02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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HP:<br />

J^*to.v«rtWpato^in'Kaines.-comtM!tition, or meets., ,<br />

fet3C(c)'?To!adoptt*ischoohbud(cet;-takinjt Into ac-<br />

;i ;':count'theVestimateU revenues of the association.<br />

^Kand'ollotinffireasonable amounts to the activities<br />

-'^dependent!! upon'the .school tovkeep , onVhnnd a<br />

•;• /. general -fund . sufficient to meet emergencies<br />

H arising during the Iran.'<br />

;. ^(dhTo.provide, for the-school elections and<br />

•••.- to announce the results. - '<br />

(c) To ttrant school awnrds ns provided for In<br />

Article XVI. ,•-•..?:.--•.<br />

(f)To authorize the expenditure of money:<br />

not provided for in tho school budget, In accordance<br />

with thu provision* of Section .1 of this nrti-<br />

*-' ':.:•-"• (K) TO authorize the sfllc of tickets not other-<br />

..wise-provided for and other occasional nrtic.cn.<br />

• •' (h) To exercise such ether authority as may<br />

aid the r>rlnc:pat and teachers in maintaining the<br />

morale und promoting the welfare of the school.<br />

. ARTICLE VIII •<br />

CIASH Ontartlzationx<br />

Sntlnn 1. Claiiscs from Inw-.t to MRIM inclusive<br />

shall In- regularly organized, providing for<br />

tha tMHialoffia-a of president, vice-president, and<br />

secretary. <strong>The</strong> office of vice-pnwldcnt shall be<br />

he*2.^.TKo • president^ secretary? derlt:or fgggfea^<br />

• '- awards, vIcfrprcsIdent'of:thB studentb^y/KirUV^^Hj.<br />

: yell leadom, and a managerof *rach;aeUve «j»rt~~^;v?; -•; >" J<br />

. wilMlrect and-rontrol-all-matUw pertalninir.toi^:*r. •;-;<br />

girls' sport* under the supervision of the physical V -,-• . -.<br />

education instructors. * - : v*.- . 4,/>' -.r-^<br />

Sectiun 3. Tho prwildent of the Girls' Athletic: "Ivl;<br />

Association and the president of the Girls' DIock : • ;..<br />

L Society shall bo members of the^board of dlrec-:: .{.v -.<br />

ARTICLEXVI •-• •-•• .:.•':.•<br />

• - ""•_: -•' I l l o c k L V ••"'•• . -•-.'•- \" : •':.',•<br />

A. A. A. Sport* Award*<br />

Awards to be bused on a total twelve point* - '••.earned<br />

for participation In one sport.<br />

Point system for:<br />

'D. ' '<br />

Football ;.r<br />

Basketball .<br />

Bawlfflll '<br />

Twelve point* for players" who are members<br />

: v<br />

of a championship team.<br />

Six points for players who are members of a<br />

f or the class numerals on the guard. Without variation<br />

from term to term. <strong>The</strong> hlgh-i class<br />

Khali be pcrmitcd to collect dues sufficient to<br />

cover the reasonable expenses of graduation.<br />

Section . 3. <strong>The</strong> faculty . treasurer shall IKcustodian<br />

of all class funds.<br />


Itoom Representative*<br />

Section 1. Every gchool semester, ns soon as<br />

the organization of the registry classes has been<br />

perfected, the boy* in each registry room shall<br />

nominate a girls' representative. ICcglntry teachers<br />

shall verlfv the candidates' scholastic standing<br />

and conduct the election on the date determined,<br />

boy* voting for toy* and girls for girls.<br />

Section 2. Itoom repie'i'Mutlvcx shnll assixt<br />

the trvaKun-r in the collection of xtuilent 1KXJ>dues<br />

and thu sale of tickets throughout the term.<br />

AUTICI.K X<br />

<strong>The</strong> Council*<br />

Section 1. Boy representatives, ctected an<br />

pj-uvided for In article IX shall constitute the<br />

toys' council and the girl representatives Khali<br />

constitute the girls' council. Meetings shall be<br />

held at time* set by thu principal.<br />

Section 2. Each council shall elect n president<br />

to serve for thi* term. I't trident* of the<br />

councils shall bu members of the hoard of tlirectors.<br />

Section it. <strong>The</strong> powers of the council shall be:<br />

fa) To consider and recommend plan* for the<br />

welfare of the school,<br />

(b) To nid In promoting Intra-mural sports.<br />

(c) To idd registry teachers In conducting<br />

elections tmd other «hool lumincM.<br />

(d) To keep ihvtr respective claiwen infurn.Lt!<br />

as to date of game* and other events nnd to aid<br />

in gelling of tickets for them.<br />


