02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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-TWO;<br />

*££- SPORTS'<br />

'' Ity Sharon Dcmick ' *<br />

This week yoT reporter toured<br />

the G. A. A. roster of activities and<br />

*|il«il un the sports, as it were. In<br />

* company with another journalist<br />

ami. equipped with a new. freshly<br />

sharpened pencil and a little noto<br />

hook (to make note, of notables<br />

n pun)wc arrived at the Y. W.<br />

C. A. on Monday anil clambered tip<br />

to the balcony, safe from spray anil<br />

,uch. After much pccrinir ami<br />

xiuintliiK down at the dimly IlRhte.1<br />

pool, we flwlly rccoRnhed a<br />

familiar face umonc the capped<br />

fiiolrcs. Thi« familiar lace turned<br />

,,ut to bo Noel McKcnna's. pur own<br />

G. A. A. secretary. Elated no end<br />

t • this happy 'discovery, w tamed<br />

perilously far over the cilRC better<br />

[u observe N'ocI in her nnuntte.<br />

Soil, blissfully tanprant of our<br />

Tnsdncc. was splashinir and flonl-<br />

Ins to her heorl'ii content, along<br />

with mine twenty other.. We<br />

watched iniietly for a fey minutes,<br />

then an W floated direcUy ben"uth<br />

us on her linck. we smiled<br />

wickedly and waved our notebucon<br />

uEimificanlly. Discovering us up-<br />

SFtar" « much that sh- went<br />

under simttcrliic ominously (lor<br />

IB). A» soon a. »he popped 1111.<br />

we lett hurriedly. After nil. cashnines<br />

miirlit not take kindly to<br />

chlorines, and we had all th» Informatian<br />

wo needed. This information<br />

we now pnw nlftnir.<br />

According to, MlM Adam« and<br />

Minn Boehm. the clnns is coming<br />

nlone verv nil, and apparently<br />

n.me of trie clrl« will fail to meet<br />

the swimming requlrr-menta by<br />

graduation. Right now diying Is<br />

hoinir tauohl to the more advanced<br />

UMIUII: iither« are perfecting their<br />

strokes, and still another groui; Is<br />

i4 the U-irlnninir stagi-, nut Mint.<br />

Aiianu rohl that all were promising<br />

to I* better than nvcrogi*<br />

*w immors.<br />

Tuesday we truij-scd down to<br />

Winterland to watch the ice skalinir<br />

group. Here the view was<br />

much clearer and wo had nn trouble<br />

i.iniclinir out Joy Jlartincll.<br />

«h» TOfmi.il to be making the moat<br />

nrwcUiculnr lunecx and plunges of<br />

thi. entire Kroup. We watched in<br />

utter amazement rui ghe slid around<br />

tri. nnk, nnrruwlj averting cnllikiiins<br />

no many times that we felt<br />

nuitc breathless for her. In fact<br />

urn. minle u» so dizzy that we<br />

tinned our attention to the group<br />

of girls in the ropoJ urea who are<br />

learning flmire skating. <strong>The</strong>ir Instructor,<br />

Miss Miller, has promised<br />

to uach them aliflhing they want<br />

tu know, nnd a substantial Kroup<br />

is trjing out thu things she has<br />

told them. Although the distraction<br />

from our perfect mo.lel was<br />

onij a brief minute or so, when we<br />

next spotted Joy, alas, our perfect<br />

inwk.1 was no longer perfect. But<br />

then all lee skaters nssuru me that<br />

fulling down mwnu nothing. This<br />

makes me feel us professional as<br />

they nrc—well almost; anyway.<br />

No onu seemed io know Anything<br />

about the newest G. A. A. activity,<br />

table tennis, so we dropped Into the<br />

gym Wednesday and innocently<br />

usked l-'roiucne how the girls wero<br />

getting along without tneir "pinup<br />

boys." We were totally unprepared<br />

for the emhusiastis reply<br />

we got. (Don't you think you<br />

»«» II little, haity in throning<br />

tliat paddle at us, Frossene? 1<br />

understand that there is a shortage<br />

of sports equipment.) So, keeping<br />

11 respectable distance between the<br />

irate manager and ourselves, we<br />

ttrtthed Wo girls play an exciting<br />

game of doubles. Back and forth,<br />

bock and forth, back and forth the<br />

little walto ball wont. In maddening<br />

rhytira, until Wo begun to wish<br />

that someone would inns. Eventually<br />

some .obliging person r-\i.<br />

and we took, lime t0 scribble down<br />

a few HUM, <strong>The</strong>n wo strolled out,<br />

our heads still going from left ti<br />

right and from right to left, in the<br />

approved ning.poci: watcher mariner.<br />

<strong>The</strong> net,result of Wednesday's<br />

trip.wns a stiK neck and the<br />

.following names: Sylvia Wallace<br />

and Doris Gass.<br />

Thursday came, and by this time<br />

cur pencil was less than n stub,<br />

our nerves were frayed, and our<br />

"assistant" iuul deserted us. So<br />

next J .tsiDe wo will tako un tho<br />

1 rcstt of "tho roster, and include a<br />

• 'review ofithe semi-annual <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

none, show, for those who aro not<br />

-K lucks enough to see it if reports<br />

from sumo; of our fair eqques-<br />

^trtaras-aie'scciirate. ftl, i£m.,<br />

'showpromises t b dd dd<br />

^rc^iwrf*<br />


Bead over each article carefully, an there are<br />

several important points probably unknown to the<br />

central student body. Please save this Isirae for<br />

future reference, as some time in the future a<br />

vote will bo held of tho entire student body rot -<br />

fylng the constitution and its proposed amend-<br />

"""""• AKTIO.EI<br />

Name and Object<br />

Section 1. <strong>The</strong> name of this association shall<br />

be the fciwell High School Student. 1 Association.,<br />

Section 2. <strong>The</strong> object of this assoclntlci „.*:•<br />

lie the development, promotion, and regulation of<br />

student activities in hnmiony with the educational<br />

interests of the school.<br />

Airrici.Eii<br />

Membership<br />

Section 1. All students in regular standing<br />

are members of this association on payment of<br />

the regular semi-annual dues.<br />

Section -i Payment of dues shall i;ntitle<br />

member* to vote at nil elections and to hold orflce.<br />

to receive the regular olUiuns of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

