02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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SSI<br />


^Volume 81. No. A<br />

1 o k in g<br />

Ar o u nd<br />

Lo•<br />

w e11<br />

i s<br />

By Rob Slurtcvant, Editor<br />

».> January 25 is u very special day)<br />

If '- fcr 230 <strong>Lowell</strong> students. To the i<br />

1/ hiifh seniors, graduation day will ^M<br />

;«nJ forever nigh school daynJIM<br />

Graduation on that day will mean! . To I*jn:l Hopper, every<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 5tu«lent owes a vote of<br />

thank* for tha efficient way En<br />

which h good officer*. LOMeSt L1OS6S IOF<br />

for Lhe Job next lerm will 1* very:<br />

IMPI. Vot-i for the person you:<br />

know will IK: a cie.iit to <strong>Lowell</strong>. Student Body Card<br />

Worth Repeating ]<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> -"udoni hody U<br />

N'I-XL term'it Ktinlent IMMIV c:ird<br />

will lie somethinir tti tulk' about,<br />

probably lln-d of hcarinc<br />


San FtnnclKo, California. Wtilanulay, January 20.1043<br />

Candidates Await Verdict<br />

U|_ w A*V A*«t^S,j^^^^%j<br />

230'Seniors;<br />

TajGradiiate<br />

January 2 5thj<br />

' Tomorrow .._ In registry, <strong>Lowell</strong>'* office and won Block L member-<br />

student body officers . for the ship for hi* iwlmming ability. Ray<br />

spring term will bo chosen. At ... the IN ... i-rexy ,..». of „» the ...v Iorr-3 .«.,-«. claw. *.««i, Block »•»••<br />

nrimary cWtiont, held on January r L memfier, *nd a football and basil,<br />

the candidate* for each office j kcthnll player,<br />

were singled down to two, «•-•-- Chief ... "money counter" will be Graduation Exercises<br />

Eddy v* null<br />

Ed Rarthold. high-3 prexy. or<br />

Hoping to be able to iiudres* Allan Mancoll*. Both are Scroll ;At Opera Hou««<br />

stud'nts at court lollies and lead and Block L . member*.<br />

In other activities are George Bull "LoweL r<br />

and Bob Eddy. George Is well Who will be chief In the news- "Conjcratalatlonsr J<br />

known as the nil-city football cen- room? Will it be Mildred Kfefer, "Thank you. Mr. Stephens.**^ I<br />

ten Ho holds a membership in the who has spent two terms on <strong>The</strong><br />

Block L nnd Scroll, and works in; <strong>Lowell</strong> staff and one Jcrm on the<br />

<strong>The</strong>se words will be repeated o-A<br />

Miss Harrison's office.<br />

Red and White staff? Sho is a<br />

sWO <strong>Lowell</strong> graduates who will ro-i<br />

Bob Eddy is another of Mis* Block and shield member as well<br />

eelvo their diplomas on Xoii&y,*<br />

Harrisun's hoy* and a xnorts en- as a debater and was cub man-<br />

January 25. at the Opera HODS*. {<br />

thjxiant. . He Is an outstanding aging editor of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

California's oldest high school<br />

Vrxity wrxity swimmer swimm and nd was prcxy rxy of f 'wnn wnr • • i<br />

hU low junior claxx. Bob will vie<br />

•• - •••<br />

had its first commencement ezer-:<br />

with George for the office of prcs- „<br />

Jilent t n Shield member, and also haf<br />

Vice presidential candidates are upent one term on the Red and<br />

Ruth Gumbrecht of the advanced White staff?<br />

orvhextra, and Pnt Krili, C. A. A.<br />

Favorite*<br />

rtdinr manager. Illock L member, Juanltn Roymonandt<br />

vice-president of her hfj;h>3 claim, posed for the office of<br />

and helper In Mr. Monroe's office, j manager. We know she Is antlcl-<br />

¥J <strong>The</strong>re "** were — only ' * two candidates' " * nntlng ulng hnnl work In the coming<br />

