02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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•BjapcrtSEH<br />

« «<br />

^Boretta Only Veteran to<br />

Return; <strong>Lowell</strong> Hopes Slim<br />

ET-With only on* regular riuirn.nir,<br />

Krom to« yenrV outfit, Lowr.llS<br />

^"Titanic" icriddcra onvncd the sea-<br />

-ion lMt Saturday aKAlnst Unroln<br />

•awl'today will faw & fast Com-<br />

merce team In what appears to bo<br />

Jan even Steven scruRcte.<br />

- When Coach Voyne picks hi*<br />

[ttiTi to finish lilxth. then one<br />

tathem thnt the situation Is bod.<br />

Jiually he figures his boys to<br />

- end In tl:« first three. Voyne bo<br />

lfcves that Lincoln. Balboa, Poly.<br />

St. Iimatiu.', nnd Commerce nl!j<br />

have ilii-played more powerful clev-l<br />

«ns thnn the one the Indian* have,<br />

thnt If. on pnner they have. More j<br />

favored team* hnv> been overwhelmed<br />

by lesser manned squadsj<br />

then vou eonld ever realize. In<br />

' fact. it** totter to be the under-'<br />

doff In n football jrnme.<br />

Johnny Bore tin. two hundred j<br />

pounder, in the only retailor to re*.<br />

turn. Jawn, as the boy* call him, 1 ,<br />

CM n paw receiver lant season,!<br />

cavort in c nt the riirht end position.<br />

Bat as thine* look now lie has boon<br />

•hlfted to tackle to bolster the forwnrd<br />

null. "Tlpjcr" Mel Wilhnck<br />

will Mart off at left tackle. Wllhack<br />

shown fine possibilities. Al<br />

Newell will alternate with him.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tivo ends. Dout* Kcovil nnd<br />

Dave (inrdenpr, saw nctlnn on the,<br />

Goofs Ir.st vear, nnd. with it few!<br />

camrs under tlvir twit should'<br />

come around tn expectations. ,<br />

Movintr over to the center of the,<br />

line we find guard Dickie Morris<br />

and Jim lEicct-ns. Morris, n slight:<br />

fcrappy character weighing in nt<br />

142. provided many surprise* to,<br />

opposing nlnyerH Inut jvnr. Itic-;<br />

ccn* has little plityim* pxperit'nepi<br />

hut Is biis nnd ngi:r.'5MVi\ Center<br />

Bill Nelson t.« in the name pnrdicn-;<br />

nwnt. Ircing n bit short on play- 1<br />

Enc time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Iwckfii'ld shnni-s up like<br />

thin: m*>M of the heavy duty ball,<br />

carrying will fall on the broad<br />

shoulder* of Roger "Hull** Torres, i<br />

the converti*d linesman. Roc. short j<br />

and itocky. cnuld In* the surprise:<br />

attack of the Indian*. i<br />

He w«?nt throuiih last year's)<br />

Biwllinp wnson nnd should hnv*?:<br />

all the ability for a tough line'<br />

smasher. A hotlv contested hat-i<br />

tie ii beinir wnkctl for the nil lm-;<br />

oortant quarterlmck sput between!<br />

Winnie Mevers, second strlmr<br />

quarterback last rc.ixsn, nnd Jim*'<br />

my Itenvcr. second tenm end of M*t.i<br />

At nrpsent. Mover* lins the edce<br />

nn Jim, nit he in the better hall}<br />

•" handler an well AN having Instj<br />

jwarV experience to give him confidence.<br />

On the other l.nnd. Itenv-i<br />

• er passes well, nnd only time will!<br />

tell if he will break In the first<br />

•• g ? gB-^^TIIE IX)Wr.Li:';FRIDAY.^SEPTEMBE't-M?l»ife^<br />

"i^^^^Mf^&^^^^m<br />

L, *" III!<br />

Aerial'Attack Gives<br />

Promise of Victory<br />

THEY DOOD IT By Noel Kelly<br />

„ Lincoln L<br />

«n«r-tti;irfYe;:tbt-Irftop£t 11; perform^ .,<br />

--'the ,nw;;ic*wn,'iUwett'«|<br />

Il l l<br />

. ,? ,? L Commerce team tbafc^ *<br />

ipld th ht "G<br />

l L l Commerce team tbafc<br />

toiiplcd the mighty "Gomi of »^<br />

G«ncrm!on"7 6 in 1041 Uwell- r<br />

Itea have never forgotten the hnii v!<br />

llUtl following foll<br />

that'r that defeat?^ defeat,<br />

and today, another <strong>Lowell</strong> team ii.<br />

V.<br />

prtpared to jtlvo Commerce a real:<br />

*licllackmff<br />

Although Commercerxoes. Into'" ^<br />

j th« Kame n slifcht favorite. <strong>Lowell</strong> >'<br />

; tcamR haw never been* known"to " \<br />

pay nny attention to^nre-gamo ,;<br />

oJJs. With breakaway threats,In .<br />

Don Pettlt and Gene Trweau, - ,<br />

power from Hog Torres, and Win*<br />

nlc Myers* ami Jim Heaver** pass*<br />

fnjf, <strong>Lowell</strong> him a pood ch&.lco of<br />

upHettinff the applecart and coming<br />

home a winner.<br />

In front of this backfleld, a biff,<br />

hard-charfiini; line, . headed -by-<br />

Johnny Borcta, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s candidate<br />

