Erich Von Daniken - The Gold Of The Gods

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4 - Temuen, The Island They Call Nan Madol

floating in the air above the beach. He summoned up his courage and approached the

apparition. He saw two wondrous fair maidens who had descended from heaven to bathe in

the sea. Driven by an irresistible force he went up to the maidens and greeted them

respectfully. Delighted by the sight, he asked one of them to accompany him to his house

and be his wife.

"The fair one answered:

'I love this world.

It is not cold and empty

like the lofty space up there."

It is remarkable that the simple Polynesian fishermen should mention a cold, empty, lofty

space "up there" in their legend. They knew a lot about land and sea, but how did they know

about the lofty space up there?

The same source supplies a really grotesque legendary account:

Rupe, who also appears under the name of Maui Mua, set forth to seek his sister Hinaura.

As he could not find her, he sought the advice of his ancestor Rehua, who lived in heaven in

a place called Te Putahi Hui O Rehua.

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