Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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3 - Traces Of The Gods In China, Too

etc., with "Made in Taiwan" stamped on them, are loaded on to ships

for customers all over the world. The government encourages the

mining of gold, silver, copper and coal, which brings in foreign


Once again it is not clear whence and when the original Mongolian

inhabitants, the Paiwan, came to the island. Today a quarter of a

million of them live in seven different tribes in the most inaccessible

part of the mountain range, where they were driven by successive

waves of Chinese invaders. Only a generation ago, Paiwan warriors

showed their bravery by head-hunting; today they hunt game in their

mountain fastness. The tribes have survived in a remarkably pure state;

they live according to the unchanging laws of nature. Their way of

reckoning time is as simple as their way of life. The day begins at

cockcrow; its passage is measured by the length of the shadows. The

new year is recognized when the mountain plants start to blossom, its

high point when the fruit ripens, its end with the first snow which cuts

the tribes off from the world completely.

Fig. 36. The chieftain lived here! The two floating figures to the left of

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