02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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. Volume 84, N'I San Fra », California, Thumlay. November 0. 1044<br />

>;v Founded Jan<br />

Varieties November 28,29,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> at<br />

A Glance<br />

|l> Noel Kelly •<br />

Sinrt* "Vir Oltli- I/fHell" litrft<br />

went t» I'rejtji, nuiity thing.- havi;<br />

bcvii Iiappeiiitii* ti the reservation<br />

that doer a* reo'Siiiiion, fitiwe-'<br />

ijncntly this column will bo devoted<br />

to various happenings thav-other-<br />

\vi*.- *vi»uM not W inentit'tied.<br />

Iiij:.ili«'it. or rather UwlsJil of<br />

thv p.i>t nniiil.i. wii., "tiUck Saturday.<br />

' Coluber 14, on which day<br />

tTi-j -..'artU** fell before a champUJiiship-iKuiiid.<br />

i l »rrot eleven in<br />

(h--- ;ltirty-fitj*t animal prep ela*tM.J<br />

by tiif * «-'ry cnvim-inn M-oru of<br />

•y,-ii uliat hurt!. Kvery member<br />

«f tin- <strong>Lowell</strong> s-tudeiil body can<br />

iu-t. f""l prowl ol* the. fellow*<br />

who ii-'^r considered tim same<br />

iMt until tin- iHii-1 whiMle Iiad<br />

bluu-n. After uluyinK lirillittut ball<br />

in tue firat iiunrter, tnu Indian:*<br />

iu-t couldn't keep the pace, yet<br />

men like- Don l'etilt and Mevo<br />

llaix I*'!" of whom had to be ear-<br />

ned i-ff uf ihi* (i « Id i-ff "f i -<br />

m f. l< ? 1<br />

«ii>nt *>t the f»«t thal we "-uul<br />

the bail Ktttnci und both went down<br />

! Plans for Varieties<br />

[ Now Under Way<br />

; Ye*. Et'fl here again. Jt'a that<br />

inilituii dollar »how. it's tune for<br />

1<br />

the annual <strong>Lowell</strong> Christmas Va-<br />

;r.eties. <strong>The</strong>re will b« thive jtlu-<br />

• nr.us iit-rfdimiincea of jcala enter-"<br />

tainuicnt whicn come your way<br />

f only oncv a year and wmca from<br />

i their pant record are worth waiting<br />

fSI-I« have taken care of that department.<br />

Such favorite* of "Out<br />

I<br />

'of trie Prying I'an" a* Xyel Kelly,<br />

< onny Oiok. Frank LaBercc. Nail-<br />

_.<br />

Wallace.' Jerry Ets-Hokln,* and<br />

I >•>* .Mr. I'olland, will be «tt'n. Short<br />

'(•no-net plnyK will be done with<br />

KiK-h titl.'M -is "When the Wo.Id<br />

u«- u--> *. -> .- Jiiiuiy oilier*, an WL-U att «ome new<br />

tryirnr. CunemU aie also due tl»j I..m4-l|\ Iricky i|iinrt.Tli.irk. Jim llravir. rrvU »tt a liatii ar«und riijlu fnil aenin-l I'ulv KN Trd \d-hitile I:iltiu whkh hn * hcvn all .>keptics that it is pueblo to<br />

kwi»<br />

.developed<br />

U«,..l l«'hintl -.tudeiit a ball body, club who even showed wl»en<br />

all uufM* for victory are lout. Much<br />

..«•«•** Itt-y-lilnck. 1'arrois won. 2R.0. • I »'>• Mr Ivllaml will be «en Sht<br />

u: l tuts ctedit th ^nould t KO to able "<strong>The</strong> to are<br />

Group' of IlilMiranii, W-Uon,<br />

Htrriivnow, Curley. etc.. al. of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Challenges in<br />

wnom yelled ihtmaelves "blue in CII-H-IIII •*•!•. litit. i*wr* who<br />

dtt nui.." a. It were. K«,, up ,, "'n Ji | IhSr'ic'h,, il ntibjti-t.i<br />

thv «.«• work. KnnK. the >«son it [1](. ),^,jlT1 „, ,K. mih,nalir,, „<br />

l.iu o\er >ct. ll« awniil i|uan«'« wotk hy the War Bond Contest<br />

<strong>The</strong> ancient mstitulion of 'llfllo Hlir ,f the<br />

kiw.:i HucceMfully nut over the third quarter, tliouuh plans are<br />

Mfml.annuiil lo\v-:t jij; un Ort!»*r ptill tt'iitutive. a no|>cimi putty will<br />

