02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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**•<br />

ADnl j_Th. U<br />

,raln toda, » rather conhin.il<br />

prance but on tuno nml with<br />

new campaign, SIOU Dn><br />

ril IBBwl «•!« «! w<br />

N R7NI Mr. Jiihu»lo.i<br />

E and the Amy Air Curp* gained<br />

* Fintt Lieutenant JuhiMiin. Hut.<br />

I *o bo truthful, we can never<br />

Me Mr. Johnston r r hi* xpirit<br />

the flat;. <strong>Lowell</strong> has nn rnmllmcnt<br />

«f 193:1. Xearly every registry is<br />

100 iwr cent. <strong>The</strong>re arc only ten<br />

rcgifttrivs in the school not ninety<br />

nor cent. <strong>The</strong> salon of stamp* nnd<br />

linul.* HK uf April wan $l!u5,,Ul.!H>.<br />

: TJie floit will oi-.ty fly the months<br />

lv«at.tt'r. H will really IK- hpr.«ijr in th.» *.,„; ,,f stamps the four<br />

,when the taiw Llusnoin in the hnlli; ii-ntiin-r ivjristrtns are »0C C.<br />

-JncXt Tuesday. S18H.95; Co. "A," Sl"(i.CO; ','£0,<br />

Our dream Imtnlwr wan ciwn c 81-1&23; nnd 2!4. %tV£M. Tim.*<br />

W)it by Ulenn Hardy in Ins new* rooms* l.-.tdini: in bonrijuiyini; nn<br />

broadcast llii* week.<br />

on the silviT wine* of a humjur.<br />

nu mattrr whm it" «.**•. M»,<br />

I'krker will receive part of I hi*<br />

thinks »hf iKiatrvLy I'nr thr work<br />

Her wMdManK Lrwwforif (wiry.<br />

Jack turli-y, and J«!m Witland<br />

have «i\cn a Kreal rtwil *-f<br />

time and el tort anil liavv nut rv-<br />

1 part.<br />

we tr>* hen 1 m i;ivt: ti»!in nnw f" 1 -<br />

DCniUon f«r their services.<br />

• — " * sold today.<br />

A Been.' In^cn (lurlliK rchoarnals of<br />

the /ortlienmlnjc prixluctlon of<br />

il«* volickini: musical comedy,<br />

"Hoit J--.O*. Forward," Mh»wx<br />

More $100 Days<br />

To Boost Our<br />

Bomber Fund<br />

One Hundred Dollar Days!I Tornni/ow<br />

and Monday arc set asido ,<br />

f^r each rt-ffittry to equal its success<br />

In lout month's special drive<br />

Almost 515,000 to help fly Tho<br />

Lov.oH" w-s raised as a result of<br />

tho campaign started in the hut<br />

|i«*uo of tho paper. 115,000 eariiiarxr'J<br />

for our fund to buy our<br />

bomber.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pliin is brief!v this: A Roal<br />

• of $100 worth nf bonds is given<br />

• cash registry. Denomination doesn't<br />

j tr.ittcr an lonj: as the total f« $100<br />

i or more.<br />

Mante Karri* attracting the at-i it means hard work on overytcntion<br />

«f ICay Faurnival. Hay ! one's part. It meanf oskinc friends<br />

Kind. n:t'l Hot) Ilium n» Shirley j to buy their bonds throuch you. It<br />

I'lrmirc utandH ready fpr action. J means a lot to the fellows who<br />

• need planes, and especially Fi^mr<br />

%®$£r Hy "" "' in Fourteen Days Till Term Play, j&^Vil^ES^JW<br />

" "Best Foot Forward" Is Giveni^A\ l £nsW!& ll pulled S<br />

R.O.T.C. On Toes For '•""' 11 " •""•!'"•' •'""><br />

Federal Inspection<br />

Whether or :'«t 1<br />

fitii: il*.-a! f*till imHtfc ratiiiir for tho '.hird mtiFvcutivu j<br />

Miw yJKoiiJ* vftia.: Hut liow to annual F.'diT.il Inopection. inajjf '<br />

it when, remains ;: in>.-teiv. IE. O. T. t\ event of the year, in<br />

- • - • • J helil tndny. Army officer.* rcprc-<br />

Fourte<br />

thoy lm;l nil •)?>•!« •}?\* Itcfore "<strong>The</strong> ri>llou-s:<br />

ivlii'ri'.ts the<br />

11 :t i I y uvi-ra<br />

llriVi;<br />

ii. A total of ?*•'..of<br />

freedom was soUl<br />

lirtnyini: the I-ovv*.'U<br />

this n mount. w« have<br />

>u;:n ,0 buy n medium liomtHT,<br />

»a,b««tened."l.«d.eiu;'n»Tw.li Ihe ninrnte'for" 5*11^1Twii: »|-» »„',,»',•„<br />

(, knc... only ,„ the editor if It I. jndM*. $*%ftJX?r, but the buanl nlinff banning<br />

all Krnduations at the Opera House<br />

utill ^tnndti. Uoivevcr, thcro is<br />

h'ljic that <strong>Lowell</strong> will not have to<br />

j craduato from Commerce.<br />

p or the actual ctfry<br />

IK definitely in<br />

•. lint the Senior<br />

the Fairmont, in<br />

the night of June<br />

'° " u xchoul amassinir %hu P\OHI<br />

i;wanlii. <strong>Lowell</strong> had never before<br />

wtm this tournamei;»<br />

y, the K. 0. T. C. Federal In- two-hour claw twrfm! t'lily. All c Company. < la > n , ._ „ fc-fYti;i, ,lu,are fci!ai|1<br />

-* 1 --and the debarinc society s s,miect)« wilt hnv? hrnicworlc os-| " <strong>The</strong> piny, which concerns a movie was compoKcd of Mildred Klefor<br />

* n program. slcnnientii. | HumorOUS DeCS In ! stnr aI1( * n * cn ' or Prom, was n rio- and Tom Slei'cc. <strong>The</strong> two victors<br />

t?ut another ustio to bed, Fu\ticets offered Hy this neulonj . ,. —. , I tous hit on Broadway, where It hnd \ c Timelc<br />


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