Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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2 - The War Of The Gods

most suitable. "Now two legs seem to be the ideal prerequisite for the

development of a large brain, and with two pairs the necessary

transformation of one pair into arms for the change over to life in the

trees is made possible and the use of tools in the initial stage made

easier." It is illuminating that the transition from amphibious to

terrestrial Life necessitated such an alteration of the "chassis."

If it was so with us, it was the same else-where in the universe. There

is no longer any doubt that all life is of oceanic origin-on that point

there should be general agreement. But still further modifications in

the construction of the "chassis" proved to be necessary. With the

beginning of an active way of life as beasts of prey with two-sided

sym-metrical figures, the muzzle was placed at the front and the

backside at the rear of the body. These two locations proved to be the

most suitable for feeding and excreting in the case of hunting animals

(and not only in their case!). In all beasts of prey the most important

sensory organs and prehensile limbs are at the foremost part of the

body near the muzzle. So it is no wonder that the brain, the biggest

bundle of nerves, is also located there, for then orders from the brain

can travel to the prehensile organs by the quickest route. Growing up

on terra firma initiated a refinement of the nervous system that

gradually produced the ability to formulate ideas.

It is well known that dolphins "have a sizeable brain, although they

live in water. But the ability to formulate ideas seems only to emerge

in connection with life in a community, with language and the use of

tools." As the use of even the simplest tools under water is "extremely

difficult, it is "unlikely that a brain capable of conceptual thought

could develop under these conditions, for the process requires a social

environment and a certain form of objective speech."- Professor

Puccetti also excludes the possibility that intelligent beings elsewhere

could be bird-like, be-cause flying creatures must be light, whereas a

large brain is heavy and needs a copious supply of blood. He mentions

these variant forms of life to lead fantastic speculations about

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