/-' ltoyV Service Society—Scroll and L<br />

Section 1. Alemlwrs of the Scroll and L Society<br />

in good standing In the school at thu time<br />

of adoption of this constitution and othdnt chosen,<br />

us provided for bfllow, -.hall constitute the boys'<br />

service society. To be eligible for membership,<br />

boys matt be above htgh-2 registration. <strong>The</strong><br />

number of student (number* shall not exceed<br />

twenty-two.<br />

Section 2. Elections shall be held in the last<br />

month of the school term, ut which time the<br />

places of members of. the graduating class shall •<br />

be counted os vacancies,<br />

Section 3. For tint purpose of electing now<br />

members to the society then* shall he an election<br />

by mepibew of the Scroll and L. Candidates<br />

anal be rccurw! In the following manner: Two<br />

nominees from the faculty administrator of each<br />

conspicuous school activity from among the student<br />

participants of thst acivfty; thrct« nominees<br />

carh from the principal, dean of toys and dean of<br />

(b) In case of a vacancy during the icmester<br />

wi e ccUo;. «hall be hjtoto fill the said vacancy<br />

Nominees shall be submitted by the meir'—---*<br />

the society.<br />

boys, and the denn of rirU<br />

(<br />

(b) b In rase >f a vacancy during the semester,<br />

n election electio »hn' he e h hold tn fill the the -nid nid vacancy vacancy,<br />

N'ominecs 'ominecs shil be b submitti'd submittd l>v l membent b of f hth<br />

i<br />

Section -I. <strong>The</strong> |Hiwerj* of thu Shield ->nd L<br />

shall ho similar to the power* and duties of tlu*<br />

Scroll and L us fur an they can bt> normally carried<br />

out l>y Kirk.<br />


Klrctlonx<br />

Section I. Each semester, after a cent-nil<br />

tryuut, two as«ictat.i yell leadets shall bu chosen<br />

by thv two councils sit tine together. A vacancy<br />

during tht* semester "hall 1K> filled in the same<br />

way. <strong>The</strong> assistant yell Itadvts at the time of<br />

the final iichoot election shall IK.* the t-nndlditt-s<br />

for the office of yell leader.<br />

Section •">. In iidvjince of the final t>chool i-K-ction,<br />

the faculty sponsor of <strong>The</strong> I/»Wifll shnll select<br />

Citndidutes frum <strong>The</strong> biwvtl stuff for the office<br />

of editor.<br />

St'ctiim «i. In ailvaiiiu of the final school electmti<br />

the faculty Kponyo* tjf <strong>The</strong> Hi.il and White<br />

"hull lt<br />

,<br />

dld<br />

-, -..<br />

trm<br />

-i.<br />

Th<br />

mi-<br />

Hd<br />

IM.-U «nti<br />

Whi<br />

wnuc<br />

shull select candidates trom Tho Red una White<br />

stuff for thu office of editor.<br />

Section 7. <strong>The</strong> mmc of any candidate for<br />

thu iiliovt* offices will Ir« ivithdrawn, if fund* are<br />

usi-d for camitnlun |>ur|ton«.*s by the candidate or<br />

any of his ;Hijiptirti.-r». Signs and plucnrd* art'<br />

alAi foibiddeu unli'Ks authorized by the principal.<br />

Section S. <strong>The</strong> president of thl* asosclatlon<br />

fbnll appoint ii commlttoc of three Irom members<br />

of the graduating clans under the vice-princi|Hil<br />

to cunviixs thv returns and to compute the total<br />

vote for each candidate. <strong>The</strong> results shall In;<br />

made public by the retiring pn? >l0 Sed the am of'tremely hniardous. Not only b it<br />

Jio nn accepted easier on student, boarding the<br />

iff" *"'• *?' •" K"nt.doal of pressure<br />

• i.. . ""i !*<br />

' »<br />

ton ." wo menn that literally) reiltht<br />

to nave, leased, from, neoplc /forniult.<br />

Street Car Boarding , :<br />

crouch to hav« already boarded tbe<br />

conveyance. .'••'•'• "'<br />

* Al! i credit' Is "duo to Mr. Almr,-11<br />

and hlx .tireless sroup of .traffics<br />

boys who brave thu nurirfnc tironc<br />

System Complimented every afternooa .«t 3:10. Led by<br />

captain Al Carr, ,the boys are th«'.;<br />

A much needed and .extremely obicctx of a :'Krcat many unflat^j<br />

enericial Improvement has been lerinc remark! ;by, students who.:••<br />

made In the traffic. »ystem. to and<br />

Sound<br />

can't fathom the iHctulnosiotsncaij<br />

arounit yi tlio stop- nn action,<br />


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