Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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1 - The Gold Of The Gods

Fig. 1. With the issue of this notarial title-deed on July 21. 1969, the

caves beneath Ecuador became the property of Juan Moricz. Moricz

put them under state control which will smooth the way for future


"The objects consist mainly of metal plaques inscribed with what is

probably a resume of the history of a lost civilization, the very

existence of which was unsuspected by mankind hitherto. The objects

are distributed among various caves and are of many different kinds. I

was able to make my discovery in fortunate circumstances ... In my

capacity as a scholar, I was carrying out research into the folklore and

the ethnological and linguistic aspects of Ecuadorian tribes ...

"The objects I found are of the following kinds:

● 1. Stone and metal objects of different sizes and colors.

● 2. Metal plaques (leaves) engraved with signs and writing.

These form a veritable metal library which might contain a synopsis of

the history of humanity, as well as an account of the origin of mankind

on earth and information about a vanished civilization. "The fact of my

discovery has made me the legal owner of the metal plaques and other

objects in accordance with Article 665 of the Civil Code.

"However, as I am convinced that the objects, which were not found

on my own land, are of incalculable cultural value, I refer to Article

666, according to which the treasure I discovered remains my personal

property, but subject to State control.

"I beg you, most excellent President of the Republic, to appoint a

scientific commission to verify the contents of this document and

assess the value of the finds ... "I am prepared to show such a

commission the exact geographical position and site of the entrance, as

well as the objects I have discovered so far..."

Moricz stumbled on the underground passages in June, 1965, during

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