Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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2 - The War Of The Gods

legends and myths of wars between the gods in heaven become

gigantic battles in the universe between two hostile camps. In the

children's heaven of religion, of course, no wars took place, in it

reigned and still does reign the one and only beneficent and almighty


Yet the Old Testament mentions not just one god, but several gods:

"... Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have

dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air ..."

(Genesis 1:26).

This plural is mentioned by the monotheistic Moses on another


"... the sons of God saw the daughters of men' that they were fair ..."

(Genesis 6:2).

Helene Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), who founded the

Theosophical Society in London in 1875, wrote in The Secret

Doctrine, a work in six volumes, published in 1888:

"One of the names of the Jewish Jehova, 'Sabaoth' or the 'Lord of

Hosts' (Isabaoth) belongs to the Chaldaean Sabaeans (or Tsabaeans)

and has as its root the word 'tsab,' which means a 'cart,' a 'ship' and an

'army.' So 'sabaoth' literally means 'the army of the ship,' the 'crew' or a

'squadron of ships'"

I suspect that several gods had a hand in the creation (= opening up) of

the earth, as well as in the "creation" of man. The creation myth of the

Quiche Mayas, the Popol Vuh, tells us how man was created:

"It is said that those ones were created a shaped, they had no father,

they had no moth yet they were called men. They were not be, of

woman, they were not produced by creators and Shapers, nor by Alom

and Caholom, only by a miracle, by magic were they created and

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