02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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<strong>The</strong> EiSkft of fieorgc Washington while not a high ncorinjr tram urc<br />

tail and aicgrciMire. Four of 'he Lloyd Leith coached eager* are<br />

t)hff*n here a* they limber up tor '.odiiy'n rncuunler at Kexar. Left<br />

to right are 1'hII lUrri*. Hill Umv, fton £11 if. and Cliff Centner.<br />

—Councsy of the Washington Eaglo<br />


EACLES<br />

TODAY<br />

at the hand* of the Eagles meunint-<br />

fourth place, a rung lower than<br />

the previous nil-time low.<br />

Secondly, the Carl* arc nut to<br />

break the two-year Knule jinx, n<br />

jinx that ended Lcwcll's five-year<br />

title streak, and 'ent the Intlf&nn<br />

slipplnjr down the league ladder.<br />

Antl lastly to utay ahead in the<br />

(Continued d to<br />

t-rvvt'iit tvach- '<br />

:r& from tnkintr<br />

a run nut<br />

powder to a<br />

nearby sumnil-.<br />

1 CSF and Plans<br />

<strong>The</strong> first r.i»-»tmi* of the C. ri.<br />

F. was held mently. Thb lenn'i*<br />

•iffifi-rs an-: Ursula Wtilff, presi-<br />

--!•• picture ("chrnK- of<br />

'• the It.^l nnd White will be n "Windent:<br />

Karbara Mrlntyn-, vic«-nrc»ter<br />

Carnival.' **o the mem- snow idi-nt; and l-'ranci<br />

|i!i-t'ir»-s the better.<br />

Winner* v-itt receive u r.,ver<br />


Krid.iy. Mart-h i;i. tit 8:00<br />

>. rn., thi? um-*i l.-iN'Hl in thi*<br />

—wil! prt-'seni huntoniUH mid<br />

resort. dramatic dii-liitnaticn." in tin'<br />

<strong>The</strong> thought audititrititn.<br />

of tune hers<br />

Maying hook- Swiicn from -Of Mice and<br />

Men" nnd "<strong>The</strong> Great Dictn-<br />

llereV (iood<br />

t«r" are only two of the nets<br />

NCWM for You<br />

•m the program, ndmiKxion to<br />

Time ICeduccd: All tfrwc flu- which En only l.*» cvntK. Ticko.-*itit<br />

who bemoan the fact that et* are available from Debat-<br />

it taken four years or more (?) ing Society memben'.<br />

complete the high school course<br />

will be glad to hear that Northwestern<br />

University will admit a<br />

limited number of exceptional stu.<br />

dvnts after three years of high<br />

school. This will probably net n<br />

precedence that will be followed<br />

by a majority of U. S. colleges.<br />

1 * Newman, we*<br />

rclary-tri'ji)turttr.<br />

Tti'-v |tla n Big Program, Dsince, Refreshments<br />

Planned for Incoming <strong>Lowell</strong>ites<br />

WVli-ome, ncwrnmotfi!<br />

That*!! the kcynntv nf the bijr Frtithmen Hcct-ption the i^hieM nnd<br />

Scroll an- jrivinc next Friday. .March 13. <strong>The</strong> program—at which all<br />

new student;* are (iu*»tit—i* Ijowell's way of flaying,<br />

"We're Kind you're with m! We<br />

tn sptinhor a I'aii-<br />

you like it i««r<br />

Anurrii'an Day nnd will hnvr a <strong>Lowell</strong> Hi W ins<br />

ilance later in thr term. <strong>The</strong>re will<br />

Tno<br />

bour-lone pro-<br />

also U' a cruiip (.-onferi-nci! at Hal- AtKlDOn Contest >-am. >-ram. will il cunxiit cuniit t of f fifteen fifteen acu, acu. u<br />

IHIC Hiirh ,i^ nil Stiii rranrt.ocii<br />

~ Home of f which whih are r the th Florodora F l d<br />

S , n ballet<br />

Membership in ihe l\ fi. F. i.-* Winniiur the junior division com-<br />

Sll<br />

luhifviil by getting at kn>t three' iwtiliun at Kipun la« Saturday,<br />

AV and one IJ a.-* finals in rreparert Lowt.ll Mnrted anothvr rea.toti an<br />

itml unp re parti] tuibjecti*. A "it'One of the top icnao!* of the state<br />

the student. A total of; in thy forensic field.<br />

ten C. S. K. hinur<br />

|minu* In re-<br />

•ititred.<br />

IJ.<br />

j charge for one couple at the Ratv<br />

Itoom Howl of the Palace Hot'I<br />

nnd their namcn printed under the<br />

chitxvn hnapxhots.<br />

Subject matter, uniqucncflK and<br />

IclearnosK will bv the main points<br />

cre all collccicd anil civen to the j<br />

Red crow or norno other worthy Teachers In Uniforms<br />

e&iue?<br />

f Tom L.id Henry Clausen<br />

defeated seven other schools to;<br />

e mentlwnihip is attained by win tht* flmt place medals and<br />

being t>n th» C. S. F. roll two- nlac.)iu>.<br />

thirds of the terms one is at Low- <strong>The</strong> four.man learn of Norman j<br />

