02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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/FOttWAim<br />

By ti&e Day<br />

thing very Intercut inn — Miiu<br />

SdiouV Insurance* letter. Tht*<br />

m«t export sleuth* nn Ihc *taff<br />

ant tit (I I trying lo Mud I hi: nn<br />


Sin Inincisco Cfcllfona Wednesday April 14 1013<br />

Smash Brbidway Cbniedy Hit •$.100 'BpndsDayJ-kGoafesi^^^<br />

^ To Be <strong>Lowell</strong>'s terifi Bay<br />

, llr Editor Mlld«d Klefer _#j<br />

March H*-W« may be nroju-l J Brtot. brciay, ami hlunt' ...... ^,<br />

1 York critics '<br />

diced, uut this was the day of n ha ", TV*' 1 ? mcdy<br />

Rreat event, the /Iret luue of <strong>The</strong> 1 »"'nWRulnif plot.<br />

Lou-ell for Jprine 1043 api-cnrcd. Vmr? 1 " 1 '. an! TO ravlni: about?<br />

March 12-Tho last: Basketball I!" 1 York critics' ileMribeTii.' "ill<br />

rumanco, and! Senior Prom<br />

* ""• torm play, -Best FoV, At Fairmont<br />

rsUy "f the year and the classic ro- forward to bo elven on tho eve<br />

irark of of tho year share today's, "'"K'. of_ May 26, 20, and 28. In Wcdncwlay nishl, Juna 10, Lwnipclkht<br />

' <strong>The</strong> rally rjll> uas was for the the""><br />

"cnool auditorium<br />

«"• An ImttU<br />

Cnmmcrci .tmt which b> tho way' Bo« loot forw the<br />

lld<br />

1<br />

1 Bonds We Have; Boost]<br />

••• »"* Performance will go to<br />

ce^ji). <strong>The</strong> system would havo to;l^»wctl« P.-T. A. for '<br />

operate continuously during fouith. w»rk for I>i\vell sttidc<br />

and fifth pcrlfxlx. Of courcc. the 1<br />

daylight might La cut off, and *JM|P— «. A 17 1<br />

installation would probably co.ic CA £ .OieegC, A, Vrabec<br />

much ax a now .girls' gytn. but! * , „ n 11<br />

w« would surely have gitincd one, J^eau IlOnOr Koll<br />

more person to work on the cic&it*.<br />

°"&h 23-<strong>The</strong> r.ell-kno»n cold' „ 'i' 1 f. r ' : V! lc Sn f " lr Jf'^"""5 f 5 it vary liifflcult.<br />

&^?*^{5gg£&5yi<br />

'<br />

Anril &—To the frlnidd of Jan-<br />

— ., .._... We appreciate y«__.<br />

continued Intertst in our gossip<br />

u member of the Scroll, /iinn ed a<br />

. ct'iumn. Your letter. Haying the<br />

utruitfht ih A reconl, Vrnbec who<br />

;ame thing It said Insl year, came<br />

cnrrle* u program of six prvparod,! d<br />

after tho second page had gene to<br />

hi cr B p<br />

'<br />

press. ress.<br />

haii Dcupite one B.the the shortened program<br />

Apri! 8—We received n and tinrticipatiim ii IIn<br />

ninny<br />

n painjr<br />

th J ft tivities by Lowc!Ht«* th<br />

Comp at Topaz. Utah, a fit^mmcnt few days i the ..ruin parade was as strong as<br />

ngo, and rfcogn>zcd Home <strong>Lowell</strong> ever with many Hludcnts making<br />

nair.es in the sporU and goaxlp 20. 5. r » or CO paints and with it few<br />

*' columns. regLttrie? obtnining clan averages<br />

Today we have siore new* ! llVcr - 5 l )oi » tjI -<br />

froni them. Thoi«> former ntudentu<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> had reail uf our<br />

boaber campaign. Even in To- Art Classes Draw<br />

Pazlfc* <strong>Lowell</strong> spirit and the<br />

Amerkan spirit rame through Bomber Posters<br />

• *llh: Ilrirjr rolors. <strong>The</strong>y mined<br />

none* and art* buying all their To aid <strong>Lowell</strong>'s campaign to buyj<br />

bonds :— and -• stamp* -...r- through r- I^w- — - . a bomber corrj'ing tho school nntnc,<br />

