Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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6 - Rarities, Curiosities And Speculations

Fig. 66. Could this gold plaque be a message from alien astronauts to us? Note the

animals (left) and the "binary" markings. Who will decipher this code? What has it got

to tell us?

But what happens if this Pioneer plaque lands in a civilization that understands nothing

of binary arithmetic and computer technology? Will our unknown brothers in "space

look on the gold and aluminum plaque as an extraordinary present from the gods up in

heaven? Will our alien brothers teach their children to make similar "images"? Will they

themselves make imitations and set them up in their temples? Will archaeologists claim,

even out there in space, that the copies are ritual objects? Who knows what other

interpretations might be given to the Cape Kennedy plaque?

If scientists in the year 1972 send two naked members of our species, plus suns, lines

and circles, into the universe on a shining plaque, why should not extraterrestrial beings

3,000 light years away have brought MS similar messages or variations of them on a

similar journey? If I put the Pioneer F's plaque next to the Inca gold plaque and compare

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