02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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^fggr ; "" THE LOWELL, FIIIDAY.'OCTOIIKII 8. 1913<br />

iEHlEiSW AR PATH<br />

• My Hy Ilik ><br />

Big: Sitters Welcome '• j rFor ; Ne^;,jrer^<br />

. With a well-planned term of nctlvttfei,<br />

the member of the Biff<br />

SUt*rt are btuy acquainting now-;<br />

eutnti? to the <strong>Lowell</strong> campus and Its!<br />

----• "- — Thfg ornaniiation i><br />

others .,<br />

•C5:Ai the flrtt meeting of the term '<br />

he.2'recently* five students wore;<br />

placed under the supervision of<br />

cscZ^fitg S!i>ler. Newcomer* will'<br />

be l>'Qcd with LS.r *tudW, Intro-;<br />

ducedto other LiwellHcn, nnd di-i<br />

reeled in acquiring the traditional'<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 51,int. ;<br />

Seniors who a*v working m thi*;<br />

EmiKirtnnt tn*k h*e Lucille Kenyon,<br />

Janice Deanstoi., N«din« Tobin,<br />

Helen |)er.V'uri.-.!_aUutf Ir.'in GoUNtcin, n hich junior<br />

licit-. Hv IIIH'S voliinti.'i'r w«rk nt<br />

H«ad Councils thi« Air«-Tiift Warnini; Cciitt'r . v-<br />

«TV siixth niirht from midnfi-'lit to<br />

•>:JWI ;i. i-. When dots I.e »tt*en?<br />

•Vi-11. y«>ur irw*-* ••* as s«»d «s<br />

:i-' i a.->cni^!r«: of tht* stuff<br />

thii* kt-vi'.* him Koinir wouldn't titi<br />

n.cotini; i.i ivC Monday to cleft ativ uf u* a hit of harm.<br />

|A-on fc^d^ci;, Jl—t—10t>. and Ilt-:h That windc it up fur tht.-* time.<br />

Unity, ii-[—^10. at tht-' pn^iiivtits KfincmlMT—for Undf -fani'ii saki-<br />

.if tne ;,(,j-s" iw.o cirls" CuutiL'il!>. —to niakv Hitter Lake. CiKT TO<br />

WORK!<br />

).ind«i'y \Vii»on and Jack Curk-y<br />

oiiicifv triumphant iv a «i»iy fi*:I*l Students Cards To<br />

Ur ii? [,ui: of asai^tui.t yvil \KM\er.<br />

Be On Sale Soon<br />

;<br />

coming a nicmber.<br />

Junior Stali-«raen<br />

A ;• fries of (iiscussi.ti.* an timely j<br />

^ulli^•v•tJi will '>•*• held by tho Junior<br />

Su.u-.--i«M! this te:m. it vi> ••<br />

v.*al«l at thr .•lul.'s. first mvetiniriTum .Stcecc in president and Flitn<br />

.•f the tiTtn lust Thut.-dn, This .Mak-r,in. secretary.<br />

icrra's tii'fii-or^ inr]ti(!v: Wallan 1 j tlofis. of I»weII debaters will joor.<br />

