02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell

02.17.1942 thru 01.26.1945.pdf - The Lowell


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^M&^mm<br />

IP MwcIlHes To GFadiiale Jup IS<br />

'Looking |<br />

Around'<br />

= By Frank Piombo<br />

News item:<br />

Senior Ball at<br />

Fairmont,<br />

June 16<br />

Block L Rally<br />

Set For Friday<br />

<strong>The</strong> Block L picnic, held Wedn«-><br />

day. June 3, wan acclaimed a huge {<br />

success by all who attended.<br />

Exercises at Opera ^H?:<br />

House, 2:00 PJVL<br />

Ilf Edna Lafforlo<br />

Tfi« Senior UalL the hut dance<br />

X^E, Suf<br />

Room of the Fairmont Hotel.<br />

As clasn president. Bud Martin ' w By Mary Fletcher<br />

Four hundred and ten seniors, clad in traditional caps<br />

nnd gowns, will gather at the Opera House at 2:00 p. m.,<br />

To -110 <strong>Lowell</strong> seniors, June<br />

; s.me. of i,.Hbali and rwib.il June 16, to participate in Swell's second commencement.<br />

«* enjoyed by all.<br />

exercises since the war began.<br />

16 will end high school days.<br />

To many it will murk their<br />

promised nt the beginning bcR.nning of the<br />

,lf term. there will bo a top b.md<br />

thiptv, «..„ „,.,_ I <strong>The</strong> strains of the processional, "Pomp and Circumstance*,"<br />

played by the <strong>Lowell</strong> orchestra under the direction<br />

debut into the worlii. To all playing li fo h hi J^<br />

it will be one of the hliwest days La'rr"y Cannon and his"' or-1 hot dogs, beans, soft drinks, and of Mr. Reginald Krieger, will help to usher the gradua'ea<br />

in their life. But If any senior<br />

chemra. chestra. And <strong>Lowell</strong>s <strong>Lowell</strong>'s, own Dolo Dolo* ] ice cream.<br />

down the ailes to the stage.<br />

res Piirodl will sing, no it Is cany to<br />

: <strong>The</strong> program will open with an<br />

tells you that he's glad to leave tec tliat the music situation I, At the Block I. Rally, which will<br />

I Introduction _ by Samuel ".Bud"<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, emblien. Adams, Mtas Mctcnlf, Miss Dcnl-j Kctiremrnto, transfer*, and Un-<br />

i student speaker* addre*alnjc the<br />

—the athletic events.<br />

try, and mcnil>cnt of the commit-'cle Sam will reduce the present.<br />

Attention. <strong>Lowell</strong>,lei! : uu-ecblaee will be Eda Ugorj. tal-<br />

<strong>The</strong>ne and many more, no senior ttf, Marge Hauck. Connie Glaf-, faculty lint by eight teachers. Mr.! Here, fr.r you to fill out and.tnled Uwell dramatist, who will<br />

will ever forget.<br />

kidcif, Cal Atkins, Dolores Parodi,- Stephens announced yesterday.'<br />

keep. i» a Mimplr ballot, similar to, rccItr a poem, and John Harvey,<br />

Joe Kcknrt. Ruth 5chwedhclm,|Thi* account* for the three Engthe<br />

one ynu will receive at iwttry »(,„ wj|| mnke an addresa.<br />

Credit Where<br />

Stan Charles, Anne Wigle, Ititt- li*h count* recently dropped from<br />

on June 11. Below are listed the, ^ . .<br />

Credit IN Due<br />

Wetland. Kaj BlomquEst, Betty nvxt ttrmntter** program. <strong>The</strong> candidates for student body offl- Musical Selections Itendered<br />

To Dave Williams, our Mtudcnt IlanKon, Bob Kcs.er, nnd Phyllis trncher*' name* were withheld.<br />

con*, sn check your choire.<br />

body presEdt-nt, .'very Lotvvtlito I.udliim, are planning a prom t« ¥_—^__^^_^^__—_^_-—_^___<br />

I<br />

owes n vote be remembered. *~*~-^———<br />

of thanks for<br />

the fine<br />


work he has<br />

done this Though you go forth 'mid war-time dizzy reel.<br />

term. Our<br />

rnlliis *tfenj To fight your way through whirlwinds of despair.<br />

.•huck full of And stagger onward through a blinding muze<br />

en tertain- Choked with the dryncw of a dust-filled air.<br />

m«nt nnd<br />

fun. Our Waste not your tears on arid desert sands.<br />

school sipirit! That drink and dry or e'er your tear drops fall:<br />

was kept!<br />

high. What Or do but sift o'er pathways to your goal,<br />

goes for] Or paint mirages as you blindly crawl.<br />

Daw, goe-i!<br />

If you must moan in consecrated mood,<br />

for the other officers. <strong>The</strong>y came I<br />

through with flying colors. ' O'er ideals shattered by a War-lord's greed.<br />

Speaking of officer*. ex-Low- Lay up your sorrow in an eager heart,<br />

eliileH Bud Spiegel and (.tiry KrIII To nourish you against a deeper need.<br />

htTe breu elected president and<br />

Tice-ptenidcnt, respectively, of the Oh, keep your vision set on mountains high,<br />

