Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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2 - The War Of The Gods

wild animals and because it was easier to feed themselves, why did not

the other apes, too, stand on their hind legs, for the same reason?

"Basically all hominid apes were and are vegetarian ...

"So were man's ancestors; they only became meat eaters during the

process of becoming man ... Meat eating is supposed to have been a

sign of increased intelligence and therefore an advance, because man

could nourish himself 'better' and 'more easily' on meat. For this

compliment thank the wolves and wild cats, who had been carnivores

many millions of years before.

"Why did meat eating suddenly become an 'easier' form of

nourishment for man's ancestors? Since when has it been easier to kill

a gazelle or a bison than to pluck fruit from a tree?

"During the last million years many dry and rainy periods alternated ...

all the great apes were able to withdraw to the remaining woods to

continue leading their usual way of life. Why did all the great apes do

this, except those from which man is supposed to have originated


There is really nothing in the theory of evolution to explain the mighty

leap by which homo sapiens set himself apart from his family of

hominids. All we hear is that the brain suddenly became efficient,

acquired technical know-how, was capable of observing the heavens

and establishing communication in social communities. In terms of the

history or evolution this leap from animalistic being to homo sapiens

took place overnight. A miracle? Miracles just don't happen.

The assertion that the intelligence of our earliest ancestors had already

begun a million years ago and developed nice and slowly once they

lived in communities does not hold water. All mammals live in groups,

flocks and herds; they hunt and defend themselves communally. Have

they become intelligent on this account? Even if a being resembling

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