It with the able lutsiMatii'c of ciin-*i-littuix a ilu^y tvnn.<br />

ny Lee. vk-e-prexy. and Uohby I'o-<br />

UUer. liecretnry. <strong>The</strong> thliius mwt<br />

J s<br />

School Plans<br />

"Oh I'm packin' my j;iip.<br />

And I'm luavin* today.<br />

For I'm takiit* a trip. —"<br />

TIllM the future, theme<br />

of tin* I^iwell Indlun. d who, an 50011<br />

liifter the war an poiotible, will<br />

, uuther hi* «' l'»iwnnf for the *how.<br />

pn.mii..>nee a-'iiin. thiK time the l-'/r they are def-Iiminir and makinjt<br />

ruiitifl lutvinjr to tlo with tne luit-' :iil thv wl *<br />

tlefieM mid not the football field. 1<br />

<strong>The</strong> IMXKI xtaff under the dirw- r>i 1 rx r% •<br />

tio.i or in*, ick-'icmnii han thai- blood Uonor Unve<br />

!• nfTi'd the I'urrot>> to a content 1<br />

•i-htch it u, lv S..M iiMrtii.- i; the IK-1 Continued This Term<br />

riml of<br />

2 to l>ecember;<br />

vonteat tat it in conjunction<br />

v:ith the e mxth war lonn ln drive di and d ""*•' remstiv race for blood dowill<br />

IK* on a jn*r capita btmi* duel »"r>* '»* «»1 <strong>The</strong> marchinp men on<br />

e diffeieiice in the itixe of tin 1 will I, . _ < ..., __ _<br />

to the diffeieiice in the itixe of the ' •—»«••* LowcllV »«•"« chart i>"« now total wuu IM, 154. Wwith<br />

iw« -tiul-'in bodfe*. I>ow«Iliten will'«(rf«ry 231 £tl In I the th lend, ld with ith 43<br />

the theme n j i_ r» L " wa^ the news relwwwl by I'rlticltittl mt\v tu top any prevtitui* effort in, donont. »" of October 25. Tho<br />

rreacnted by Uebaler«;.stepheiiH at the Conimeicc mlly.lonier to enierne victorious in the'*-' ni| rt' maile by Wcntworth Mrf ,<br />

>.-h*n be announettl that the Honnlj l»'"d tnce, niut it in the aim of lho, :: V*< nl)l1 Uarlmra prexton. 310, do<br />

r<br />

'w ••••well numtoiiutn will rin»r of Kdunitiou Iwnl autlmrlxeil Su- xtuff to have a bond purvhui-ed; \'^" marchlni; fltrurM, each '=.*for<br />

every Ktudent enrolled in nlfyim; one blood itouor for tho<br />

l/iwell. rei;ii* of the pupil who broURht<br />

An ovLTttcan veteran will be at:<br />

today'*<br />

other imy will et out nnd<br />

.why should I? Why? A»k<br />

;^\oyne. .<br />

r^<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>, its well as the atu-j<br />

;-,'dent hddy officer*, is ejcpouadlnic a I<br />

wlier oC.'school uplrit" ol^ve all)<br />

Card Spirit<br />

Shows Decline<br />

4eIse.'..<strong>The</strong>r.'il a natural tendency I At the outset of the 11M4 prep<br />

y,fcr'-milrlt to.ilrop off'after'a sue- football season, It was »'"!Pt,<br />

•oniMnl. Herbert Hnnloy.'well-I»havin>r cream, soap, candy, gum,<br />

knnwn San Francisco Insurance! combs, address book*, clirarettes, 1<br />

broker and T>m-el1 nlumn'js. has[and uockct books, these boxes un-;<br />

nmivl thnt the plan be Elvcn A-l doubtedly will brinic meat hapjil-<br />

-•msldcration in the city's post-ness to many servicemen overseas!<br />

warnlannine. |this Christmas. ., . ~ r '-":.l tlon talirf J10B.4). Bes oe« ca dona hundretl per cent mi this term<br />

•tai tai n-» n» made twell twel so vital altions. numerous sift, w alro the 'arm'cwlitinjt" belnc dime by<br />

wrt of Isn FranelKo" FranelKo<br />

(contributed<br />

Rill Fvent, stmlent bod/ tMasuter<br />


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