02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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£*•<br />

Seniors Get Ready<br />

For Faculty Tilt<br />

THE LOWELL. HltlDAY. JANUARV 20. 19«'<br />



DANNY'S<br />

An the. old jirofs lay aside their, may occasionally crow tile plate<br />

textbooks bk uml d students tudnts «lo do llkowl*e. llkwlw wilt be Elmer Harris.<br />

the nchool nt larse anxiously pre- So much for the faculty. Ami<br />

pares for today'* semi-annual foe- now a brief *ize*up uf the senior<br />

ulty baseball tflt.<br />

sqund will show why the graduate*<br />

<strong>The</strong> seniors, with t flaiihmjr Ilirht cannot bu underrated. Operating<br />

of reveiiKe gleaming In their blood- fm.n tho mound will bo irrfd star<br />

shot eyes, arc even up a* fnr as thei Sp Snence Vyn Voyne. and i hacking hki hi him up<br />

- * • '" *• ' "- in betting goe*. but should lie rated! will ho he callable caitable Hud "-•' McGIIIy. "<br />

as slight underdog* to a more sea- Handling all of the first base put*<br />

soned and experienced ball dull.' out* will IK> Hank "I piny a little<br />

- #_....... ».-..i— «i_..«-i .„n Simnmn.* nipping a few facuK<br />

Iwtd upstart* a slight shellacking, ty run* In the bud. I ton mini- the<br />

Junt look at the human dynamov* cutfldd pasture* will IK; Mel WIIIgrnclng<br />

tho faculty line-up anil bnck, ICoycr Jnhmum. ami \\Vnny<br />

that's ht' nut no hard h d t to understand.' l t d ; M Meyers. All w« w run say in i "what "ht<br />

Holding down the first liase spot' M GrlsHold Bchrend, class of Ml*<br />

Is in the Aircraft Signal Corps,)<br />

stntliinetl in the South I'ncific I<br />

t Bert Burns, class of '-13, I* «Utloned<br />

at the U. S. S. Admiral<br />

Hbvrle Station. South Pacific.<br />

ftsrgeant Lwi Vugel Jr.. fs servme<br />

fa thcN'avy and is now overscan.<br />

<<br />

CnnlaEn Rdward II. Lettunich!<br />

was killed In action in Holland oni<br />

N'ovemlwr ...<br />

I'fc. Jack Gutitill wa* „....„ ...<br />

action in tho jlttditcrmneiin Area.; L^T'"** "-.---*-• .--~» »«•*- *J*. an.-Hxt-^ .*..«.vww« «*'•! •>• •* »,*••,•¥•* 4tiv»<br />

Harrv Christiansen i* taking the!<br />

ball club!"<br />

fur tla' faculty will be Charlie! From the lookx of thing*, to.<br />

ot(i Cards Nip<br />

Bucs Topple<br />

. <strong>The</strong> 1945 edition of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s casaba'tcam hasn't quite lived iin to<br />

killed In [*» expectation*, unUl today that is, for It has a fifty per cent average,<br />

>nn Area, having knocked over the St. Ignatius Wildcat* 22-21 In a'thrlllcr. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

Man Overoptimlsm beat them, as a flighting Balboa squat! pulled a<br />

V-T Navy Academic Refresher! oinjor upset to edge out the Cards by one point. 19-18. / " '<br />

Unit at Colgate University at- To put it mildly the hoyji looked very sad.against the Bucanoers.<br />

HnmilUn. , Kverytlimjr they tried cither went wronir or wouldn't work. After tho<br />

.nil Lieutenant I'aul Hnnnclwr*! Hue/ jrnt off to an early 7-2 lend at the quarter. they ' played - - conservarv<br />

» WUA *>•*•.> killed blli.ul in !« artlnn Miki" Voviu*. whil' 1 ' t«tudiled with laugh* and muytic :i<br />

i-atchint: any of MikeV throws that 1 . i''ir IK'KI.<br />

ICoVrt ,)j«rnr«. tins.* of '\'A, in a • • • * *<br />

ti... Xnvy. Miitinned at: of c,lUrw.. y,)U recot'nlze the smiling faces you nee in thi* column,<br />

i.iano. . . . roiii-h lu-nny Neff hjM l»;t'n mentoring cage teams at Umell for many<br />

