Catalogue 217: CHF 20. - Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.

Catalogue 217: CHF 20. - Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.

Catalogue 217: CHF 20. - Harteveld Rare Books Ltd.


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Beautiful handwritten work of a eulogy in prose and verse<br />

on king Ghazi al-Din Haidar by Muhammad Sadig Han, also<br />

known as „Ahtar“ Huglawi, who lived under the reign of the<br />

above mentioned Ghazi al-Din Haidar in Lucknow (Lakhnau),<br />

today capital of Uttar Pradesh in India. His father Muhammad<br />

La’l was also a poet and writer of works in Persian and Urdu.<br />

The manuscript consists of the complete text in 19 chapters.<br />

Beside the praise for his prince it contains valuable geographical<br />

information about Lucknow, Persian anectotes (for example<br />

on Hâtami-i Tâ-î, the Persian kings of the sassanian dynasty),<br />

the caliphs of the islamic period, the Greek and Persian philosophers,<br />

their theories, works and discoveries, persian poems and<br />

a few Arabic poems. Some of the texts and illustrations are not<br />

completely executed. The first word from the following page is<br />

written in the left corner of every page. There are annotations<br />

and pencil notes in Devangari (Hindi) on some pages. The first<br />

2 pages with rich ornaments are a praise to god, followed by a<br />

page showing king Ghazi al-Din Haidar hunting and sitting on<br />

his throne while his subjects honor him. Most of the fine colour<br />

drawings show court scenes with men & women, elephants or<br />

animals in the wild with hunters (text description based on the<br />

expertise in German of this manuscript by Dr. Shirin Sanati-<br />

Müller, Heidelberg). Storey, Persian literature I, 707.<br />

Illustrated japanese leporello folded book<br />

poets’-portraits, colored figures with texts<br />

674. Japanese Gallery of poets. XIXth c., lg. in-8vo,<br />

leporello folded, 35 plates with colour plates of the po-<br />

<strong>Harteveld</strong> <strong>Rare</strong> <strong>Books</strong> <strong>Ltd</strong>., CH-1700 Fribourg 117<br />

ets with an example of a famous poem. Original tissue<br />

bookcovers, wooden box. HRB 79369 2500.-<br />

675. Kammavaca, Burma. - 18th Century Kammavaca.<br />

Burmese Prayer Book. Handwritten texts - Birmanische<br />

Handschrift. quer folio, (13.7x58.5 cm.), 10 large loose<br />

leaves (out of ?) with gold and black texts on both sides,<br />

between 2 original wooden boards. HRB 79395 3500.-<br />

Burma. - 18th Century Kammavaca Burmese Prayer Book. 10<br />

leaves. With full description on history and techniques available.<br />

www.kammavaca.net<br />

676. Orthodoxes Kirchengesangsbuch. Altrussisch<br />

neumierte liturgische Originalhandschrift, o.J. (um<br />

1830), in-4to, 118 (statt 120) Bl., kirchenslawische<br />

Handschrift auf Papier, Schriftspiegel à 12 Zeilen, altrussisch,<br />

neumiert, mit farbig aquarelliertem Frontispiz,<br />

15 farb., teils golderhöhten Initialen, 9 farb., teils<br />

golderhöhten Kopfstücken, sowie zahlreichen, z.T. mit<br />

Schmuckfarben akzentuierten roten Federwerksinitialen,<br />

Lederband d. Z. mit reicher Blindprägung über Holzdeckeln,<br />

4 Messingnieten auf Hinterdeckel, 2 Schliessen,<br />

sehr schönes (restauriertes) Exemplar. HRB 84133 8500.-<br />

Prächtiges Chorgesangsbuch der russischen Altgläubigen. Die<br />

russisch-orthodoxe Kirchenmusik besteht ausschliesslich aus<br />

Gesang und ist fester Bestandteil des Kirchenritus. Bis ins 17.<br />

Jh. waren diese Kirchengesänge einstimmig und wurden in der<br />

altrussischen Neumenschrift von Hand notiert (sog. „Semantische<br />

Notation“ oder „krjukovaja notacija“). Zar Alexei I. liess<br />

im 17. Jh. die Liturgie reformieren und führte in der Folge den<br />

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