" Ifsto to participate In<br />

nol tdurnament to be<br />

, held there. .Several dual debate*<br />

j hav« al-o l-etn pJatrncd for tit<br />

ti-rm.<br />

| <strong>The</strong> Debating Society metu<br />

"'vdnefdayx, seventh period and<br />

PUM w«J(ome anyone intertsta]<br />

public Bwatcinir and debatitur<br />

______<br />

Atlu-rtun. jiri-oir'.fiit; I{y^:-r L*:iria, PJnrjj<br />

<strong>The</strong> room repn.-»cn:alivVa ihi»<br />

urni f }}*u*vt:<br />

Hxin. lUU'Uohald Waclw at.d<br />

Eti£tivth Khudtts: io_—-*J!1 .Murray<br />

-nj j,-an I'arkt-r; 103—\*un»:«<br />

Shcffev and Audrey Davis; 105—<br />

jb?if?*M)av#y and Dorothy Garbannc;<br />

;yj—Ifarry I'^hlmann ami<br />

Novi Chrjiftiaii; lot*--levn Hiidge*<br />

and Dtiruthy Calvin-' 10S—Uonald<br />

i-*i»nei and D»*>^ni f-u'httn.*u'i!>><br />

)09~Kcnneth Gardner and Grt-ui<br />

s'mith: i_i—Stanley Y «n and<br />

Nancy Huttencuttfr; ISO—Georc*-'<br />

de uriosltc u»d Jean Kwenulstt; ;---•.- - ----- •;-•,,•. -—,-<br />

ISl-Ktank La a-irK« and Ut-vorly '* *? » llltI( ; *hat « Wl " fit.ooyoneV<br />

Gnmwood* 132—Stuart Sieroty waMet Iirtl1 *IH *»« wrinklr i,r<br />

and -Madiie Uwsinger; 134—Stc liu1 ^' unn«M*nnly.<br />

phe n St'tderu Itmiy 'Iroasiiri<br />

L V«raha*wn arid Alice Ann<br />

1 A former I.'i\vf!l >tuiltst to i:av(« them cuiii,-<br />

, out for ti«? !\t,y-l>iv,,.!i ffanu> t..-<br />

, morrow. Tftt* M itinitur dcnin is to<br />

IN> M-lvctvd l.y St-i'iri- nnd Mis.-*<br />

Herrmann, of the ait lirjuinnu-m.<br />

Modern desii;n, ultra strfnmlincd.<br />

i« the key .lote thi> tvnn. Treuj-<br />

Steeiti' fxplainA ti,;,t this vniltffercnt<br />

xtuden* IHMIV card<br />

1 -'" (late Tntiit«'r<br />

in July, li's-arm- thi- ftr.-t M-Vfiiti-vn<br />

- Vfjir - nlii Han Fram-i.-vu<br />

youth ti. !-.• >wt»ni inti. a i;.-w L'. r 1 .<br />

Army Air F i-aii'Wcll at tin- irr;im. tin*<br />

Army has udmittt-.l »tv.-nt>r<br />

lhou^tr.tl.i of aviators—pilot.", navma'iirs,<br />

liiipiliardiiT-". Kuniier*. and<br />

iindi-r iht- pr'ii:ram. nwn sovontt'vn<br />

tn i\vjj,-j:*y.«t3t itiiiu.'ivi 1 f .<br />

lUchani Or-erin;.-. ?* Variety Show<br />

. Mr. Kari>onstein:<br />

I Iuii!( arc alriady under way for<br />

i.* l'iu- sponsor.<br />

hrwtma* Vuritt:ies" which ij u<br />

prv.icntvd ^irr.ttimu in D««n-<br />

New Books Arrive ! Mr.<br />

.ir«- iliurl-<br />

h<br />

For Lcwell Library «•<br />

IW'uratiuir the shcl\c.-t of the 1 • — — _<br />

lihrary vi!l i»- :. larjw nuniber of' Tl'.xm?^ -ii Choir numbt I l . aliinc with several<br />

-ther u-achtr>. is plannine '3f<br />

oniv twenty colorful ucla for the<br />

"<br />

• . . . . Ait'X.iiiot'r will an^nee **- a. ^utJieni ^<br />

i.^ind HLW b.«k/. whivh have Just numkr in which the mcm>miSS<br />

inttres: .-mir a nt-trto spiritual. Mrs. do*<br />

will lie m charge of the npeninjr<br />

0 """<br />

iIr - Karpcnstfin hai ia<br />

lil.r<br />

hiirr»v«.'d<br />

uiitl .t. fUTU to<br />

"sS'i.,..,*r. a, "My F,:ond, ^Lt^^^Z^X U<br />

Flifka/ tilt: cnpssr.k- Pt-try of a arran^-J fapivially for the s&ow<br />

l«.y and a horse by M.iry O'Hara:' by -Mr. Kr:e«er. .MUs i3ochm will<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Human remedy" ly William:<br />

GALS and<br />

SPORTS<br />

In spite of thv changes in ».».•<br />

football M-a.-iir. the (,'irls will niMin<br />

\\"ith a Atudr:it Knly card otu> i^ have a re j-ulai svhedulo of planned<br />

entitled to all the privil.-iicu of heiifti-r<br />

tk-hool spurtK. It is still »-ar]y<br />

nudVnt body; holdinir office. rV. in ih« ti-rm. Inn thf following li?t<br />

and I'e^Ky NUIJM*; i:ty—l>on Low«.* ct-ivini: copies of Tho I.owi-11. :mr- nf thf activitW will ci\i» an iica<br />

and Nancy Jstooltey; l_i—L*.TO>" ticipiitinir in school activiucH. and uf what is truinir mi.<br />

ArouInn and Eleanor Mc .»f th.-<br />

hv >* haven't K»M lone "but tUT<br />

itiii'i'.tun uf tnt- lib:snail. Mi*» I>ick Larson luu joined U«<br />

V.ur student l y ea..,ir y,,u v<br />

Corutanc« ilernijii,; 206— Shawn<br />

llolmati and Olsa Smirnoff: ^is—<br />

John Itcll and Uorotby Urown* 214<br />

—Foul Mooie and Uarlura<br />

cette; *•»;<br />

and ,Beth 31<br />

Solomon ana<br />

Bob Ev.n» '

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