Seniors<br />

Hoys' Yard<br />

Seniors<br />

Hillchrand<br />

Wilsun<br />

Simmons<br />

Hollers<br />

Willhsick<br />

Johnson<br />

flyers<br />

Voyne<br />

McGilly ..<br />

tb<br />

21) ..<br />

:ib<br />

ss ..<br />

If .<br />

cf<br />

rf<br />

p<br />

. c ...<br />

"SIUKKCI" I.orbeer '<br />

"Hicps" Dunn (<br />

"Terror" Neff<br />

"KeKK.v" KrieRcr<br />

"Curley" I'eilint; ,<br />

Ticcr" AlKcr •<br />

•Ktehlln- .Mike 1 Voyne '<br />

. . "Kil!cr" Harris [<br />

Cards Start Prep.<br />

Race-Won 1--Lost lj<br />

Starting the *eai>on off with a t" twelve. <strong>The</strong> imtiaiiH only com*!<br />

lane. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s champumxhlp- mitted nix. High i«»Int man was'<br />

bound fEw found itself with nn Im- "I>>fty" Motirc with seven poiut.u/<br />

portant victor)' of -4*22 over the followed by Dick Mulready, who'<br />

SU Ignatius Wildcat*. totaled six. I<br />

With nn early 7-0 lead it looked Tho thirties game wa;* also one]<br />

good for the Indians tilt S. I. hit of nhcvr excitement with S. I. cop-!<br />

an eight point string. With Itoth! ninir a very cli.se 22-21 vlitoryj<br />

adding a free throw and <strong>Lowell</strong>'over tlic PIIIHHISCS in an overtime'<br />

hitting a field goal, the tinmx re-; battle which saw Johnny Fracchln;<br />

tirwl ai-'the half-time with the: emerge high point man nnd chief!<br />

score 10-9.' ; "tar for I-owcll, with a tully of;<br />

'It was nip ami tuck throughout 1 "I"* noinU.<br />

. the third quarter, with St. Igna-: Ivan Slavtchs la^ket with fif-<br />

• tiw leading 10*18. Banket* by Joe j teen xt-combi to go. sent the iramc<br />

Flaiinvcn and Ilalph Lynch offset-Into the extra three minutes. Froe-i<br />


each other: then n free throw byi chin hit a field goal, but the Igna- Iniun* leading 10-M and each hit<br />

Kennedy and a lone one by Flnhn- tians also hit one and. with a free* | nil-important field goab'. with Oilven<br />

tied un the score and *et the; throw, put the game on Ice. i lt»n's charity toM hccomiiij; the destage<br />

for the sensational ending, l Though the game was a failure elding factor of the contest. Grid-<br />

Kennedy , fouled Mulready. who: fnr th(. thirties, it was a verv big'fkm Doug Scovil nnd Jim Beaver<br />

missed the free throw, hut this-Btcp for thu varsity toward tho \ were starteil for I^>well but yanked<br />

gave <strong>Lowell</strong> control uf thn ball.] rhampionjiniti ladder. {from the limi-un eight minutes<br />

With one and one-hulf minutes to ,_ , _f tt. t,n.tttnKl tnwi.u in i '»l«r a# Coach Ben Neff haw the<br />

go. Jtm Duvaras hit his all-decld-!, '" n " e "VIJT-H." Sii'TSiJh'! need for the experienced talent of<br />

ing basket which wrote the differ-j Xiouijj undefeated bilskJlball J( * Ftoliaven nnd Jim iJuvanw.<br />

ence on the Scoreboard. team towed sloppily to Balboa's Cut this ju*t wasn't <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

the twmi clickinir an they did n>.afnst the parochial school, then they're<br />

cointr t" have nn awful tounh time of It.<br />

One point Neff limucht out in our talk was the fact that no team<br />

ban ever won the A. A. A. title with two lo.-sei*. Thnt tradition may jro<br />

overboard thin year, for the b-acue'n tichter tban a Scotchman down to<br />

bin last dine. Mn-t of the team* are fnirlv even. To illustrate, St. !«•<br />

nntiu.-.. one of the better tenmn, hatt nt\ the etlec.<br />

evenly mnteheil. As they left the ,_,<br />

floor at half. St. Ignatius held a ... T1 ' l">'ol I»»t is manned by Vic<br />

tlim fl-7 lent). Huchcr. tallest man on the team.<br />

Tk. .~.,,nd half was c'—'- •—- VlcV ''•'""•"line ability helps the<br />

hut one<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s' varsity cagers turned M Buck«tlcs«" Bucanccrs, 19-1S, in day. and the Dues kept hitting<br />

what could have been defeat into;? gnme which bnd the crowd on tho'shoU from all angle* aim lengths<br />

victory by hitting them on thn • «li;es of their scats the full thlr- while tho Have* and Ashbury boys<br />

free-throw line, swi*binir e two minutes.<br />

,. .., Sherman Heany. who<br />

• _.,.. <strong>The</strong> Indians . one veteran , , balltlimc(| „ • —•" rotwtantly intercepting poorly<br />