-- ro that we »ey. Kvt I he credit [t|ie att c|aan^ arc prodacing ninny<br />

•or our bomber. attractive and colorful poster*. <strong>The</strong><br />

*^n you njvlwnciiUy that you j tncant spot* on tho bulletin boards'<br />

are chowlng OH much interest u |are be(nK fjncj w;th postsn show-i<br />

these peope who are now hun- \inK ^ l i 0 Lowdl" flylj.g on iln way<br />

dreds or miles from their former \ia ilt.|,, w|n tho war.<br />

• oraes... -. ^ Th(t 1tnnll.'r \Viri£ w a s (jonc under<br />

- ....... 0—Tho low juniors held<br />

' Jhelr first clnss dance, "Cutter's;<br />

Caper." As !n all school affairs,;<br />

tnoit that took part enjoyed thcm-|<br />

. wivei, end there were even a fcwi<br />

L-3*5 on tho dance floor. -<br />

%^{}, Butwhcru was our famed dance j<br />

April 12—<strong>Lowell</strong> has really .tonto<br />

was. Boyo.id the drives nnd t*rour<br />

garden on *-*-<br />

.. .tow sports vcgoL<br />

ajict, thev wwill<br />

be: vegctv]<br />

»mo day, we ho hope. '<br />

April 14—And<br />

today<br />

i ~ t th iM another<br />

thtt *ii|MT;t*ioii 01 Mrs. C. Buns.<br />

Many of the studentii were new to<br />

art work, und others had nover<br />

dnii any previous ' poster v work.<br />

Th^r completed work, however, is<br />

effective and attractive. ,, :•<br />

Among the- students who drew<br />

tho posters were B. Prciton, H.<br />

Wilson. M. Coiw. a Self. It. Bu-,<br />

chanan, JOMeElroy, E. HcmminJ<br />

A. CpIitemiL-p. Runyan. C. Law-j<br />

ronc«V W.' Rlyore, A. Kruer.<br />

Walker, J. Xowcll, L. SchlikofT. v-.<br />

April 14—And today another<br />

Krcercweer.iS. Emlay, G. Do Vtxf<br />

. ~..Kreai~ovant, another iMucof.<strong>The</strong> fTh<br />

tinl, and L..S5tneidcr.r ^-y<br />

; <strong>Lowell</strong>. Wo hoiw you like It, and Thft streamer banhor tnsfde. tho<br />

-• • wo hope you wl'l contlnuo nutting main-entrunco which stooK-iui 011<br />

V^Wniticsi -and critlclnns In- the bur way to'buy thnt hot'dog and<br />

llh fctll<br />

i^'-Tiw^jtTs'there for that Purpose<br />

^: and that purpose only. L '•<br />

^f;.Thi.t'f;thlrt^>^-: ••:• -'<br />

Our drive for tho Treasury Flag<br />

througn '00 per wnt participation<br />

in each ro^&try Is continuing. Bwt<br />

now, upeciftl Iniurcst is conturvd 011<br />

the rorr.ing S100 d.»y. ".<br />

<strong>The</strong> C. S. F. will do its part to Hemcmber, Friday is tho day.<br />

nivmotu good will relationship with Boy your b.-*J, go; a friend to buy<br />

the Prn-American countries In a a l-ond. so your room will ** doing<br />

program to be held In the nudito* its part. r<br />

rlum the first iwrlod today for the, liny to fly "Tha l/>weIL"<br />

scnion and the memoirs of the )r- <<br />

|;ganl2ation. •<br />

Mn,. Harriflon, who b the uutt.*Jt!<br />

of the new fiction host neller, "Captuln<br />

of the Andci.," wilt be tho|<br />

princijial guest speaker of the nro-( Out-Of-Town<br />

gram. Also to speak is Frsd Wathcr,<br />

un oxchango student from, NNorman<br />

Xrair.rr and Jack Gold-'<br />

bouth America who is now study- !""* f " hi*?<br />

ing at thu University of Califor-I ma.ls headlines In California't hfe<br />

n\i. He will discuss conditions and nchool dcbi):;ii^ world this month.<br />

hi* experiences In South America. In tho American Loirton conteAi.<br />

* TMsn words fol- At the end of thu program Mr. Norman ucc=mc tho <strong>Lowell</strong>:n-prn<br />

low the coming of nprlng us Moore, C. S. F. counselor, will talk "y<br />

spring iUtfif fullows winter. on scholarship.<br />

And wo all know what it<br />

means ... haxeluill, bmcliall,<br />

America's favorite game!<br />

Spring Is hero right nlong<br />

with thr birds and the bees,<br />

and the tendency if a young<br />

man's fancy. <strong>The</strong> kids love<br />

it: wo love It, and America<br />

loves It. It Is here along with<br />

sunny days, blue *kic*, and<br />

that lackadaisical mood.<br />

You have seen springs<br />

eumc and spring! go. You<br />

have liked their coming nnd mako thi<br />

hutod their departure Just as<br />

bus every one else, nnd<br />

you vo nbm hated the end of<br />

a season's baseball. Whether<br />

it is tho neighborhood team,<br />

thu old home team, or oven'<br />

thu major lca',rue, the end is<br />

always sad.<br />

Incidentally, r«woll DOES<br />

have a tanebail team, or<br />

didn't you l:now'.'T?<br />

1 ?" "' 1» fint contsl<br />

nounces that additional entertain*'<br />

munt will l»u supplied by Hay vVn*.<br />

Kon, bilcnted II-a student, who will<br />

do a Spanish ~ dance. <strong>The</strong> other 1<br />

hai.<br />

feh<br />

th.<br />

i<br />

•"•••»;«•» *t ^jj***<br />

dents. . Dandni? will'bo to th6;t«ne^CS : dents. ,Danc/n<br />

if#j^<br />

of records whi<br />

th the ffi """"""" <strong>The</strong> dancp comrrittce^#pg<br />

Dick Calender, Isabel p<br />

,y Angard. Ken Wells,<br />

JO, Carol Allen, "" '<br />

Bgh Haley.. Ray<br />

AtcanL<br />

7 • i* hV."* T- a^fay-^r\yi}

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