for nil-city tackle; Jack Stroad,<br />

junior Kuurd, and Bill Nelson,<br />

made-over fullback at center, will<br />

open the hole* that lead to pay<br />

dirt. Dave Gardner and Doug<br />

, Scnvil, the pascVBnagKinK endi:<br />

I Allan Ncwoll. Ted Adihade, and<br />

I Dick Mnrrin. veteran xuards. will<br />

I alto be In there bearing thi; biant<br />

| of Commerce 1 * ground attack.<br />

i <strong>The</strong> Commcrco team may bo<br />

| *umrr.cd up in one word, Loskotoff.<br />

Fred loskotoff in Hie find string<br />

j Itulidoj- center, nnd h'c brother<br />

| Bill h the Htnning fullback. TIio<br />

l Loikotoffs are back for their sec*<br />

untl year of vnmity football, and<br />

tlicy nro the ones to watch out<br />

for.<br />

AIKO back art* Amando Kerrante,<br />

*>lnr end from last year** team, nnd<br />

Marcel Bayautct, tackle.<br />

Station Webster revm* sure to<br />

he the hrnkaway threat, OH he will<br />

be openuinir from the tailback<br />

j*pot in Commerce's Notre Dome<br />

} fyiUcm. A fast mun and a good<br />

j patutor. Weliptcr is another one that<br />

; <strong>Lowell</strong> neH fear.<br />

| It appvitr* that Commerce's attack<br />

mu} come throuch tho air,<br />

with Wclritcr throwing and baaketballvnt<br />

Jim Green and Richie<br />

StnntVl, alatiff with Ferranto and<br />

Sal Cnrdinulli catchintr them.<br />

So don't underestimate this<br />

Commerce team. Coach Voyne uya<br />

that Commerce has one of tho best'<br />

team* In the league and should put<br />

up a terrlfi: battle. <strong>The</strong> Unc-ups:<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

LE— Scovjl.<br />

VT— Newell.<br />

IX^Adxhad ^Adhd<br />

, team. I<br />

Left flnlf Pnn 1'ctlt has a touch)<br />

job ahead of him. He fill* the!<br />

•hoe* of Pick Calender. All-City!<br />

1<br />

bock of Inst war** fame. Thnt In<br />

• i fob in Itself. Bnb Griffon, first<br />

" frighted for the left half portion,<br />

J 1 -. IK alternating with Petit. Gene<br />

". TreMreu in uuproven nt ritrht half<br />

. hut will 1x> given nil opportunities<br />

r to show hid cannbllitles. Pmctlco<br />

1<br />

MMions hn%-e found Gene In fine<br />

form.<br />

After Roinj- over the sqtiod n<br />

few time*, there is one very np«<br />

^parent fact:<br />

fJ .<strong>The</strong> team I* chock-full of juniors<br />

IK with little if any playing cxpe<br />

w± rience. So it doesn't look like n<br />

VJ v f n i Btl C—Nelson.<br />

KG—Morris.<br />

RT.—Uorcto.<br />

HE—Gardner.<br />

Here are the Indian*.: I, Wrnny Me>et>, ((•: 2. Don IMitt. II.; X Jim KtRsinx. C; 1. Gene Tre»erau, II.:<br />

.-». John Itorvla. T.; A, Dick .Morris, (;.; 7. liill NcNun. C: 8. Al Lew,-11. T.; 9, Duug Scnvil. E 10<br />

II:<br />

Q—Denver.<br />

UI—I'ettit.<br />

linger TnrrtTC. F.; II, Pure Ganlner, K.; }'£, Couth .Mllcr.<br />

10. ItH—Trearvau.<br />

K—Torres.<br />

Fall Track IlLighweight Baskcteers Show<br />

Commrrce<br />

Having u group of vctcr- Promise; Seven Vets Return!<br />

mil to t fForm<br />

tho nucleus ul of f next n<br />

LG—Kocnlir.<br />

year's e. Cam-<br />

"'^ merce<br />

^tooer 14—Uwell T». Poly. N<br />

ep«tober 21—<strong>Lowell</strong> m Itelbot. .<br />

|noTenber 1-<strong>Lowell</strong> m. Gaineo. _<br />

7NoTeniber 9—<strong>Lowell</strong> n. St. tuna.<br />

W*< tins. ^ , ,<br />

K£L T • i'Xiicnciicc aro not to be counted,<br />

,vmlulB I'clc Schoonmakcr,. uut as contcnilcni for the title. lie-;<br />

:, ••»>- IUCCCSSIUI ncason If von IOOKI Jack Vanilcrmalo. and Bill Schmiill tumlni: Ward llvaly. from Herb last yiar's Suhr, squad Don XLO arc<br />

; at the von and lint record nut It! will be back to bolster the cross- nan. Ward nnd llcaly. Bob Herb Sockaloi-. Suhr, Don Healy, Nco-i<br />

