1957 - United Nations Statistics Division

1957 - United Nations Statistics Division

1957 - United Nations Statistics Division


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5. Population of capital cities and cities of 100 000 or more inhabitants (continued)­<br />

Population des capitales et des villes de 100 000 habitants au moins (suite)<br />

[See headnote on page 150. - Voir note explicative a 10 page 150.]<br />

Continent, country, date and city Continent, country, date and city Continent, country, date and city<br />

Continent, pays, date et ville Population Continent, pays, date et ville Papulation Continent, pays, date et ville Population<br />

EUROPE (continued - suite) EUROPE (continued - suite) EUROPE (continued - suite)<br />

Germany (cont.) - Allemagne (suite!: Italy 99 (cont.) -Jtalie 99 (suite) Poland (continued) - Pologne (suite)<br />

West Germany 1 (continued)- Trieste.•••••••••(est.) 31-XII-56 285529 Gdynia......•••.••(est.) 31 -III-57 135000<br />

Allemagne-Ouest 1 (suite) Messina ................ " 238209 Gliwice•••••••••••• " 132000<br />

Osnabruck.•••.•.(est.) 30-VI-56 128564 Verona .•••••••• " 194282 Sosnowiec................... " 124000<br />

Darmstadt.•••••• " 124 548 Taranto••••••••• " 185059 Radom ..•••••••.•• " 120000<br />

Recklinghausen .•• " 124373 Padova..••••••• " 183730 Walbrzych..••.••.• " 111 000<br />

Saarbrucken.•••• " 123 504 Cagliari•••••.••• " 155445 Bialystok........... " 105000<br />

Heidelberg ..•.•• " 123305 Livorno ................... " 152672<br />

Regensburg •.•••• " 120450 Brescia .................. " 151 242 Portugal<br />

Oldenburg...•••. " 119486 Reggio di Calabria " 147466 Lisboa (cap.)•••••.•••• (est.) 1956 835 132<br />

Remscheid ••••.•• " 118499 Ferrara .................. " 143089 Porto•••••••.••.•.••• " 297231<br />

Mainz............. " 117449 Parma ............... " 126586<br />

Herne.••••••.•.• " 115566 Modena •••.•••• " 121 830 Romania - Roumanie<br />

Bottrop.......... " 105412 Foggia ••.•••••• " 116933 Bucure,ti {cap.)...........21·11-56 * 1 236905<br />

Offenbach a.M.••• " 105031 La Spezia .•••••• " 116072 Cluj.................... " *154752<br />

Wurzburg ...•••• " 104552 Reggio nell Emilia. " 110009 Tirnifoara ....................... " * 142251<br />

Wanne-Eickel ••••• " 102 393 Bergamo•••••••• " 109964 Stalin•••••••••••••••••• " * 123 882<br />

Salzgitter•••..••• " 100857 Perugia .••.••.•• " 102897 Ploe'ti•••••••••••.•••••• " * 114560<br />

Icfi ................................ " * 112989<br />

Berlin Liechtenstein Arad•.•••••••••••.••••. " * 106 457<br />

East Berlin- Vaduz (cap.) •.•••••••••• 1-XII-50 2735 Briola.•.••••••.•••••••• " * 102491<br />

Berlin-Est......(est.) 31-XII-56 11 121 873<br />

Luxembourg Spain - Espagne<br />

West Berlin- Luxembourg-ville (cap.) Madrid (cap.)•••.•••(est.) 1-VII-57 1 848 901<br />

Berlin-Ouest.•• (est.) 31-XII-56 12 223 145 (est.) 31·XII-56 168833 Barcelona •••.•••••• " 1 428777<br />

Valencia .•••••••••• " 550969<br />

Greece 95 - Grece 95 Malta and Gozo [UK] - Malte et Sevilla ••••••••••••• " 425541<br />

Athens (cap.) ....••••••7-IV-51 565084 Gozo [R-U] Malaga............ " 304232<br />

Agglomeration••.•••• " 96 1 378 586 Valletta (cap.)......(est.) 31-XII-55 18800 Zaragoza •••..••••• " 282394<br />

Salonika ••••••.•.•••.• " 217049 Bilboa {Vizcaya) .•••• " 254 672<br />

Agglomeration.•.•.•. " 297164 Monaco.•••.•.•••••••••••.4-1-56 20442 Murcia ...................... " 236049<br />

Piraeus 97 ...................... " 186014 Cordoba•..••••••.. " 181 570<br />

Agglomeration .•.•.•• " 342574 Netherlands1_ Pays-Bas 1 Palmas, Las (Canarias) " 180074<br />

Amsterdam (cap.)......(est.) 1-1-57 871 188 Coruna, La ............... " 157477<br />

Hungary - Hongrie Rotterdam............ " 722 718 Granada........... " 153715<br />

