EurOCEAN 2000 - Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee

EurOCEAN 2000 - Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee

EurOCEAN 2000 - Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee


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The project is concerned to measure rock geotechnical properties that are likely to exercise<br />

some control on platform <strong>de</strong>velopment at the field sites. Schmidt hammer testing is being used<br />

in the field, together with surveys of joint spacing and direction. Laboratory tests inclu<strong>de</strong><br />

porosity and permeability <strong>de</strong>terminations, point load and compressive tests. Due examination is<br />

also being given to the physical and chemical weathering processes active on the platforms,<br />

how they interact and combine, and are influenced by the geotechnical properties of the rocks<br />

at the different sites. In addition, a study is being ma<strong>de</strong> of the erosive processes active on the<br />

platforms, particularly abrasion, their relationship to the geotechnical properties of the rocks,<br />

and their effects on rates and types of sediment production and platform <strong>de</strong>velopment.<br />

Abrasion mills are being used to simulate the action of the sea. In addition, small rock samples<br />

(tablets) are being attached to the platforms so that their weight loss can be monitored (Moses,<br />

<strong>2000</strong>).<br />


Another objective of ESPED is to investigate the varying morphology of the shore platforms at<br />

the study sites and relate it to the geotechnical properties of the rocks and sea conditions (fetch,<br />

tidal range etc.). Tacheometric surveys are being ma<strong>de</strong> of the platform surfaces and profiles.<br />

The intention is to construct a generalised morphometric map of each site showing the macro<br />

surface relief as well as to prepare <strong>de</strong>tailed maps of selected individual micro-relief features,<br />

such as runnels and rock pools. The survey data will also be used to <strong>de</strong>termine the width and<br />

gradient of the platforms, and to i<strong>de</strong>ntify breaks of slope. The structure of the runnel systems<br />

will be analysed using network analysis. Calculations will be ma<strong>de</strong> of drainage <strong>de</strong>nsities,<br />

stream frequencies and other morphometric variables.<br />


A further objective of ESPED is to investigate the rates and manner of retreat of the sea cliffs<br />

on the landward si<strong>de</strong> of the shore platforms at the monitoring sites. By combining historic and<br />

contemporary data it will be possible to reach broad conclusions concerning the relationship<br />

between rates of cliff retreat and the rates of downwearing of the platforms. Existing maps and<br />

aerial photographs have been analysed, also historic photographs and other archival material.<br />

Different dates and scales of mapping in different EU countries has ma<strong>de</strong> cross-comparisons of<br />

historical rates of retreat somewhat difficult, nevertheless the ESPED team has already<br />

achieved a useful <strong>de</strong>gree of transnational data harmonisation. At sites where the cliff faces are<br />

retreating at the most only very slowly, time sequence photography is being used to <strong>de</strong>termine<br />

what changes, if any, are occurring. Standardised information is being collected on cliff<br />

profiles, cliff erosion processes, and the contribution of cliff retreat to sediment inputs to the<br />

marine environment.<br />


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