Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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4 - Temuen, The Island They Call Nan Madol

Yet again Rupe struggled upwards and again he found a place that was inhabited.

"Are the heavens above these heavens inhabited?"

"Yes, but you will never reach them, for your mask is not by Tane."

Rupe did not give up, laboriously and with his last remaining strength he reached the tenth

heaven where he found Rehua (also known as Hinaura).

The Ancient History of the Maori tells us that this almighty Tane was the god of the forests

and animals. One legend recounts that he created the first woman and another that after the

second great war in the heavens Tane forced the rebel gods to descend to other worlds in the

darkness to live there in despair for eternity. But Tane supplied the losers of the cosmic

battle with all his knowledge and skills for their flight into damnation.

Is it necessary to explain this perfectly clear text any further? Need I point out that

apparatuses and masks were necessary for a flight in the universe? Do I have to tell a

generation that watched all stages of the moon flight live on television that one heaven after

another has to be conquered? And that to do this tremendous know-how is essential,

whether NASA or Tane is involved.

I should also like to remind readers of the main work of the Cabbala, the Book Zohar,

which contains Rabbi Simon Bar Jochai's report of a conversation between an earth-dweller

and a being stranded from the world of Arqua. Refugees, who had survived a terrestrial

catastrophe, were walking along led by Rabbi Yosse when they met a stranger who

suddenly emerged from a crack in the rock. Yosse asked the stranger where he came from.

He answered:

"I am an inhabitant of Arqua."

The surprised Rabbi asked:

"You mean that there are living creatures on Arqua?"

The stranger replied:

"Yes. When I saw you coming, I climbed out of the hole to find out the name of the world

on which I had landed."

And he said that in "his" world the seasons were different from those in "their" land, that

there seed and harvest would only renew themselves after several years and that the

inhabitants of Arqua visited all worlds and spoke all languages.

The Cabbala mentions seven different worlds, but it also says that only Arqua sent

emissaries to earth.

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