1957 - United Nations Statistics Division

1957 - United Nations Statistics Division

1957 - United Nations Statistics Division


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BIRTHS<br />

6. Live births and crude birth rates (continued)<br />

[See headnote on page 162.]<br />

Continent and country<br />

AFRICA (continued)<br />

Number - Nombre<br />

Code 1 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956<br />

Sao Tome and Principe [Porl.] •••••• C 2050 2735 2580 2440 2 163 1 878 2844 ... ...<br />

Seychelles and dep. [UK] ••••.••••. ... 996 1 035 1 061 1 033 1 037 1 169 1 209 1 303 1 458<br />

Sierra leone [UK]:<br />

Colony••••••.•.••••••.••.•••• too . 4658 4515 4353 4461 4535 4942 4993 5531 5662<br />

South West Africa 17:<br />

White population••.••.•••... t C 1 386 1 319 1 488 1 640 1 663 * 1 681 * 1 785 ... ...<br />

Spanish Guinea 12 •••..••.•..••••. t U 1 636 1 827 2317 2296 2381 2 138 1 763 2301 2 133<br />

Spanish Possessions in North Africa:<br />

Ceuta.••••••••.•.•..•.•...... t C 1480 1432 1 368 1410 1 268 1 246 1 202 1 330 1 283<br />

Melilla ••••.•••••••••••••••••• t C 1 795 1 573 1 663 1 562 1 628 1 480 1 452 1 625 1 647<br />

Spanish West Africa 18.••••••••••. .. . .. . ... 1 949 1734 1 564 2031 1749 ... ...<br />

Sudan••••••.•••••••••••••.•... .. . ... ... '" ... ... ·.. ... ... 19 535 835<br />

Swaziland [UK]:<br />

European population...••••••. .. , 93 84 87 83 60 80 78 98 ...<br />

Togoland [Fr. Adm.]:<br />

Indigenous population..••••.•. t U 20 .. . .. . 11 240 13984 15860 20449 27859 37678 ...<br />

Tunisia ......................... t U 111 084 92 439 106235 119981 105469 116647 119774 ... ·..<br />

European population.•.••.•••• t C 6 415 6 373 6 467 6 678 6 217 6 064 6 352 6 286 5 709<br />

Uganda [UK] •••..••••••••.•••••. too . .. . 120000 129000 ... ... · " '" ... ·..<br />

Unian of South Africa:<br />

Bantu population•••••••••.•.. t U 21 .. . 46 286 48 009 51 703 69 223 130246 146244 ... ·..<br />

White population..•••.•••••• t C 66 477 66 623 65 492 67 258 68 031 69 049 68 926 *70322 *73892<br />

Coloured (mixed) population... t C 47 027 49 177 50 127 53 063 54 235 55 700 67 293 *67612 * 60 124<br />

Asiatic population•.•.•.••••.• t C 12 406 12 361 13 384 13 014 13 165 13 627 13 878 * 14 197 * 13 719<br />

Zanzibar and Pembo [UK] •••.••••. U 7033 6500 5541 5359 5198 3835 5548 5463 5561<br />


Alaska [US] ••••••••••••••••••••• C 22 3079 3527 3725 4495 5755 6779 7038 7346 ...<br />

Bahama Islands [UK].............. C 2678 2646 2532 2739 2714 3056 3410 2844 3362<br />

Barbados [UK] ••••••••••••••••••• t C 6517 6549 6432 6793 7291 7304 7576 7593 7082<br />

Bermud a 23 [UK] ••••••••••••••••• C24 914 929 1 138 1046 1095 1 026 1 102 1 052 1 169<br />

British Honduras.................. t C 2506 2548 2657 2905 3028 2986 3231 3463 3725<br />

Canada 25 .••••••••••••••••••••. C 26 359860 367092 372009 381 092 403559 417884 436 198 442937 450739<br />

Conal Zone ••••••••••••••••.•••• C 1 734 1 636 1 852 1 897 1 959 2028 1 722 1 819 1 134<br />

