02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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SCHOOL<br />


BERRY, BOB<br />

^Family<br />

••••••••?•!&•<br />

^ ^<br />

??, s -- By i»Ipe Briar •<br />

Fhoru U an old »ay.nc that a<br />

OH.-d Is something that Uke* cdu-<br />

^ cstlon out of a school but puts whooL Our only way of verifylnx<br />

»- this Is to follow twu students,<br />

V/whom w« shall call Bob Ray and<br />

Joan Bolsseree.<br />

At 8:50. the halls are ;*acked<br />

•with boys and i:irl«, boya tryingto<br />

knock each other out And splat*<br />

tcr blood un the walls; Kith* trying<br />

to make themselves prettier by<br />

combine their hair and puttinc<br />

powder un their •"*«*. Of cournv,<br />

you must realiiu ttmt this Is In the<br />

morning; the bter.cl.inir Jobs arc put.<br />

on in the nifjht. Amidst this turmoil<br />

itarui two solitary figures, 1<br />


Polland Threatens<br />

Cast To Quit <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Hayseed Center Taken<br />

Joan and Bud. Bolt is an Industrious<br />

student *'ho want* to c*:t<br />

ahead in the world; Joan is ju«t a<br />

iWcet kid, und as uxtial, hnsn't done<br />

her homework.<br />

Joan takvj* out her litmlvr. and<br />

affcs Bob a Tew question*. Boh is<br />

not very sure of himne'f, .111 in<br />

order to have more Kvlf-ii^urunctr.<br />

'., he asks a brilli-int student (shall<br />

GabstersCop |HolIywoodTo<br />

f ' we call him Cordon T«ivanni> for<br />

' ailvlce. Now Guidun is kiK'wn n« a<br />

"wonder bey,"* fo he uteri* up to<br />

StateTourney;! Offer Actors<br />

Hub with prtii'*. nnd xnyit that he<br />

will bu only t irlnd tu help. Hub<br />

citf the inside d»|>e from C«rd«n,<br />

Win 4 Firsts Huge Wages<br />

and uti'ih; up to hulii Joan, who by<br />

ti\i» time if rld Politic*! Ad«-=--—^ Iand<br />

we'll nil be free!<br />

Shirlee Ronan Leaves<br />

.Shirlec Ronan, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s noted secret<br />

service head, left this mom-<br />

BOB POLITZER injr on a mysterious trip to Ubangl.<br />

It is rumored thnt ahe Is searching<br />

far the merciless thief who stole<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Memorial Day vacation.<br />

for . Awketl about tho trip. .Miss Ronan's<br />

only comment was, "I don't know!<br />

nothing about nothing." With<br />

Prime Minister these few words of intelligence,<br />

I: ITawlcshaw Konan turned back to<br />

Incoherent<br />

her magnifying glass.<br />

T ? P u» '".'"•""'y H«d that thelr theatrical<br />

at Slate College, May carvcra mult come flnt. All the<br />

Frank PhMMp,„* nm place *KrS£?5\ff2&!Ki£ .....<br />

(Continued on Pnire Four) Idrawn after next Tuesday ntahu<br />

I Mac West .Carlson blushing!/ ad-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ites<br />

Take English A<br />

BERKELEY, Mny ,8 (u t, s<br />

A. P.)—After tlie EnBli.h A Riven<br />

: :hoso "smart'' itudcn'ts"who"havc<br />

Bill Calhoun<br />

Stubs Toe<br />

SAN FRANCISCO. .May 18 (L.<br />

II. S, A. P.)—Bill Calhoun, biT<br />

kotball itar. Is reported to be reeovcrinic<br />

from an Injury to a tuo<br />

stubbed In an effort to reach clan<br />

I on time. Although tho Injury<br />

catiiai Mm Breat oaln, after a dose<br />

»f penicillin. Bill I. feeljne better.<br />

Accordlne to doctorj, he will live.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

lixn loafinii for the past four years<br />

are (.renariV to almfup for dum?<br />

Ml Ensllsh at the recently Increa.ii.il<br />

7Oo of twenty dollars. One<br />

studenr Is rumored to haw stated<br />

NOTICE<br />

All charactors, places,<br />

dates, and evenu depicted In<br />

his newspaper (7) arc puro<br />

y the IlleKltimate product of i<br />

' 1>u"° r " ""Bination. l: •<br />

IfH 1 " "I? 1 "* K " a Mac West Cartnon bluthlnjrly ad-<br />

miu tthat<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s preicmcauon of<br />

I "Out Out of tho Fryhur Pan" Pan will be<br />

the h hi hit it of Hayes street All other th<br />

members of the cast concur wltlt<br />

II. W. C. when she deeteres that'It<br />

will be well worth whl'o io come op *<br />

and sec her somo s tlme^r«Ithcr Msy<br />

23 23. 20 20, 20, or 20 20.<br />

: FFLASH:<br />

LASH An unconfirmed report<br />

has Just been received from the L.<br />

1<br />

11. S. A. P. According to the bulletin,<br />

Director Pullnnd Is jrolnjr to<br />

I Dress his suiL <strong>The</strong> cast members<br />

havc all received offers of positions<br />

as ushers in the Hollywood Bowl.<br />

Index<br />

CroNswordit<br />

Comics (?)<br />

Contract Contact* ...<br />

Drama _:_<br />

Edllorlals<br />

Udity.Carlom '..<br />

"lon Radio Lot-_L_ "<br />

nation Dales ..<br />

Society ___.<br />

Vile SlalUtlci.<br />

Try to find (hem!<br />

%M<br />

<strong>The</strong> Weather Man<br />

CriiUnit his rather short neck ye olde trick"bnlMlnjc smiled betoward<br />

tho wide open spaces, and nevolcntly and finally came<br />

stroking his abbreviated beard, ocr HiE""* , wlln U" 1 ? statement: Low.<br />

ftmous. If somewhat dilapidated KiSer*,li SKSS I 2i».!!. ll> fe*<br />

bust of James Russell <strong>Lowell</strong>-(In will be h<br />

tho main entrance, k'ddlcs);! re- they rceeivo tnclr report «ui<br />

nuunMUier predictions. teachers withf Sol^mdcis.'" with<br />

WWIo w« fidgeted and inulrmed. these sag, words, Jlmnw' '<br />

Jimmy,, as he ^-affectionately!hsu(thtylhouloSrVmiresi<br />

known amoitK older'inhaHUuiU of mow his sculptorcd"iot£<br />


Bolsscrce'fl Blue Sox 24, Ray's Red Hots 1<br />

Shiffler's Senders 16,. Lau's Louies 0<br />

li'iodwin'g Goons 4, Politzer's Pinups 3 ;<br />

Carbon's Cuties 7, Chandler's Chinups 4<br />

Ronin's Rowdies 11, Lowe's Lillio 10<br />

Wil ion ? s.Wows:6, Blum's Bums 2 • •<br />

Heio]rg'Herring8'9.'Heron'8''•"'•;-*'. :> " ;<br />

te«!ic'/Larupcr8-10,-Herbert'sJIarrys 1' .

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