U. C. soph cliuts. Geary Krlll will That edge the barren wastes you now must plod;<br />

be remembered as vicc-prexy when 'Tis in their shades your soul-sought treasures lie.<br />

attending here * year a (to.<br />

For there is peace, and gentleness, and God.<br />

We arc glad to know that De-j<br />

baters Clarence Kulxmstefn and<br />

—By Charles F. Walsh.<br />

Doris Thompson will nttend the<br />

: Northw*sttirn U. summer school<br />

for public sneaking ns a result of<br />

an article in this column. Good<br />

luck. Seniors Will Frolic as<br />

LcwrllilcM Win<br />

Many Hononi ;<br />

In all fields of endeavor, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students have teen extremely busy. Comic Characters Fri.<br />

And, as usual, they hnw walked<br />

home with their share of prizes.!<br />

For Instance, Journal Editor June<br />

in the funny pa-<br />

Sutton won honorable mention in<br />

R&W Out Friday<br />

thlii year's WIHhn. Alpha Cooper. .. , hU-h i-nior ....„<br />

Prire Contest In German. Patricia j this, you can believe li i it. bbecause<br />

an <strong>Lowell</strong>'s eagerly awaited Ki-d<br />

Moffit won the James D. Phelun | Friday all of the Kra*Juatcs*to*bc nnd White will be out Friday.<br />

Fund Rckular Scholarship in Art.<br />

tfchool dressed as Editor June Sutton hue picked<br />

Third place In the Veterans' of<br />

comie strip jn entirely different theme for the<br />

Poreitm Wars' city-witlc essay con-<br />

[characters. journal this time, "the present con-<br />

. test went to June Brooks.<br />

trusted with the past," in a unique<br />

, Fram sixth to third. That's the<br />

Warm Turns<br />

record uur traffic boys strung up<br />

For five term*<br />

in their annual review Irntt month.<br />

(he prmdi Winner of the Red ni>d<br />

. Nice coinjr, boys.<br />

II I' H hare White camera content lit Ilob<br />

watched senior Plumb, reg. 109. Annual Ed*<br />

Well, now Is ri-e time for nil<br />

day being cele- Itor June Sutlon announced<br />

icood editors (?) to say goodbye.<br />

brated. <strong>The</strong>y yeiiterduy. Plumb'* prize U<br />

Get before I sign off my hut<br />

have seen ho-<br />

column. I would like to thank the<br />

"free dancln* for two" at the<br />

bOH. cowboys,<br />

rcjre rditors and the rest of the<br />

Palace. generaUHly donated<br />

and bibir* pa«nstaff<br />

fur the fine work they have<br />

by that popular hutH'n mnn-<br />

Ing in revlew.l<br />

done. Ami here's wishing next<br />

Now, they are,<br />

agement.<br />

term's editor lou of luck.<br />

guing to have<br />

their turn at manner that rannot be revealed nt<br />

dressing up.<br />

Many of, the athletic hcrocswili,<br />

to school<br />

permen. Those<br />

intcd<br />

. friends will come as Felix<br />

the Cat, Pluto, or Mickey Mouse.<br />

' Today—Girls' Election Rally.<br />

Biff Dsnce<br />

AJune 10—Distribution of Red and .... traditional Senior<br />

Uanee will he held in I he gym.<br />

1 ; Musical itclcctioits, directed by<br />

; Miss Hazel Alexander, and accom-<br />

It ESI DENT<br />

id t tho<br />

3.1.1—Hop;*, Art<br />

by<br />

201—Homier, Paul<br />

Han*<br />


305—Clayton. Carrin«<br />

22tf— Kenficld, Jackie<br />

201—Menarj*. Carol<br />

UNI—Solomon, Betty<br />


•lOCa—Bcrriman, In*inc<br />

100—Eddy, Bob<br />


.<br />

Joseph Eckart<br />

109—DeForde, Satnte;<br />

Valedictorian<br />

220—Morjcolis. Alan<br />

}of the Priests from Alitalia," by<br />

YELL LKADEIt Mendelssohn, will be played by the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> orchestra.<br />

