02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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'**<br />

3^<br />

Ff?iig scores of E'8-0 and IKf-U.<br />

it !)urlng tlic first fi%'u yearn of<br />

£gridir»n struggle- with Poly, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

rfemerged vic:ur five time* under<br />

'Jthe able coaching of Courtney<br />

rjoremn.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n . . . tragedy, unsafely,<br />

s fear . . . war! <strong>Lowell</strong> concn cn-<br />

£ lifted on December 13, 1917. He<br />

twos replaced by an Indian alumni<br />

land a U. C. grid star, Mike Voyne,<br />

^who is now widely known aH the<br />

Inmost outstanding San Francisco<br />

21 Warn n Coach<br />

Coach Voyne it still producing<br />

fchamjuonHhip teams on the old re*- !<br />

iJervu'Jon. Tuie year's team may<br />

jrave to be another "wonder team"<br />

i; v^iut that famous eleven in 1939.<br />

Because of the tireK-nt world eon-<br />

!..rt. the Parrot** famous Joe Verlucci<br />

has left to be t-eptuced by Milt<br />

Lfl» Win !<br />

-We all loolr fuiward to a victory<br />

r the favored Parrots, for we<br />

_|ixe thitt perhap* thin iff the last<br />

lance we may have to piovu thnt<br />

-JV <strong>Lowell</strong> Indians art: boiler team<br />

jupportcrs und that the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

elivcn iias better player-.<br />

c This (a the twenty-ninth game,<br />

Erhatw llio las*, for the duration.<br />

• know I need say no more<br />

. . Sec you there!<br />

NVxt spring's giant "Itcd<br />

and White" will contain,<br />

among many other interesting<br />

feature*, twelve puces of<br />

enndid camera shots. So<br />

here'* your chance, camera<br />

hounds! Brine 'em in in<br />

drown!<br />

Hut the editors don't want<br />

all of thei>c photon tn lie of<br />

Lowvll's "big shots." <strong>The</strong>re<br />

should be- lotx of freshmen<br />

and sopuhomorcs in these<br />

pictures. Ijirge groups are<br />

to Iw avoided—four or five<br />

people at most.<br />

r ear a Badge of Service;<br />

Enlist in Victory Corps<br />

What hif-li school students can do Everyone enrolled in the<br />

on the home front to r " '<br />

._ war has been outlined<br />

.Jnited States i>ovTnmcnt -<br />

lUtlon-widc Victory Corps<br />

Member* of ths fifth pet<br />

riod clean-up committee have<br />

t received th& commendation oi'<br />

I Mr. \VaU*i, thu committee di-\<br />

Krector. ?or the excellent jobv<br />

J they arc doing In keeping<br />

I <strong>Lowell</strong> looking well.<br />

1 Co-opCi'atioii on the imrt of<br />

Laft students, however, has In<br />

£ tor? and must be Improved, 'it<br />

b was stated. :<br />

i^' Among tho .-ncniliors of tho<br />

K committee nro Eiine Cowell.<br />

KJohn Collan, and Joriy DeU<br />

Special Service Divisions, each not a word of protest was M*A.<br />

with tiarticulnr requirements. All Impossible? No, because the fitagrcgistry<br />

teachers have full Infor^'wred hours program went into .>f-<br />

matfon on JIMS requisites. I feet, and school will open nt 0:00<br />

After frigning up. members of the<br />

Corps will tic entitled to wenr Insignia<br />

Indicating their service.<br />

Thic program to enlist high<br />

school students where they arc<br />

most needed and In what they can<br />

do best Is nation-wide [n IKVPC. fnduiiing<br />

all public and unvote sec-1<br />

ondnrv schools. However, the adt<br />

m(i:ixtratlo^ tcill be locnl. In addf-<br />

[Ifon, each rchool wMI hov« a Vic-<br />

| tory Corps Council of mcmltent,<br />

na-wnts, and teachnrs, whose jub It<br />

wHl be to develop policies and<br />

pIn nil. ,<br />

nnd close nt 2:*'O. making the <br />

nrc^n.m arc to give youths<br />

.cdlite, accelerated, nnd spec ol n.iw«inn w»r vuon. i, ,—j- .<br />

lluWta ancl 8li<br />

-lining for the war service they 3. Continuon* srrvtvc :w air raid<br />

[III perform after they .wive warden, first watcher, U- S. O. volhool,<br />

and at the same time to unteer, builder of model airplanes, c*. wj<br />

lint out Hie ratpoiMibimic* thnt r.wl Cross work, farm a'd. salvage'Ot S£2QT tlOUTS<br />

cycm shoulder now. ,work. can, of smali children for; ® S <strong>The</strong> staff of the-Kdd nnd White<br />

hits has brought In thu total iof<br />

»13J5<br />

ber 12. Ilomc-and-home discussion from Its sale of tho (riant sprlnir<br />

nrogmms were held with Oakland edition. This represents the sale<br />

High »nd the U. S. F. freshmen. of MM Journals. Two hundred<br />

<strong>The</strong> Navy has moved into the de- more will be set aside for tho newbator's<br />

hungout, 319. <strong>The</strong> room is comers to <strong>Lowell</strong> next spring.<br />

no longer adorned with "ci "and This super-journal vrf'J be thu<br />

debate xchcdulcs, but with the re- lanrest in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s histo.7. wd will<br />

sult of Mr. Lorbcer's plan of tench- be the first annual. Inciudld in the<br />

ing Navy rulimcnU. Beneath sig- Red and White will be complete<br />

nal codes and knot boards, the air uictures of the fall anV. spring<br />

stilt grows warm, while Coach Lor- srailuctlnc classes, photon atul sto-<br />

~ , becr kans tmcU in his chair and nes for a wnole year of Jports and<br />

" Memhenhtti Meanx Service |working puretits, ami many other A ffootc<br />

smiles.<br />

lOutllned In tho plan of the "teen- necessaary jobs. JXTTeClS<br />

.Mr. Barry is the Bed nnd White's<br />

rim> sponsor.<br />

«-o army" are tho services that stu-f sP«l«l Service Divtalorut !<br />

1.6<br />

.-^ :;,;

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