02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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Volume M. No. 4<br />


Term Play to<br />

Open May 26;<br />

Is Comedy Hit<br />

Curtain going up!<br />

Curtain going up on the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> term ploy, "Fly Away<br />

Home,*' n three-net comedy to j<br />

be given at 8:00 on the eve-j<br />

ningn of May 2G, 28. and 29,<br />

In the auditorium.<br />

Not only is thin one of the l»c*.t<br />

play* to be undertaken nt <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

fit vrr-s a Broadway succe** stnrrinj-<br />

Thomas Mitchell, and a San<br />

^<br />

San Frenclrco, California, Thursday. Aprl|i30,.104!<br />

'Hotel<br />

Eighth Period<br />

Entertainment Kept<br />

A Dark Secret ><br />

By Louise Slanhelm: ;->-.:<br />

"It'i-golng to be s hotel dance<br />

and the biggest success thnt wo'va<br />

ever had," declared niembers of the<br />

low-four dance committee. \<br />

Rumors have It that today's<br />

dance will find room 306 decorated<br />

with slum from the Mark Hopkins,<br />

SL Francis, Palace, and other lead*<br />

I ing hotels. ,<br />

Ottlttr* Ready<br />

In approved hotel greeting style,<br />

! the dnnce committee Is all set to<br />

; welcome you this afternoon. Stand*<br />

iintr at the door will be the class<br />

: president, John Wulbwhlcger,.actjinjr<br />

as manager. Betty Solomon<br />

will be the excited receptionist sit*<br />

; ting in the outer office, and Betty<br />

Holt will be busy performing her<br />

iera"einnm an uaiuwon Lom-i<br />

. mnndcr (_4ii«nei .^lartin was nn Lieutenant-Colonel uaitalton Lom-j<br />

f formancc of f this hi merry mix-up i r ill every (rood d American Ai to t obey b all il llaws,<br />

William Culpepuer, followed _.<br />

go to the P.-T. A. So save up ; ur ,P(, ham. afii)caicd tft ,/ollt Mnior .Maxwell James, battalion<br />

t}tc boi,x of <strong>Lowell</strong> Hiyh, in executive officer.<br />

•,-r-'.:t- •:•»• i ; 3J emu, and fly away to set Juur c,.cni „.„„ /(, x,o/, Urhl'jintJ ilinnrace In llunr school. IIV die Co-oneratlng in the present, noticket*<br />

for "Fly Away Home now! ...».....;, ,,lofr;,i;; (/„•„ ...... ..... „„, lMt .—.. ap,,rttl ...w..». tn ..- I/OK. ;r»i>. 011(7 « llll/cmi *•—• it — llaH name v timiol emergency, iclccted officers<br />

• effect, tin: "Office" indicates tcrcrc penalties for those who I !Vr*iii<br />

Air Raid Drill<br />

'-.•'JWSf'l Procedure<br />

K#S<br />

n £- n ' •* i • t-iviiiiin oir Introi,<br />

n • i<br />

\vmcn<br />

"M*!?<br />

rentiers<br />

.I -<br />

(tmobcjt. J them^ n twenty I.our course in In-<br />

Be » lnu*-ab;dinjr American, a jroutl <strong>Lowell</strong>ite, and pro-1 ^E. 1 /** l ) r & Eckart, Davis<br />

H-4 Officers<br />

"'*<br />

tcct yourself by not hitch hiking—don't force the "Office" to ome Th" many San FranclU' ?<br />

the<br />

' BILL SALES.<br />

f ^ c<br />

In ease of an air raid drill Ihe milkc Joe Eckart, registry 13-J, was<br />

unanimously chosen valedictorian<br />

"» example of you. •••••—- xchool* that • • --.-.-— participated in<br />

Davis, registry 310, wn< elected<br />

.- —<br />

following procedure, which was re-,<br />

; Easier Victory Pnrndie.<br />

class historian at the high-four<br />

meeting held recently.<br />

cently revealed by Mr. Stephens,<br />

Eckart was selected to repre-<br />

will prevail:<br />

sent his class because of his out-<br />

Cabs Put Oat Paper standing Achievement at LowetL A<br />

Schools will<br />

graduate o( Jefferson Grammar<br />

What l» dii with the next ed School, he has btcn o nrominont<br />

tint*? , "Oh. -•:-. we're -,-,- tired." — Vil- groan —v the,<br />

member of the Debating Society.<br />

Aid U. S. War Efforts regular editorial slafr, -why not nnii has made the C. S. F. wveral<br />

let Ihf cuh reporter* put It out7";t[mcj(<br />

r "vn°k Piomho came "ihf , D " v 'i J?*<br />

of lellinir Uwell'. future E, i?v^, -.<br />

When the "all c<br />

Kiren, pupils will<br />

nriylnai class. At —<br />

the ntudents, who hare been<br />

cused. will return lo school.<br />

Round the<br />

eservation<br />

|<br />

umial is 1 <strong>The</strong> hlph nchool wsniim will slnrt on Jun.wvII bids goodbye to Sirs. Miller,<br />

