02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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Gal^and Sports Byshan-nDcmick! 15 C^S. F.'ers jLo well Girls<br />

P.-T. A. Plays<br />

Santa CIaus~<br />

;ny Sharon Den-Mr.:., .-, lot* of fun., anil appreciate the<br />

Well, hero 'Us: tho senior edition grand co-operation HO reeched<br />

nl li to my db>o f thotf office, tlie<br />

^£ "•|,*^j ea<br />

ll<br />

Fifteen l.owell seniors are!<br />

"•" ""'awulllng report curd day even;<br />

', awards in order and preparing for; ,„ .<br />

more, nnxiously than'lhc other sen-; ,r loon l,lgh-l girls wen, guests<br />

the G. A. A. award rally. At this: ' ! Fni J i Clle t<br />

w,<br />

u time those girb who have falthf-ii-1 wo .... ,.......„,„ ,„» ...,„,,. „.<br />

: celfeffir^rrl^Sr.*>*• * "" 9* ~:&&<br />

will I (be- announced, and presto<br />

tl5l -S^"^.j?°f :il 2rfr^ 7 * il " I ?i"nH" the,' b; A~A.<br />

term..- Everjr snort Is winding up teachers and manam<br />

d*lo°nm!ento\£uV?r*°**" 0 « a ^^<br />

linlkm^Sr SmK*ir B«*'"> «'• m >» " c «•» C. S.;« tea given on Friday afternoon,<br />

SSfJS%SPi^!^&\<br />

T ° ** 6 *• •"• llfoiirwXiri'ris^ri'o-nly^.'rta. 1<br />

list ^SuloVt Jo? around- to • membership, a student must be on many San Francisco high school<br />

Jill v8X^,-i. l ""» P-T. A., minus the red suit<br />

"<br />

-?JX!MLsl«l».C. S. F, four times Including'girls who attended. d JlisJ Mini Dealtry,<br />

accompanied tho<br />

wai .served, the<br />

. -. «... Francisco Junior<br />

ihowed their guest* the en<br />

nd whi '« °«nl. ha« played Santa*<br />

c<br />

'aus for liutrumental mule<br />

£ lllMl ", K0ther of the nioc<br />

Made Great Success) | snonson-Hl ftixinnd by Mr.~ibrpcMtcin'!"«ond new classes.<br />

""'"•Lo»oll,ranie.<br />

* 2 O t<br />

•I..IV. Two fo ,h<br />

Jerry Ets-Hokln, Joyce Wishan.'p. -. _. M_ -<br />

Mao Potorson. Joanne Bcran. Allco Radio RlOt Mark:<br />

HohhoiiMT. Anils Kate. Andrew'<br />

:s<br />

Andanon. Joan Isaacs, and Claire. Term's L-4 Dance<br />

Heller all did their part to make<br />

tho program A success.<br />

>V Radio Riot" was the theme<br />

.... Mao Peterson and Naomi Pi.Jnls<br />

sani-.-amral selections, accompanied,<br />

by Otonto Sanderson.<br />

. Mr.;.Lorbeor, .to-whom much<br />

/credit should be civen for the sue-<br />

.^ivi'cess of the.prairrnm, (rave much of<br />

i.y;- his-tlmaln urcparine and rehears-<br />

;& Inirthe studcnU. .*• ... .,<br />

: j!;-?'rl-am. xerv- pleased," «ald Mr.<br />

a:-!v:Lorh;..'iS ^-.-,-..•'.; c • ' . - -<br />

SSfrft?'-W. . '. .:..""- ' .<br />

> o/!H,.tM,ldredi ^J^SP%SASSt<br />

0:00, St. Francis,<br />

I with "a" niTOterious liBht _lii thi-• Wrirer" \TrBl"niji"Glbji"n."annr! ~<br />

nnd decorated.<br />

" . - . - -<br />

is<br />

danco.liand. , demonstrated.<br />

]|o(h „„,„,,„,„ of thc graduminu Th|, a,Iartori the Bed Cross U|<br />

One, - ,_. of the ...- main features Was --. the! «.., If more M.^ . members w.j, ^, join tho « ^.uu,i club,Ihoys<br />

class, of find the time Armed to Forces. entertain <strong>The</strong>y, tho! bulrc not maktntr sewinir nny or articles that n-J<br />

"Teepee Tattles," done by push Ir'ns may be arranged to liospitalsi'hnve hoys of liccn the singing Armed with Forces. a U. <strong>The</strong>y," S, 0. bulrc At nresent sewinir thevare or wood coilectlnirv shop won*.s<br />

button which threw light.on many rnd fpctories, according to Air.; 'hnve unit that liccn travels singing to with bases a U in'thc S 0 Christmas At t cards." th so they iltlnvml can<br />

hcrctofnrn horetoforo ' unknnu'n unknown' incident's lneli!r>nt>' &-ltwn..»» I Bnv n,i,- area. .m. Tho ""- girls ''- have • enter- • them * over to aend . to . the . boys . l°3<br />

S f t f e ' ' " ! . ' ^ - * ' . ' 'V '•• •••.'••••• '<br />

about <strong>Lowell</strong>itra. !,,lf nnv"person wnnls to broaden<br />

>s\nowledco7nmbjccSlikomnen-Is,<br />

nlnstic surgery, penicillin<br />

~l^:"~~-'^- : ' r -^&^b;w^i'-:'-y<br />

tnincd at Letterman Kospltal, Isointeil ureas, who can send OuWS<br />

Treasure Island. Angel Island, the to their families and friends urtj<br />

Stage Door Canteen, andin many Christmns. <strong>The</strong>y'are also woi<br />

other - centers' provided'" for' the on book mark* and -'nke*b~—<br />

Armed Forces. Gloria De Martini, Mrs. Closer says that Jok» are si<br />

Is their.accompanist. : '-.way* welcome.- '.. •:' • '•• '^

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