ami to attend S,+..MI1 ironies upon terms fixed b><br />

the management of the Acnilemic Alhletie Awocintion<br />

or by the Iminl of dirwlors of this nsJo-<br />

A.ITI<br />

Qualification Tor Offerm and Mfmbrm<br />

of School Tvnmit<br />

Section I. In mMition to upeclfle »unllficatlon»<br />

for particulnr office, mrntlmwl therrofter,<br />

nil ramlidntcM for officer* prnvulcl for In thin<br />

conntitution nnd nil memtttt* of tranw unail Iw n<br />

KIMHI Ktandint; En th« tcboo] nnd liolil mrmbemnip<br />

in the U H. S. S. A.<br />

Go»d ntntulini* in un'lcrstood to mean recularity<br />

in nttemlnnce. wi'wfactory scho!anK> thow; unually pi>rlaininc to thu office.<br />

He ithall prifidtf «v«r meeting* of the<br />

botinl uf directors and ult school rallies. It shall<br />

Itc his duty to affect tlic proper organization of<br />

the low-a clnsri.<br />

Section y. <strong>The</strong> vice-president shall pci-form<br />

the dullert of the presidunt in h.a nbsunco and<br />

fliall KIICCCCL to the office of president in case of<br />

vacancy. Shu shall presidu at general girls*<br />

milk*.<br />

Section 4. <strong>The</strong> secretary shall keen full ami<br />

accurate minutcx of the meeting* of the board of<br />

director*. Me shall perform nuch special duties<br />

as the board of director* requires.<br />

Section 4. <strong>The</strong> as.ilstaant treasurer, under<br />

the general miln'rvisiort of the faculty cashier,<br />

ithall be thu collector of the dues of this association.<br />

Issuing student I'tidy cards its receipts for<br />

tho same. Subject to the approval of the cannier,<br />

Itc nhi.11 appoint one of the room representatives<br />

ns dues collector In each registry claw. He shatl<br />

deliver all money promptly to the cashier. Unless<br />

regulated otherwise by school authority, the dues<br />

of this n.isociatio:t shnl! !«•• fifty cciitR a ticmester.<br />

Throuirhout the term ttw nsalstanat treaRurer<br />

and the dues cullcclor slmll actively nnnlst the<br />

treasurer nnd the cashier.<br />

Section fi. <strong>The</strong> yell leader shall nsstut nt ail<br />

whool rallies. It shall be tho duty of the yell<br />

leader or one of lib assistants to atind nil games<br />

or meetings of ntle for<br />

t\w school luinncr, the megaphones, anil all other<br />

school properties iKTtnfning to th" rooting section.<br />

Section 7. Thu editor of <strong>The</strong> I*owi'll must<br />

plan his issues so as to Keep uithin the financinl<br />

e cl.-rb of m'-nrdu sh**!l keen-thi*<br />

roron'« nnil Inscrtl* in thf off-c.* rnnl* the numln»ron<br />

um<br />

of nfnl . presMcnt «f ^irls*<br />

svrvlro melcrv fShVld nnd L). nmnngiT of Imyjt*<br />

siwtrt^. n^oid-nt «f lmys* IHork L Society, nresi-<br />

•Ion» of fiirlii' Atlilftfc Association. nresMent of<br />

P, r L* n . lock Ll ' 1 "' JlI(|pnt '' nI1( ' v-pc-precidents of<br />

hiirh-4. low-j. hIgh-3. nnd low-n rlnsses. tirCRidpnt<br />

of Boys* Council, rodent or Girls' Council, nrrs-<br />

•den», of tho Cnlifornu '•chnlnrshln Federation,<br />

R. O. T. C. rcprescntatKu. and fncuity memhent<br />

as follows: treasurer, cashier, denn of girls dean<br />

of how. nnd athletic representative.<br />

Section 2. Tho nrindnnl of the school shall h*<br />

n member of the boanl of directors and shnll<br />

hive fjnnl decMon In nnv nnentlnn nrislmr.under<br />

tjio rules of the Board of EdncnUnirnnd In OHMtlon<br />

eAtmrnlntr the milev of tho school and Its<br />

rotations with other schools.<br />

Section 3. Tho boanl of directors shnll hold<br />

meeting at n time nnd place arrnntted bv the<br />

nrincinal. A nmjnrUy of mem!*!* shall ennstltiitft<br />

ii craarnm. but fcr even* grant of money the<br />

•yfi/nintiw vole of two-thirds of the membership<br />

shnll be required. '- '<br />

Section 4. <strong>The</strong> nnwrrs nnd duties of the<br />

Imanl of directors shall be iM.foltowit:<br />

(*}. flcniinil supen'tslun nf recognized school<br />

activities.<br />

, ft* Y" 1 ; *•• •K" 1 !!!?",. 0 ' the rtmilor events<br />

«f the A. A. A- lli« B. 0. T. C. anil, the Ssn<br />

Pmnchcj. Drtuttair lenime. irrantlnir of twnnlsslon<br />

to all clubs or tenmi using- tho school nine<br />

(Continued on Pan 4)<br />

"<strong>The</strong><br />

".' ;.:\"A'.Cli«niet«r Study : / \'* r<br />

Inconsplaiuusly hl

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