^*ff _ ._ >rm, nnd, because oC her previous<br />

taker, without showing any favor-' experience, she will prove more<br />

ilium on <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>'s pnrt, will than capable.<br />

undoubtedly Iw a boy. <strong>The</strong> two <strong>The</strong> trnilitior.nl cjtc yell will be<br />

for !>ccrct) ' r ell tends forth 230 rtudcuts who*"v.i't<br />

enter Into a heavy-hearted<br />

world. But it is through thaw<br />

and all hIKh-spint*>d and vietorym'nded<br />

young Americana that our<br />

goal will be achieved. Fourteen<br />

boys who have already joined the<br />

armed forces will be graduated fa<br />

y« Next Jerm's^note-j term, nnd, I<br />

ibjtcntln.<br />

'Pom p and Circumstance,"<br />

plavcd by y the <strong>Lowell</strong> oorchestra, h t<br />

will accompany the " up tovoice<br />

the introduction. <strong>The</strong> class<br />

Warren Simmon*. Doris* Thornp- you to chooi"** a good set of ofi'i- history is to be reviewed by Irftan.<br />

Juanlta Reytnenandl. cors.<br />

ving Hammer. It will bo the history<br />

of four years of close associa-<br />

: m<br />

j lion and everlasting memories—of<br />

a* I Minute, dnneen, gamen, parties, rallies, don*<br />

»: Urad Giles hie lunches, nnd even those dreadis<br />

in the running] cd report card days. With In*<br />

lor yell lender, world situation* clamping down<br />

Hraii is known | upon many moments of relaxation,<br />

for .... good [every <strong>Lowell</strong> memory will be prc-<br />

work as one ofciou.i.<br />

the nft'<br />

this term.<br />

Under the direction of Miss Hazel<br />

Alexander, the Girls' Glee Club<br />

will sine. *Trnyer From Hnnsel<br />

and Gretel" and "Allah's Hclllday."<br />

Joan Duff will (rive n reading.<br />

Alt good things come to on end<br />

j Victory Corps iWar Stamp Goal to<br />

nnd Betty Solomon, In her vale-<br />

Plans Proceed Be Reached Soon dictory, will hid farewell to LowelL<br />

Mr.lt. C. Kricjrer will direct the<br />

At Good Speed' W» uw »nlc» In Doccmbcr <strong>Lowell</strong> orchestra in the ployinir of<br />

the Svmnhonie tuom. M I>hnnn "<br />

I Annual to 1<br />

iMST' J . Jl ' mar y ** thc fina ! mon , th in Many Candid Shots<br />

•"""*"• n-hivli the S100.COO goal can be at- J<br />

<strong>The</strong> stuiknt body Imrkinir. the Tuckl'r 'will hnvc^'a"* hard" time j **>'- «nd production— are or-n to ,Vart:c7pat«Hl thft"<br />

yelL* nnd ehrrrx niv what the tenm c|1(l(I>Iinjr the winning ilcxlgn. I<br />

ulty ad- :.,iti^]. An ndditloimi sale of Slt,-<br />

- -'"•--•* - • • Ji,,ri! than this Pictures, pictures, and mom plcil<br />

everj* other jttircH will be the prevailing fea-<br />

u t"IH-'r clafsmen and to Inv.vr class- j<br />

needs. We can fhoiy every other '" " I men who nra specially quuli:"<br />

schiol we can Iwa*. UK nttj-mlanre Mr. Johnston, chief fncuhy «,.at<br />

ifmw. \Vc hnvp a swell team. Schedule Changes viser for th» Victor)- Corps, utatvit Ty-m iV needed"<br />

Donit let It down. _ _, . _, that about "CO ftudent have signet!' • ' * •<br />

Wei. thu is vour lost !/twcll p o r Spring Termlun. nnd ih.it this i« n ^mall per- 1<br />

f»r this ;»?nn an-I my Ia?t column. r ° ccnuige<br />

Tbunks. nnd thatV thirty. t „, ,, _ , ,__, ,.,„ -ou;work has 1<br />

from <strong>Lowell</strong>'s champhnehip march<br />

J will enhance the Red and White.<br />

Debaters Beat Parrots'35,«ff35.» 1 Take a good look at thin, . .<br />

clcx-k xlavrx. llcrc'if the new schwl-<br />

3*fcite<br />

arc to be used.<br />

. nqu«t. it . _<br />

ei'rnfnjr at a downtown ii!£tiiunint,<br />

will be thfc announcement of next<br />

.term'* officer* nnd the awarding<br />

of the ran for thi- n,.wt rfficlent I.unch, 11 :.1"-12:07—lower divl- j<br />

.company in th*i Kchool battnlfon. »n.<br />

'' <strong>The</strong> promotion of the officers in<br />

divided by the rt^ulu nf cmnjuti-<br />

•la. 11:27-12:20.<br />

Uve examinations. <strong>The</strong> cup is<br />

Hi. 12MS-I2:r

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