E Jfll be an IntercstlnB year to seolcnuntrj- team. nWme with new-moving from second fitring to first,,<br />

provided ncnrinj; punch, an welt tul<br />

Orloff. With the sieht of a Block backbord ability. Noonnn, airaln!<br />

'L" to njmr them on. Coach Ilnr-j a firvt utrinKCr, will bo called!<br />

"«berl'i»_<strong>Lowell</strong> yi. Sacred,<br />

1 -- —• "-•- --•-•— »-----i<br />

j how our boys can fleht nBainsti comers Dob Olirera. Jim Edivards,<br />

" odds and maybe, knock over an oc-l Don Branson, Stu Jones, and Boris<br />

eulonal favorllo now nnd then. " ""• -t "' •" ' "<br />

K'fjmln csnecla!!y.l More than<br />

iif' c * nn SIDE-LINES<br />

By Victor Levit<br />


wlu bolster tho middle of U.<br />

«' •» expected. But one! rlx predict* crvat success for lhe[iM>on to do n great deal of bnlli a toujrh Conunerce eleven atKcxar. S. 0.<br />

tninic Is certain.- As lone as: Mike marathon men.<br />

'while'directing the at-.Thc Indians will use tho *,<br />

1<br />

VbVM h eoachlmc tlio boys, there A!«o Also on me the niuK*"") program '"t for 4«n.w»m. fall: tack,<br />

while Commerce prefers- tho "No-.<br />

will be a hard flrfitinc team rep-! track k are a walkathon lkthn and a pen- pen Al Al»o showlni; promise are Aosh- treDatne Box." Losses through'<br />

•nentlnir the banners of Itct nnd tathion, the latter beinjr composed mtn ncro Hum, Slonlcm Ware,!<br />

While. He's had less material nnd of five events in competition. -Stan Jxapi*. Tom Glikbar?. Robby<br />

t mid. more of It In the- span of Weight men, Tom MtQuadc, Sam' Foster. Uorb Funir, Don Valoria,;<br />

; rear", he's been nt <strong>Lowell</strong> lhan S!nclnlkoff, and Don Mc<strong>The</strong>e, will Stan Alder, and Harry Marre.<br />

!, any other coach In prep history. be thero pitchine; this term with jv. On tile uthcr hand, the ono hun-<br />

EfKta spenk for themselves. Hubcr. Tambcrt'. nnd Bill Murray, iral twenty poundur* seem to liavo<br />

all point winners last year. In Iho everything. ComLi» up fromfirst<br />

h Irdles. strlnir "JO's" are Teddy Valorla,<br />

ManV OL <strong>Lowell</strong>'s sprinters, who Bill "Fed" Muck, and Henry Mnl-<br />

' many of the jiolnts last lowncy, Charlie Louie, and Chesterj<br />

1 . line. <strong>The</strong> Trojans an curatWU!<br />

Urs<br />

graduation are heavy for both<br />

teams. It should J»#a close game.|<br />

ian^..»<br />

can beat two of these teams, they!<br />

p'a> offs as the rest of the scled. |Kl? l iol!?M l ti!SI" l i ll ?? i<br />

""«" «norL Last<br />

year that helped win tho chlim-Stiiiaro return from last year's ylo ulo, l« I. against aitalMf weaker weaker-;eleTens.|„, elerens.1 u," *?' ikj tiS Si l<br />

ntnniihln nro rctumnlir for anothurl team. <strong>The</strong>se five, w th freshman eoacli Voyne Is conservative. Bdl.,<br />

lies. Yet Ihe team had only one<br />

?ear in the cinder.? hcaded'by|r)rew.,Tunier. formthe nucleus of thinks that the .Indian, will not £<br />

relurnlns; regular frcm the year<br />

oelore. • • ••'••*., •<br />

Bob flX Nolan. Notan^Tom'^wbrldgeJ Tom Trowbridge.| andInsmiut and - - looking --••' outfit Speed -—.-"-" hi finUh /hiiheryihan .•.,.•._,.... sixth." ...I* ,Ho<br />

Al Wolf? Wolf. Up from tb« tbc 120's'jvlll no n.oblem to these boys. with| places Lincoln, Balboa. Poly, Com-. :• Practically,.Ihe umehsituation<br />

bo Keith Edwards, Don Backer,! trackiaen Valoria and Stanaro merce, and SL. Ignatius ahead of prevailed Inn jeara agoT when !he<br />

Joss Scraggy. Ron NovaM-s^and, burning up the courts. Nor should LOWPIU<br />

Indians won Ihe diamplonishp.<br />

Don Sweet.<br />

height worry Coach Neff. as Sta- TO BARTHOLD, former Lon«ll ;'H.'ean<br />

"Hard work Is what doe. It." naro, Loutc, Knack nnd Turner otC^ll star, is now u Nivy V-l£<br />

says Coach Harris. If he Is right, are all quite 'Jail as tho "heavy<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> will win another chanrplon- lightneicW go.<br />

ahip hi next t spring. rig<br />

Another asset to the squad will<br />

( happen agalhl' '' •<br />

Here are a couplo of picks<br />

traineV-stntloncd at tho University,

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