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diálogo jurisprudencial - Instituto Interamericano De Derechos ...

diálogo jurisprudencial - Instituto Interamericano De Derechos ...


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acom pa ñar la du ran te su via je. En con se cuen cia, ade más de otras con si de -<br />

ra cio nes, la Sala Cons ti tu cio nal es ti mó como ar bi tra ria la re so lu ción de la<br />

au to ri dad mi gra to ria por no ha ber to ma do en cuen ta el in te rés su pe rior del<br />

niño ni la pro tec ción que el Esta do debe otor gar a la fa mi lia por me dio de<br />

su reu ni fi ca ción. Por lo tan to, con ce dió el am pa ro so li ci ta do.<br />

En su sen ten cia, la Sala Cons ti tu cio nal de la Cor te Su pre ma de Jus ti cia de<br />

Cos ta Rica alu dió, en tre otros, a la Opi nión Con sul ti va OC-17/02, Con di -<br />

ción Ju rí di ca y <strong>De</strong> re chos Hu ma nos del Niño, de la Cor te Inte ra me ri ca na<br />

de <strong>De</strong> re chos Hu ma nos; a la Con ven ción so bre los <strong>De</strong> re chos del Niño de<br />

las Na cio nes Uni das y, a la <strong>De</strong> cla ra ción Uni ver sal de <strong>De</strong> re chos Hu ma nos.<br />

La sen ten cia se en cuen tra acom pa ña da de un voto con jun to.<br />

Syn op sis: The Con sti tu tional Cham ber of the Su preme Court of Jus tice of<br />

Costa Rica granted an amparo whereby it re ferred to the prin ci ple of fam -<br />

ily re uni fi ca tion and the su pe rior in ter est of the child. A for eign cit i zen<br />

with per ma nent res i dence in Costa Rica re quested the mi gra tion au thor i -<br />

ties of Costa Rica a re stricted en trance visa for his mi nor daugh ter and<br />

wife. The au thor i ties granted a visa to his daugh ter but de nied it to his<br />

wife, stat ing non-com pli ance with the re quire ments un der the law ap pli ca -<br />

ble to for eign ers to re side le gally in Costa Rica. To that end, un der the<br />

amparo re quested to the Con sti tu tional Court, the ap pel lant pointed out<br />

that such res o lu tion was con trary to the prin ci ple of fam ily re uni fi ca tion<br />

re sult ing from the right of spe cial pro tec tion of the State to the fam ily.<br />

In its sen tence, the Con sti tu tional Cham ber stated that, based on the ju ris -<br />

pru dence of the Inter-Amer i can Court of Hu man Rights and the Eu ro pean<br />

Court of Hu man Rights, as well as on var i ous in ter na tional in stru ments in<br />

such mat ter, the State is obliged to look af ter the sta bil ity of the nu clear<br />

fam ily. Like wise, the Con sti tu tional Cham ber pointed out that the en joy -<br />

ment of liv ing to gether of par ents and chil dren is a fun da men tal el e ment<br />

of fam ily life. There fore, even when par ents are sep a rated from their chil -<br />

dren, their liv ing to gether must be guar an teed. On the other hand, the<br />

Con sti tu tional Cham ber also es tab lished that the su pe rior in ter est of the<br />

child must be taken into ac count. Thus, the States have the duty to avoid<br />

sep a rat ing a nu clear fam ily and pro mote the nec es sary con di tions for the<br />

fam ily to en joy the per ma nent pres ence of their par ents. Ad di tion ally, the<br />

Con sti tu tional Cham ber pointed out that pur su ant to this, the States must<br />

con sider any re quest made by a child or their par ents to en ter or to exit a<br />

State in a pos i tive, hu man i tar ian and easy man ner. The Con sti tu tional<br />

Cham ber also men tioned that the mi gra tion au thor i ties did not take into<br />


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