228—Schumacher, Don....<br />

Preceding,<br />

Preceding,<br />

the<br />

the<br />

latter<br />

latter<br />

will<br />

will<br />

be<br />

be<br />

the<br />

the<br />


Skluie<br />

l<br />

to the<br />

h<br />

FIuic<br />

FI<br />

and<br />

d<br />

the<br />

h<br />

playing<br />

of the "Star-Spangled Banner, li<br />

ill—Ue. Charles<br />

i:W—Salinger, Herbert<br />

LOWELL<br />

303—Simon, Joan <br />

201—Sturtevant. Robert<br />


220—Minaker. Patricia<br />

201—Netson, Henry •——•<br />

35,000.00 SALE OF<br />


1 * led<br />

by R. O. T. C. Major Maxwell T.<br />

Jcmes.<br />

DIplomaM Conferred<br />

Mr. Stephens, <strong>Lowell</strong>V prlndp*l<br />

will confer diplomas upon<br />

graduates, uufeted by high senior<br />

registry teachers, Mendame* A. L.<br />

Bach, F. M. Crocker, M. IL Le-<br />

Seur, E. M. Olborn. Dr. F_ M. Mcr*<br />

tine, and MetMrs. I. C. Marker. R.<br />

Barry. L. S. Rerlough, A. E. John*<br />

uton, and M. S. Power.<br />

Graduates will" reassemble in<br />

the evrninir for the Senior Ball to<br />

be held this year at the Terrace<br />

Room of the Fairmont HoteL<br />

this time.<br />

< A su.-prise awaits all readers<br />

-— ~ 1" I when they turn to the senior<br />

vwo who »»vc always U c , *A wmp|ete chancP of<br />

- ac L?, UI An almost unbelievable total of<br />

$.15,000 worth of U. S. War Bonds!<br />

ami Stamps—cash enough to pur*'<br />

chase seventy jeeps—durinjjMay by<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> Volunteer S^n'ice<br />

?__l?. £r"S_»?Iii»tyl«<br />

styl<br />

ted.<br />

vcata has the . Iwen effected, „..? of which the «tu redents<br />

instead of their achieve*<br />

merits.<br />

Day<br />

nce will he held in the gym. Ann W!*Ie.<br />

A A ! <strong>The</strong> dance'commltfee bi headed Members of the Senior Day com-<br />

• •*•*•.! tar. Prnor-Bad Martin. Vice-Prezy m!tt« are Bab Knox. Max James,<br />

\ii*rs~luixit£ H HauCV and'3eerelary nd Scretary Con- Stevi Dotur, Wilicmay WiulDR.<br />

nie ^Ufkldtf. <strong>The</strong>r nltl b* ai-Bob<br />

von drr Lcttb, Mary Fletcher,<br />

Senior silted by-Cat Atkins, Kaj Bloom- Finnic ?iombo,: Janet Rico, Dav^<br />

^'oaLrt,' Stan Chariot.-Joe',Eckart Williaru. Willi oUrjorie .77elce., Car-<br />

y Hasstn, Bob Xewler, PhlKs barn '^Tyler.' Tyler. Culbert Atkins, Pat -Pat<br />

ftm. -.DolorM,7?Parodf,: Jlnth Hutching. Phil At Amtt, and d Bud<br />

~ lia,.RlUj WttUn^mnd Murtin. --<br />

;<br />

under Mrs. Covstcr.<br />

ThrnuRh the work of thbt Rruup.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ix well on its way to a<br />

Kual of $50,000. Thin achievement<br />

followed a pvhod of practically no<br />

wale* tbr fir*! few months of the<br />

/ear.<br />

Teachrr* Hare Helped<br />

OutJidu buyinc bonds has helped<br />

to rake the toUil an have the<br />

teachers' purchaich. Credit is also<br />

line them for their constant enjournvement<br />

of pupils to cooperate.<br />

Keslftlrleii that have bought constantly<br />

ttlncethe besinnlnr of the'<br />

drWc aro 102, 153, 154. 203. 207,<br />

316, 108. 105. 103. 131. and 319.<br />

Least response Has come from<br />

the low four's as a whole.<br />

Ruy for Victory<br />

Mrs. Coester mmtcud up the<br />

campaign. Its purpose and its need,<br />

with these words:<br />

**W* mutt-realize that we are<br />

now In the midst of a vital conflict.,<br />

. .. . <strong>The</strong> only wayui can help 1<br />

R.O.T.C. Hopes to<br />

Maintain<br />

Hoping to maintain It. l».t<br />

T. C, led by Colonel Bud Martin,<br />

>va<br />

" h«Pefu»y '»r word on the re-<br />

«»« f"!"<br />

the war effort Is buying stamps<br />

and bonds eoaklitently. We must<br />

remember that-to be. good Americans<br />

^ta'crtfice for our;country U es*<br />

1 Il"Peetlon. CnMen<br />

» lllt "> lr '> - »«»' WBh Mloolj<br />

tlirouirhout the country iu an<br />

"llonnr School" but year, Lowe!) :<br />

tape* again to be in this bracket.<br />

<strong>The</strong> R. O. also finished third high-<br />

Mt in th si<br />

« «h Corps Area.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ritle team this year took<br />

niHi term's military dance was<br />

held June 2, and amontr other functions<br />

there was n two-dny march In<br />

Marin County. June G ana 6.;<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual banquet will be held<br />

Friday wcnlntr, and - announce-<br />

-" •--- -m be<br />

<strong>The</strong> Second Annual Super- '<br />

fnLcndcni'i Review of the R.<br />

O. *T. C. of 'Saif'-Pstorliw -<br />

•£hfzh schools wfll Iv-heitlto-.<br />

'^rayrrow^flt l:30-.o<br />

canssacri<br />

sentiaL" -p-<br />

i *Joc3£.»* It;,<br />

wflttake place atlTexv SU--<br />

: dium and-tbe^pnbU^Uiln-^<br />

;-Tited..: r . .-.•' ^.rs&z?-

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