?• ninvcr.juo <strong>The</strong> Indians' Tliuraton. ono veteran wns held hall-i to 0 ;curacv n{mcd Indinn pn**cit and whose oc-<br />

V field i -goals . _*. by Tommy .— Gucrin. t..,.t.. but.' - cUracv of the ««, nsuwnslble for «*«n<br />

«•;''he gamored five via the five throw of the winners* nineteen wrintK, the<br />

Jv/llne. <strong>The</strong> Indians', best floor man Bucs nrnvnl to some .1,000 snectn-<br />

£:, war "Lefty" Moore whose aceres-<br />

- T •jt " sivencm slvencm and good nail hall'handling imnuiing<br />

£ were inslrumental in securing thei<br />

intHanK 1 wetu doini their lvest to hit even<br />

the clow-in «ho»j« ^et up by many<br />

of XcffV iniiumerahle plays.<br />

Dillon, laMt year'* lluhtwcipht<br />

htirh scorer, wax hailed as ths connuerintj<br />

hero o* ho drove In under<br />

Dues nrnvcil to some .1,000 specta the banket and under the blanket<br />

tors-that one to ten -odds mean li f "Lf" M d<br />

nothing.<br />

18 points.<br />

Neff*s boy* showed *cry i<br />

singly of a .good flnor.jnmp 'and; unb McGo\<br />

vrlon ^MniBbtelv' On« 'thin- ln' Toni DIIIon nmI " r w cllM , of "Lefty" Moore, made<br />

an all-out attempt, to "Just get rid<br />

Ntndfwl ihn oama of the ball." But. to the surprise<br />

e.l ISBUM 3£h<br />

* Valcnte.<br />

. favoVVf the iRnattan* wni tho Th0 latter Uo ucre Iniflrtol uith<br />

v number of fouls, which added up just fi\e minutes to play, with tho<br />

of r.iMilnit overtime. <strong>Lowell</strong> ncoreil. Jf '<br />

ed lineups. Coach everyone (Including himself)<br />

AQ M] * M *aroutul the r(m ^<br />

• " " "In the mcih for '<br />

In i.l« of fimri*<br />

* father.<br />

With one loss under their 1M .<br />

tho Indians nre now more determined<br />

than ner to cop tho championship.<br />

l ".<br />

firm ti> I'racchla stole the ball and ..T 11 ? Wanl position* are ran by<br />

went the length of the court for clal "£ Ro»enbcri- nnd In- Shemntwo<br />

noints. Fox or the WiMrat*: no ' »"»»»«nt l» tho spark of tho<br />

«m fouled, nnd he made his free; 1 ';!" 11 " ni1 » wwrf defensive man.<br />

throw to put St. Iinwliu. within!"'" rebwinciiiur Mil •hmtinir will<br />

one imlnt of the Indlnns. <strong>Lowell</strong> i " ln , v « 1 « r f the Indlnns. <strong>Lowell</strong> i " « f»rt In thi- light,<br />

toil the hall dwiourt hd! wetaht thi Sh<br />

nd wit<br />

Bdl<br />

ln , v « 1 « r « f»rt In thi- light,<br />

ll dowicourt on a had! wetaht names this year. Shemano<br />

PiiM, an with ith the second ticking '• » reliable ball plnycr and comes<br />

awav Bordclamrw clamrw of the Wildcats ''""""eh<br />

when ncedtd. Irj- l« a<br />

hit the luwn for two to put tho lB-1 fl n edtd. Irj l« a<br />

hit the luw for two to put tho lB<br />

ni! In frnt<br />

flMl m » n : '•" ta "<br />

nai!»ns In front. eyos nn the team.<br />

With but. fifteen seconds remain. Tho. second .trine also prewnt<br />

Ine. Lniiell took tlm; out... When a well.bjlanced cornnlnntlon. It Is<br />

time was called hack in. u de». romoonid of Boh Tollman nnd Boh<br />

jente »hot at the banlwt by the Matheny at forwtla. Solomon at<br />

In.liun» fnllnl. and St. TRnatirM renter, and Tom Nllon and Charll.<br />

»o. \lclorlous by the lllln margin Louie at the guird r»ts. Other<br />

of jno Mint- i mcmlurn or the team are Vic Lovit,<br />

Iracchia rs tho Mar or\t»e, (fam nob S»lnrley. Al Williams, Lurry<br />

and a real All-Cilj • candidate. Ter'.ine. Ilerhio Kewjler. Corky '<br />

John played first r string liBhl- Melville, and James Konkel.

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