ell, nltovc freshman standing, and Kramer. Kramer, Dave Daw Teilrlbaum Teitflbiium Jaekj Jack; shield Prcxy<br />

one of these m'.wt be the h'ghCioldbcre,<br />

and Clarence Kubensleln<br />

senior year.<br />

took Htcond place in the senior di|<br />

<strong>The</strong> membf.9 w:tn Ii^'<br />

regiBtric are;<br />

M-A-II3—7:.*i>tl .rr Alrluuwn. Henry<br />

Kukul. llu.l Murtirt. Wllllum Tukul,<br />

U-HIIP OJIVUII. WJru.' T1IIIHHII». ; Scroll Prnidem F.-ank Wlcaore<br />

l'renno Next I and Shield I'rnldent Anne Wl>le<br />

Kinon -vaa the first lounamcnt > will introduce Scroll and Shield<br />

of the tnriu.- term, the next be- memhers to the outline no that<br />

|injr Frc«no, Ma.-h 21, where, ora-'the«e new Uwellitea will become<br />

tor>' nnd cxtempon.~eou« »pcaklnB Iniernted In xehool nerTlce. and<br />

field« will be opeiu ,V«idcs thejevemuallrset on the Shield or the<br />

rc>:u]ur ilcbntlni;. * ! Scroll.<br />

In the Native Sons andAnvfoin'<br />

cinc in Gym<br />

tion of the American .<br />

We Heard It at<br />

Not long BR-O their unit raised<br />

<strong>The</strong> Coldcn (iale over $l,ao for a mobile canteen.!<br />

Good Sluff: At the Tommy Dor- Now every Saturday, from four in t<br />

»ey «how hut week, a 30i Club the afternoon until midnight. JliM 1<br />

entertainer imitatinc; I'reiident<br />

Roonevelt, laid: "Sure, we'll iharc<br />

U'Scur and Mm. Close nre on duty;<br />

drivinE the ocean with Japan. Well take<br />

thin canteen. In their,<br />

the ton and they can have the bot-<br />

kitchen-like truck they brine !">t<br />

tom."<br />

coffee nnd food to the soldiers on<br />

duty.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Khool d>p>rlm«il hu<br />

»orlctd out . »j»lcm that iiuiirtu<br />

Ihc »»frty ot all xudcnln.<br />

In cue or • r«ld, an alert rig.<br />

pal or thrn nhort taptt on the pasa.<br />

•if bell I» Hounded. S:ui!enM with<br />

paaiea ahould .how them io Ihelr<br />

teacher and then «o directly home.<br />

Pirteen nlnutn laler the aound<br />

or tliret ihort bdU neans that all<br />

Ihoct atudenla on the third and<br />

, ... - — Jitlm l'«"il, Cialr« Korvl,<br />

lUU \VU-)un.l. Julie Vtx-atcr.<br />

i I.i-K-133-riiilii, Arimi, Jowpli I-kk-<br />

1".'.. 1 5sr- Lr »j<br />

(Continued on I'acc 4)<br />

L3's Start Plans<br />

For First Dance<br />

—having won the city and county, ifter the program, and then, as<br />

contest*—will jro on to the region- 1 m^-y have done before th-m, the<br />

nl ebmlnation. to be held noon. J neu. ..i|ldentJ wiU (,anctf ^ <br />

Kruimeyer to Perform (Cym, whMi will have Wen decoin,-<br />

commit.<br />

Low-3 class officers have started<br />

plans 'or their dance with a flourish.<br />

Pros/Jent Ken Wells, Vtee-Prcslrourlh<br />

rloon paaa to the lianemcnt<br />

by the iron! malm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second rioor pauses lo the<br />

nntt by the court slalra. Annex<br />

entem the rintt rloor corridor and<br />

the boyM in the icym yard report lo<br />

Ihe «n locker room.<br />

At a Nienal or two xhorf lielln.<br />

Ihme In rintt rtoor claques flic Into<br />

Ihe corridor.<br />

'<br />

W<br />

drnt HarfT HIcra, nnd Secretary<br />

Bob Don selected their commmittcc<br />

after much serious thought. <strong>The</strong><br />

students rhoscn an. 1 all Northern Calironia In the Na-|"<br />

: Gene Vayssic,<br />

10H; Colh Toolcy, 219; Ed Barthold,<br />

:;0Ga: Frances McDride,<br />

aOGb; Vernon Norrls, 403: Marie<br />

Wagner, 216; and Audrey Hmiscn.<br />

108g<br />

108. SUKC there hadn't hadnt been a com- co<br />

mittee meeting i before bf Md Monday, a<br />

definite date wasn't set for the<br />

first dance of the term.<br />

Marge Hi r re enthusiastically<br />

Btalid, "Some of the themes th4t<br />

have been ituecested for our fitst<br />

donee nre: A Spring Festival.-<strong>The</strong><br />

Basket Bait, and a patriotic dance.<br />

nd hnve orther<br />

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