Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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2 - The War Of The Gods

of 100,000,000! And even if we assume that only one in ten of these

planets has a suitable atmosphere, we are still left with 10,000,000

planets with "putative" conditions for organic life.

Hans F. Ebel of Heidelberg University writes in his essay "Possible

Life on Alien Planets".

"Astronomers' estimates tend to accept the figure of inhabitable

earth-like planets in our Milky Way alone at hundreds of millions."

So my theory does not inevitably collapse for lack of sites for

launching ramps on earth-like planets. The hypertrophied opinion

which dominated our conception of the world until a few years ago

that the earth alone could support intelligent life has vanished from

even the most rigid academic circles. Tempi passati.

There is one other question mark.

Supposing that the universe does teem with planets and intelligent life,

might not all the forms of life 'on them have developed in quite

different directions from those taken by organic life on earth? If, in

addition to the tolerance allowed when making any high statistical

estimate, we assume that the beings who waged their cosmic war were

like humans, are we not being rather presumptuous? In fact, the most

recent research in many fields related to the subject confirms that

extra-terrestrial intelligences must have been like men. Atomic

structures and chemical reactions are the same everywhere in the

universe. And, according to Professor Heinz Haber:

"It is simply not true, as has often been imagined in the past, that the

phenomenon of life waits patiently until inanimate nature creates on a

planet conditions under which life can exist. It seems to be more likely

that life, with its extraordinary chemical activity, contributes

enormously to creating its own environment and can| transform a

planet in such a way that it capable of supporting life in all its

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