[J; Lacosle and Mr. Polland for Ihewho,<br />

after yean of faithful ser-<br />

Flkg Oa>:>elebri;llon and lo Mrs. vice In the attendance office, takes;<br />

Coesler. for the defense program. •• a moat ile'orvcl rest. Mrs. Sillier j<br />


retired Apii! 12, and has been re-j<br />

In the complaint department, we placed by Mrs, Appclson.<br />

have something never mentioned! TKACIIEItS IN DEFENSE ,<br />

before, the conduct of <strong>Lowell</strong> »tu> I More (^JWCII teaehern in defense'<br />

denu during patriotic rallies. It I work! Under thin heading come'<br />

•Isn't, lilco good Lowe Hi ten ur goodlMimt Andentoit, who works in the'<br />

Americans to laugh and talk while I Victory llook look campaign and at the<br />

the national n-jthem Is being ourteen - >««» Baknslefer. «..—.-»- .who . ...I<br />

played. This Is a mattct which no<br />

.,;one likes lo point out. For the<br />

most part^our attention has been<br />

'great, so..let's watch it especially<br />

while the anthem Is bclrgtung. v<br />

' Wt'vo all given our whplc^haarted<br />

support .t^tjnsketbtill.ani 7oot-<br />

Irfl, will, but the other otherjKwyitled ao^cctled ralnor minor<br />

sporta %rt forsotUn Let'fl cat out<br />

If* heiar^uils Satu-dny. i*nd really<br />

(ft behind our track team <strong>The</strong>y<br />

work hard to brine home the hon<br />

!<br />

work* with disaster relief under<br />

the Ited Cross, and Mr. Fast, who<br />

is kept busy en chairman of Draft<br />

Board B8.<br />


<strong>The</strong> worried expressionsncen on<br />

mariy students' faces this past<br />

week can I* attributed to the fact<br />

that.irrades jro In May 8. That's j<br />

riitht—we report cards Mun '<br />

da> 11<br />

I<br />

Well that'! 301<br />

votr to become'feature'edirorand 1:30 o'clock. This graduation will<br />

nocrnphy. office «»• | h.ndlr Ihe weond HBK^ white J«k be one of the lerRcst In. Low«I11<br />

chines, drafting weldtnir. shop p^e, p^ WM chosen chosen to edit <strong>Lowell</strong>s <strong>Lowell</strong>'s history. Diploma. wIU.be con<br />

mnthcmatics, auto mechanics, and jport f front. <strong>The</strong> Th news editor's di' Jb Job ffcrred d on almost l t fu four hudd hundred stu- t<br />

(Continucd nn I'auc Four) ' went to Mildred Klefer. 'dents.<br />

'A Jeep a WeekVWar Stamp Goal<br />

Selling War Slamp. lo julriollc <strong>Lowell</strong>itei<br />

t* an KMlKninent.'lJot ; Kipps vcfinit tn<br />

enjoy. -1-l.Mo by U Hater<br />

Never let It be «aid that <strong>Lowell</strong> itudetitB are<br />

IflBKnrdx when n campaiffn Is afoot. <strong>The</strong>y set<br />

in nnd back the project In question to tho tnaxl<<br />

mum every time.<br />

So it Is with the latest effort—und the biftctst<br />

ouv they've ever hsd to tackle—that of doihir<br />

their hit to "help beat the axis" by buyinir war<br />

Ktnmps and bonds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hallle cry around the HUle old red iirlck<br />

.chool house now b "A Jeep .week." and Mudenla<br />

and teachers alike are out io do just that.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of Mrs. Coester's sales II elan<br />

are cnthuiinstically lcadinir this drive." -<strong>The</strong> class<br />

is divided Into several committees, the members<br />

. of which offer. their servlecii to this effort by<br />

selling stamps and bonds during registry, in room<br />

' 14!, and durii.tr the lunch period* In tho court.<br />

. .<strong>The</strong> "Ralef barometer," designed by members<br />

:. of.lhls group',:will occupy itiTnositiun in the court<br />

.. for. the duration. II < «ho»m better than any.<br />

•- Ihlne.-eUe, how Uwellileii an rail oui" for mlory.<br />

\ i<br />

With spirit like this, how ran <strong>Lowell</strong>-f.U to<br />

surpass tho efforts of any,other:school In the<br />


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