Costa Rica •••••••••••••••••••••• U 27 24795 27969 29966 31 436 33777 34991 37759 38341 39901<br />

Cuba 12•••••••••••••••••••••••• t U 157364 160 628 163122 142693 143750 ·.. ... . " ...<br />

Dominican Republic••••••••••••••• t U 28 79135 84158 79298 74762 94322 95052 103010 104840 * 105991<br />

EI Salvador••••••••••••••••••••• U 29 80770 84839 90557 93634 96802 98474 102009 105040 106539<br />

Greenland [Den.] •••••••••••••••• .,. 883 989 1 065 999 1 037 1 115 1 135 ... ...<br />

Guadeloupe and dep. 2 [Fr.] ••••••• U 7370 8036 7702 8319 8463 8720 8941 9506 ...<br />

Guatemala••••••••••••••••••••• C 137009 140596 142673 151416 151 865 156377 162773 158856 163301<br />

Honduras••••••••••••••••••••••• t U 31 53503 55503 57636 60691 60646 67698 67413 71 533 ...<br />

Jamaica ex. dep. [UK] •••••••••••• t C 32 41463 44377 46459 48561 48902 51 131 53630 * 55881 * 58265<br />

Cayman Islands•••••••••••••••• t U 144 164 198 213 197 244 237 ... ...<br />

Turks and Caicos Islands••••••••• too. 195 227 240 239 243 206 238 268 223<br />

* Provisional.<br />

t Data known to be by year of registration rather than by year of<br />

occurrence.<br />

1 Data stated to be complete or virtually complete are coded "C"; those<br />

stated to be affected by irregularities in registration or incomplete<br />

coverage are coded I/U".<br />

2 Data exclude live-born ,infants dying before registration of birth.<br />

12 Data exclude live-born infants dying within 24 hours of birth.<br />

16 Official rate estimated from sample survey.<br />

17 Former mandated territory (Un,ion of South Africa).<br />

18 Including Southern Zone of former Spanish Morocco.<br />

19 Official estimate based on rates for 41 of 94 census areas. Registered<br />

births known to be very incompletely reported were as follows:<br />

1948............ 37425<br />

1949............ 36153<br />

1950............ 36938<br />

1951.. *32339<br />

20 Increases due to extension of civil registration facilities in 1954.<br />

20. Official estimate.<br />

21 Compulsory registration among natives (Bantu) in rural areas introduced<br />

1 January 1952.<br />

22 According to test of birth registration, 92.1 per cent complete in 1950.<br />

164<br />

* Donnees provisoires.<br />

t Statistiques etablies selon I'annee de I'enregistrement et non I'annee de<br />

I'evenement.<br />

1 la lettre "c" designe les donnees considerees comme completes au<br />

pratiquement completes; Ie lettre "U" les donnees considerees comme incompletes<br />

au faussees par des irregularites d'enregistrement.<br />

2 Non compris les enfants nes vivants et decedes avant I'enregistrement<br />

de leur naissance.<br />

12 Non compris les enfants nes vivants et decedes dans les 24 heures qui<br />

cnt suivi leur naissance.<br />

16 Estimation officielle, etabUe d'apres des sondages.<br />

17 Territoire auparavant sous mandat (Union Sud-Africaine).<br />

18 Y compris la Zone du Sud de !'ancien Maroc espagnol.<br />

19 Estimation officielle, etablie d'apres les taux valables pour 41 des 94<br />

regions recensees. Les naissances enreg,isfrees ()'enregistrement afent<br />

tres incomplet) s'etabliraient comme suit:<br />

1948............ 37425 1950............ 36938<br />

1949............ 36153 1951.. *32339<br />

20 Augmentations resultant de I'extension des services de I'etat civil en<br />

1954.<br />

20. Estimation officielle.<br />

21 l'enregistrement pour les indigenes (Bantous) des regions rurales a ete<br />

rendu obligatoire Ie ler janvier 1952.<br />

22 Un sandage a permis d'etablir que 92,1 pour cent des naissances ant<br />

ete enregistrees en 1950.

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