Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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1 - The Gold Of The Gods

its end to 1544, the year when the last sun king died, then this mighty

empire that stretched from Chile to Ecuador, from the Andes north of

Quito to Valparaiso in the south, must have been built up in barely 350

years. During this period, the first pre-Columbian empire in South

America must have been welded together. For the conquered territories

and peoples were not considered as occupation zones, but were

integrated into the prevailing constitution. Progressive achievements in

agriculture were passed on by trained officials, as were the smoothly

functioning rules of a communal economic order.

Did the Incas equip a network of 2,500 miles of well-built roads with

rest-houses during the same span of time? Did they simultaneously

build cities such as Cuzco, Tiahuanaco, Macchu Picchu, and the

cyclopean fortresses of Oliantaytambo and Sacsahuaman? Did they

also lay down water mains and work silver, tin and copper mines,

whose products they alloyed to make bronze? And did they develop

the goldsmith's art, weave the finest cloth and make pottery with noble

shapes "on the side," as it were? I hardly dare speak of the high culture

which they nurtured in addition during this limited 350 year period.

But if it was not the Incas but their ancestors who should be credited

with these wonderful achievements, surely the culture and tool

technology of the pre-Inca peoples must have been higher than the

Incas who came after them.

No, the chronology cannot be blindly pasted together like that, because

there are so many indications to turn the arbitrary (re-)construction

upside down.

I assert that the tunnel system existed thousands of years before the

Inca kingdom came into being. (How and with what tools are the Incas

supposed to have built hundreds of miles of passages deep under the

earth? The Channel tunnel has been planned by the engineers of our

highly technological century for fifty years and they still have not

decided which method should be used to build this comparatively

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