Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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6 - Rarities, Curiosities And Speculations

What does this mean? Why did Stone Age men bother about astronomical

representations? It is usually claimed that they had their hands full just to procure

sufficient nourishment on endless hunting expeditions. Who instructed them in this

work? Did someone advise them how to make these observations which were far above

their "level"? Were they making notes for an expected visit from the cosmos?

In the Temple of the Frescoes at Tulum, Mexico, archaeologists specializing in Mayan

studies (Refield, Landa, Cogulludo, Roys) discovered bee gods-I'm almost ashamed to

write it! The literature gives no information about the bee state and its hierarchy, it

simply mentions that the "Ah-Muzencab" were large bees, who ruled the others. The

relief of the bee god bears not the slightest resemblance to a bee! It shows a being

(certainly not a bee) lying on his stomach with arms apart and his forearms apparently

supported on something. From his position one would be tempted to say that he was

gripping steering controls in his hands. His feet, which are shod, seem to be working

pedals. The bee god is surrounded with all lands of technical gadgets that do not fit into

any kind of beehive I have ever heard of! Is there anybody who is really prepared to

accept this being as a bee god? If the artistically gifted Mayas had wanted, they would

have conjured up the archaeologists a bee god which would have been much more

convincing than this one. (Fig. 69.)

There is another bee god in the Codex Tro-Cortesianus in Madrid. Once again a hideous

creature, with arms apart, is lying on its stomach. On its back there are two classically

shaped bombs, with broad bands and a fuse (Fig. 70).

Fig. 69. Left: The archaeologists call this strange being from Tulum, Mexico, a "bee

god." An odd bee!

Fig. 70. Right: This hideous creature with his two bombs is also classified as a "bee

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