Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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1 - The Gold Of The Gods

SOS's? A switchboard for electric contacts? Anything is possible, but I

suspect technical analogies rather than letters on this tablet. And

according to the Father, who has been given special Vatican

permission to carry out his archaeological research, it does date to the

period before the Flood.

Take my word for it, when you catch sight of the treasures in the back

patio of Maria Auxiliadora, you have to be very strong-willed not to

get "gold-drunk." But it was not the large amounts of gold that

impressed me, it was the representation of stars, moons, suns and

snakes that gleamed on hundreds of metal plaques-nearly all of them

unequivocal symbols of space travel.

Fig. 14. The dominant feature of this copper plaque is a pyramid on

which snakes writhe upwards. Do the circles indicate the number of

astronauts buried inside it?

I picked some exceptionally photogenic examples of such pictures out

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