Budapest (cap.) •••(est.) 31-XII-56 I 850000 's Gravenhage........ " 606728 Palma de Mallorca<br />

Miskolc......... " 150000 Utrecht ..•••••••••••• " 247816 (Baleares)•.•.•. " 153682<br />

Debrecen..••••• " 130000 Haarlem••....•.•.••• " 167264 Vigo (Pontevedra).•. " 148718<br />

Pees.••....••.•. " 110000 Eindhoven.•..•••••••• " 157621 Santa Cruz de Tenerife<br />

Szeged••..•.... " 100000 Groningen••.•.•••••• " 142 889 (Canarias).•.••• " 130501<br />

Tilburg ..••••.••••.•• " 131 277 Valladolid...••••... " 129 842<br />

Icela.nd - IsJande Nijmegen...•.•.•.••• " 122963 Oviedo.•.•.•...•.• " 124709<br />

Reykjavik (cap.)...(est.) 1.XII-56 165 305 Arnhem ..•.••••.••••• " 119814 Jerez de 10 Frontera<br />

Enschede•.••...•..•.• " 118 671 (Cadiz)..••.•.• " 122709<br />

Ireland - Irlande Breda••.•.•.•••••••• " 101 781 San Sebastian<br />

Dublin (cap.) ..••••.••••8-IV-56 539 476 (Cuipuzcoa) " 120632<br />

Agglomeration •.•.••• " 98 649 338 Norway1_ Norvege 1 Giian (Oviedo) ••..•• " 118282<br />

Cork................. " 80011 Oslo (cap.)•.....••••• (est.) 1-1-56 451 247 Cartagena (Murcia) •• " 112943<br />

Agglomeration.•.•..• " 114428 Bergen.•..•••.••••.• " 114720 Alicante•••••.••••.• " 109399<br />

Cadiz•.••••••••.•• " 109300<br />

Isle of Man [UK] -lie de Man [R-U] Poland - Pologne Santander•••.•.•.•• " 102904<br />

Douglas (cap.) ••.••••.•8-IV-51 20361 Warszawa (cap.)....(est.) 31-111-57 1 031 000<br />

Lodi••.•.•...••..• " 686000 Sweden1_Suede 1<br />

Italy 99 -Italie 99 Krakow....••••.•.• " 465000 Stockholm (cap.).......(est.) 1-1-56 785945<br />

Roma (cap.) ....•(est.) 31-XII-56 1 829406 Wroclaw.••••...•• " 390000 Agglomeration.••••• " 1 062317<br />

Milano•.•....... " 1 355 410 Poznan .................... " 379000 Goteberg.••.•.••.••• " 380442<br />

Napoli•••••••••• " 1 096755 Gdansk.•.••..•..•. " 262000 Agglomeration•••••• " 440819<br />

Torino .................. " 853 179 Szczecin ..................... " 239000 Malmo.............• " 209473<br />

Genova.•....... " 727012 Bydgoszoz .•••.•••• " 213000 Agglomeration•.•.•• " 219113<br />

Palermo......... " 557468 Katowice•••.•.•.•• " 204000<br />

Firenze••••••••. " 403 890 Zabrze.••••.••.•.• " 185000 Switzerland 1_ Suisse 1<br />

Bologna......... " 387574 Bytom............. " 179000 Berne (cap.).••..•.(est.) 31-XII-56 158700<br />

Catania•••••.••• " 337286 Czestochowa •••••••• " 155000 Agglomeration... " 209900<br />

Venezia.•....... " 333 165 Chorzow.........•. " 144000 Zurich.........•.•• " 422000<br />

Bari............ " 299928 Lublin............. " 143000 Agglomeration... " 504300<br />

* Provisional. 1 De jure population. 95 Data include armed forces out.<br />

side country; exclude alien armed forces within country. 96 Includes ago<br />

glomeration of Piraeus. 97 Included in agglomeration of Athens. 98 Includes<br />

45 007 in suburbs of Dublin, 47553 within legally defined<br />

boundaries of adjoining town of ,Dun Laoghaire and 17302 in its suburbs.<br />

99 De jure population; data refer to "agglomerations" not otherwise<br />

defined.<br />

158<br />

* Donnees pravisoires. 1 Population de droit. 95 Y compris les militaires<br />

nationaux hors du pays, mais non compris les militaires etrangers stationnes<br />

dans 10 region. 96 Y compris I'agglomeration du Piree. 97 Compris<br />

dans I'agglomeratian d'Athenes. 98 Dont 45 007 personne. habitant<br />

10 zone suburbaine de Dublin, 47553 personnes habitant a I'interieu,<br />

des Iimites officielles de 10 ville voisine de Don Laoghaire et 17302 persannes<br />

habitant 10 zone suburbaine de cette ville. 99 Population de droit;<br />

les donnees se rapportent a des lTagglomerationslT, sans autre precision.

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