Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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2 - The War Of The Gods

established knowledge about the origin of all life that the laws of

evolution were and are the same everywhere. Joseph Kraut is

convinced that nature on other earth-like planets must have solved its

problems in the same way as it did in our case. And Albert Einstein

said that he wondered if nature did not always play the same game.

If one can (or ought to) assume that intelligent life exists on millions of

other planets, the idea that this life was (and is) older and therefore

more advanced in every way than terrestrial life is admittedly a

speculation, but not one to be rejected out of hand. Can't we bury the

old Adam as "Lord of Creation" once and for all? Of course, I cannot

"prove" my theory, but no one has produced arguments to convince me

of the contrary. So I am going to follow it through to the bitter end.

The rival parties in the cosmos had the same mathematical knowledge,

the same standard of experience and shared a common stage of

technological development. The defeated party, having escaped from

the battle in a spaceship, had to make for a planet similar to their

home, land there and organize a civilization (in the absence of an

existing one). They knew how great the danger of being located from

the cosmos was and that the victors would use every kind of technical

aid to seek them out. A game of hide-and-seek began, but a game in

which their survival was at stake. The newly landed astronauts went

underground. They dug themselves in, created subterranean

communication routes over great distances and built strong points deep

under the earth that afforded them safety, although they could emerge

from them to cultivate areas of their new homeland and include them

in the plans for a carefully thought out infrastructure.

I can refute the objection that the tunnel-builders must have "betrayed"

themselves by the enormous quantities of debris excavated while

making the runnels. As I credit them with an advanced technology,

they were presumably equipped with a thermal drill of the kind

described in Der Spiegel for April 3, 1972, which reported it as the

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