prepared to do a little diligent reading in existing scientific literature.

Comforting for me, discomforting for my critics.

For example, and this is important for my theory of war in the

universe, I meet with scepticism if I try to use reproductions of cave

drawings to prove that the recognizable accessories of space travel

(spacesuits, antennae, supply systems, etc.) point to visits by

intelligences from other stars. Nonsense, I am told. If equipment like

that used today could be confirmed in such early* times, the alien

intelligences must have developed quite differently from ourselves. I

never hear precise arguments but-what must not be cannot be. Amid

the vast sea of speculations there are some logical conclusions that

give quite solid support for my theory that alien intelligences must

have been the same as homo sapiens, or very like him.

Professor Roland Puccetti, a contributor to such well-known

periodicals as The Philosophical Quarterly and Analysis, writes in his

book Extraterrestrial Intelligences from the Philosophical and

Religious Point of View that he made his study "because after all the

amateurish conclusions I felt it was high time to investigate the latest

scientific! findings in this field quite impartially, from the point of

view of a philosophical and religious scholar." Puccetti shares his

opinion that intelligent! beings throughout the universe must be more

or less like homo sapiens with other eminent natural scientists. As

early as 1964, the well-known biologist Dr. Robert Bieri published the

same conviction in "Humanoids on Other Planets," a contribution to

the American Scientist. After 15 years of research into enzymes, Dr.

Joseph Kraut, a bio-chemist at California University, came to the same


But how can it be "proved" that intelligent extraterrestrial life

developed similarly to man? The "proof can only be a logical sequence

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