Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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3 - Traces Of The Gods In China, Too

geometrically above it, is so big that it seems to be quite unrelated to

sun, moon and stars. Altar trappings? It is far more likely that in the

remote past this picture recalled some unforgettable, incomprehensible

phenomenon in the sky.

Jade discs (Fig. 34) with a diameter of 2 3/4 to 6 1/2 inches. They have

holes in the middle like phonograph records. They are held upright

against 7 3/4-inch-high obelisks by pegs. Once again I do not believe

the archaeologists when they say that these ceremonial discs were

divine symbols of power and strength, and the obelisks phallic

symbols. I was fascinated by the jade discs, many of which had neatly

milled sharp angles like those on toothed wheels round their

circumference. Is there some connection between these so-called

ceremonial discs and the stone plates from Baian Kara Ula? If we

accept that the plates from the Sino-Tibetan border region were models

for the ceremonial discs, the veil enshrouding the mystery would be

lifted. After a visit to the Baian Kara Ula region by the astronauts who

made the plates, presumably for transmitting information, reverent

priests imagined that they would be doing work pleasing to God or

even acquire some of the qualities of the brilliantly clever beings who

had vanished simply by making discs like those that the strangers had

used. That would square with the current archaeological explanation of

the discs, for by this roundabout route they actually could have become

religious trappings.

Dr. Vyacheslav Saizev, who published important data about the stone

plates, found a rock painting (Fig. 35) near Fergana, in Uzbekistan, not

far from the Chinese frontier. Not only does the figure wear an

astronaut's helmet, not only can we identify breathing apparatus, but in

his hands, isolated by the spaceman's suit, he holds a plate of the kind

found by the hundreds at Baian Kara Ula!

On day I picked up the Dictionary of Chinese Mythology and read the

legend of Yuan Shih Tien Wang, which I reproduce here in abbreviated

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